As for taking the half-step immortal medicine for holy medicine, the holy medicine, people are willing to exchange it, Ye Fan is not willing to ah.

Every holy medicine, the medicine king is very precious, there are simply not so many holy medicines, the medicine king, how can Ye Fan be willing to suffer.

The monkey did not refuse, his character is like this, people who do not look at it, will not say a word, refuse thousands of miles away.

And Ye Fan is his best friend, he will not refuse Ye Fan's kindness, and if Ye Fan is in trouble, he will also do his best.

The monkey took the medicine of immortality, sat down, repaired the dark wound, and after a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, the fire eyes were golden, and the hair on his body shimmered brightly, it seemed to be cast in gold, the whole body was brilliant, as if under the gods, the dark wounds had all been repaired.

Ye Fan asked strangely, "Your Battle Saint Ape Clan is also an ancient royal clan, why are so many Gu clans chasing and killing you?" Moreover, it stands to reason that the Immortal Emperor and the Battle Saint Emperor are one in the early years of the primeval and the other in the last primeval years, and the two should have no enmity, why would the Heavenly Prince target you like this? "

The monkey was silent for a moment: "The Immortal Emperor once attacked my father, and my father later overturned the Immortal Emperor's dojo, this is the origin of the grudge." "

Saying that, the monkey sneered: "The immortal emperor left a lot of guardians for the emperor, and followed the emperor to recover together, plus the name of the emperor, he has a great say in today's ancient clan." "

"And my father, did not leave a guardian for me, my fighting holy ape clan in the name of war, never grew up from the greenhouse, so I have nothing else except the name of a holy prince, maybe a few ancient clans will not oppose me in the name of my father, but they will not fight against the prince for me."

"So it is."

Ye Fan nodded abruptly: "It's just that the Immortal Emperor and the Battle Saint Emperor are separated by countless years, how can they sneak attack?" "

The monkey looked strange: "If I knew, I might have preached." "

"Has the Gu Clan been fully revived?" Ye Fan asked.

The monkey sighed slightly: "The Terran may have difficulties, as far as I know, the ancient race has all revived, most of the ancient race is very hostile to the Terrans, you know, in most of the ancient times, the Terrans were a low race, until later the Terrans appeared several big figures, the status of the Terrans was greatly raised, until later, the territory of the ancient races was almost completely compressed." "

"Therefore, the ancient people all believe that the places where the Terrans live today were all of the ancient race, and they must snatch it back."

"How strong is the strength of the Gu Clan?"

According to the monkey, the ancient clan alone has a primordial lake, a fire lin cave, a golden cave, a blood phoenix mountain, a ten thousand dragon's nest, a silkworm ridge, and a fighting holy ape family.

However, the Battle Saint Ape group is only two or three people at most, but this race has too strong bloodlines, no matter what race it marries with, it is a Fighting Saint Ape that is born.

There are also ten major royal families and a few ordinary royal families, and there are dozens of ordinary ancient families.

Ye Fan was shocked: "The royal family has a saint king? "

The monkey nodded: "I still conservatively estimate that the royal family must have a saint king, and there may even be a great saint, and the royal family, at least there is a saint in the clan, as for the king of the slashing path, there are more." "

Ye Fan fell silent, Pifu was not guilty, compared with the Gu Clan, the Terran seemed to be too weak, but it occupied most of Beidou, and now the Gu Clan has all revived, which has seriously compressed the living space of the Gu Clan, can the Gu Clan succumb?

There are too few saints on the bright side of the Terran race, and the king of the slashing path can run amok.

The Terran level is too sad.

"It's okay, the ship is naturally straight to the bridge."

Ye Fan laughed, calmly and calmly.

From the beginning of his cultivation path, he fought all the way, experienced countless difficulties, wandered on the road of life and death several times, and his heart was already hard as iron and stone, and he did not know what to fear.

In the following days, Ye Fan and the monkey discussed, walked through many places, and it was obvious that there were already many ancient tribes walking in the world.

So far, the large-scale struggle between the Gu and the Terrans has not begun, but it has begun a small-scale struggle.

In Ye Fan's opinion, this was like a calm lake, which had already boiled below, and it was always very quiet before the storm.

These small-scale struggles were just a temptation of the ancient race against the Terrans.

"It must be cut as soon as possible, such tranquility cannot last!" Ye Fan said to himself.

On this day, the monkey suddenly said in surprise: "My uncle is still alive!" "

The battle between the ancient and the Terran became more intense, and seeing that a large-scale war was about to break out, on this day, in the distant western desert, an ancient Buddhist trumpet sounded from Mount Meru, shaking all the ancient temples.


In the western desert, a Buddha crossed east, crossed Zhongzhou, entered the eastern wilderness, and finally came to the northern region, bringing a Dharma purpose.

"Peace of the world." There are only such four words, the iron hook and silver stroke, strong and powerful, as soon as it unfolds, the heavenly path rumbles, the divine sound descends, and the daoguang rushes into the sky.

It was as if a group of ancient Buddhas were chanting, resounding all over the earth, and everyone was calmed at that time.

Fighting Buddha is not dead!

This news came out at the first time, the five domains were shocked, even the ancient races were surprised, and all the ancient kings were shocked.

Neither the Terrans nor the Primeval races knew what to think about him, because it was rumored that he was a Taikoo King, but he converted to Terran Buddhism, practiced on Mount Meru, and became a Buddha.

In the early stage, legend has it that he sat down when he was closed, did not want to die, and still lived in the world.

Even if the primeval races are powerful, they have to be afraid of them, let alone the Terrans.

Who is the Buddha in Dou Bang? It is rumored that he is a holy ape, the younger brother of the old holy emperor who fought in the primeval years, and grew up under his teaching, and his cultivation is terrifying!

Back then, he was not afraid of heaven and earth, rampaging the earth, cultivating to be comparable to the Holy Emperor of the same age, bravely crowning the Taiko, and killing an unknown number of powerful existences.

The Gu clan who was about to move weighed it for a long time, and did not dare to challenge the authority of the Buddha.

The monkey said forcefully: "My uncle is a great saint, he may step on the quasi-emperor at any time, no one dares to ignore his words, in the primeval period, there were more than one or two great saints who were chopped to death by my uncle!" "

A large-scale war cannot break out, but the Gu tribe must also fight for its own rights and interests, so the Congress of All Races came into being, dividing spheres of influence.

Ten thousand races in the world gather in Yaochi, there are many races, different shapes, many creatures are like gods and demons, very intimidating.

Ye Fan and the monkey came to Yaochi and waited for the arrival of the Heavenly Prince.

Outside Yaochi, a young man walked over, looking peaceful, but every step that fell was in harmony with heaven and earth, and there was an inexplicable rhythm.

This is a beautiful man, whose appearance makes many women in the world jealous, worthy of being called peerless, shining all over, flowing with divine radiance, and guarded by several old slaves.

The monkey sneered: "I thought you would always hide as a rat and dare to fight me!" "

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