The robbery dispersed, and although Ye Fan's body was stained with blood, the fragmented body that was struck by the thunder robbery was intact and powerful, like a brute dragon.

"God King, you once said that Ye Fan broke into the Four Extremes Secret Realm, and the younger generation could fight him for life and death, you won't care, can you take it seriously?"

Although Ye Fan performed a miracle and became the first holy body to break through the gate of the four extremes after the Desolate Age, the young man was young and vigorous, and he was not afraid of his younger generation.

It is rumored that the Holy Body Ye Fan is extremely powerful and has no opponents of the same rank, but most people do not believe in evil and want to use Ye Fan as a stepping stone.

Even if it is clear that the combat power is extremely strong, there are Tianjiao who do not think that they are weak.

Jiang Tai looked faint: "If you want to fight, you can fight." "

As soon as these words came out, many people were eager to move.

Ye Fan glanced around, Ji Haoyue, King of Golden-winged Xiaopeng, Shaking Light Holy Son, Xia Jiuyou, Zifu Holy Daughter... The voice sounded like thunder, and he was not afraid: "Who dares to fight with me!" "

These people are all powerful people behind them, and their cultivation time is much more than him, so they have already reached the peak of the four poles, and he is only the first to enter the four poles.

But fighting and killing, not who is higher than the realm is powerful, after all, it is still necessary to see the truth under the hand.

Now, although he has just broken into the secret realm of the four extremes, he is full of strong self-confidence, he is not afraid of challenges, and he also wants to try the combat power of the top figures of the younger generation.

The Golden-winged Xiaopeng King is the most eye-catching, majestic and tall, blond hair dancing wildly, eyes sharp as a knife, holding a black desolate halberd, like a demon god approaching, wanting to take the lead in fighting Ye Fan.

"I said a long time ago, I want to refine medicine with you, and now you break the curse, it is better!" Xia Jiuyou was still arrogant, even if Ye Fan entered the Four Extremes Secret Realm, he still pressed forward.

Shaking Light Saint Son Gujing Wubo, just looked at Ye Fan faintly, and didn't seem to have the idea of making a move.

Two old men grabbed Xia Jiuyou: "Young master, the gun shoots the head bird." "

King Lao Peng didn't say a word, and with a wave of his sleeves, King Xiaopeng couldn't move.

"The four poles, also dare to speak out against the arrogant son of the world, the Holy Body, arrogant and arrogant."

A man in yellow appeared, with a disdainful face and a mean speech.

This man is only in his twenties, with a majestic breath, shining metallic skin, and has also stepped into the four poles, which can be regarded as a genius.

"Ye Hei, blast him! Kill him! Kill him! "

Before Ye Fan could speak, the big black dog was furious, jumping up and down, looking at that, if Ye Fan didn't make a move, he would personally go into battle and bite the man in yellow.

The man in yellow looked fierce, looked at the big black dog fiercely, and the big black dog glared back viciously, rubbing the snow-white teeth like a dagger: "Look at what!" Look at the emperor bite you to death again! "

The man in yellow said sadly, "Wait until I kill Ye Fan, and then slaughter you dead dog!" "

"Ye Fan, the one who killed you..."

Ye Fan said indifferently: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not interested in knowing one... The name of the dead man..."

Ye Fan didn't say a word more, and took a step in the void, disillusioned step by step, this kind of footwork that almost shrunk into inches made many people frightened.

The man in yellow not long ago Ye Fan's confrontation against the heavenly tribulation was obvious to all, the strength and terrifying of the flesh were deeply shocking, and the close combat with him was definitely looking for death, and he retreated one after another, decisively shot, and the five-color brilliance appeared, like a beautiful firework blooming, magnificent and magnificent, illuminating the entire night sky.


Ye Fan didn't move, and his movement was like a volcanic eruption, and the rolling qi and blood like a big river stained half of the sky, and he punched out.

The fierce, domineering, and destructive aura shocked the heart of the man in yellow.

The void directly emitted an overwhelmed wail, the fist seal condensed, crackling and shattering all the blocking existence in front of him, where his fist was directed, dust, and red gas were squeezed and exploded, annihilated inch by inch, and directly turned into a large vacuum.

The yellow-clothed man's face changed drastically, Ye Fan's speed exceeded his expectations, his violent retreat could not escape Ye Fan's attack at all, and a forbidden weapon suddenly appeared in his hand, turning into a colorful cloud with demonic power, overwhelming the sky, rushing towards Ye Fan, submerging him below.


The man in yellow was like a meteor falling from the sky, hitting the ground fiercely, like a cannonball hitting the ground, and the ground with a radius of hundreds of meters was like an earth dragon turning over, shaking violently.

The man in yellow immediately got up with a bounce, and his body cracked, as if it would crack at any time.

Ye Fan suddenly disappeared from the place, like a floating light, like a flying shadow, and appeared in front of the man in yellow in disillusionment.

The man in yellow was like a dying beast, and he fled without thinking about turning around.

Before he could escape far, his neck was pinched by a strong big hand, grabbing him like a chicken.

Ye Fan stared at him indifferently, stepping on the forbidden weapon that was shattered by his punch: "It's too weak, such a waste dares to fight with me, even if you use the forbidden weapon, it is vulnerable." "

In front of everyone's eyes, Ye Fan's five fingers retracted, and he pinched his neck with a bang, flicked his fingers, and exploded his head, and the headless corpse fell to the ground with a bang.

"Using forbidden weapons to kill people is really vicious."

"Someone must have instructed it, otherwise how could he possibly have a forbidden weapon!"

"There are forbidden weapons that are vulnerable, and there is indeed some waste."

"The Holy Body has stepped into the four poles, and it seems that it is already the top combat power of the younger generation."

The people around were talking about it, some despised the people behind them, and were surprised by Ye Fan's combat power.

The man in yellow was indeed a genius, and he was blasted in front of Ye Fan with just one face.

Yao Xi looked sideways at the Shaking Light Saint Son, only to see that this Holy Son's breath was calm, his face was calm, his city was extremely deep, no one could see what was going on in his heart, and he couldn't help but be a little worried: "If you make a move, you must strike fairly, don't use tricks." "

She was afraid that the Shaking Light Saint Son would anger Ye Fan because of the imperial soldiers, and she was blinded for a while, and wanted to kill Ye Fan and vent her anger.

Whether it was to shake the Holy Land or Ye Fan, Yao Xi didn't want to see this situation.

Not to mention whether Ye Fan will be killed, even if he shakes the light, he can't experience the wrath of the Great Emperor once.

Shaking Light Saint Son raised his eyebrows: "Yao Xi, in your eyes, I am such an impulsive person?" "

Yao Xi looked at Ye Fan, who was staring in all directions, and his voice was flat: "Then it's best." "

Shaking Light Saint Son lowered his eyes: "You may have some misunderstanding about me, I will never use means to fight fairly with people." "

The big black dog grinned: "Good! Good! Ye Hei! Good kill! "

Ye Fan stepped on the void, his eyes were sharp, and he shouted: "Who dares to fight with me!" "

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