
The old slave behind the Heavenly Prince shouted fiercely, his eyes were bright, as if he wanted to turn into a sword light and kill a monkey alive.


The palm print fell from the sky, patting this old slave into meat sauce, Ye Fan said leisurely: "To be a slave is to have the appearance of being a slave, your master is a royal family, Brother Monkey is also a royal family, where can you wait to speak." "

The Heavenly Prince's face calmly swept over Ye Fan and the monkey: "I have a battle with you, but not now." "

The monkey sneered: "Shit is not something, who do you think you are, fight if you want." "

"What do you mean?" The Heavenly Emperor's black hair flew apart, he was shrouded in a five-color divine ring, with a total of nine paths, protecting him in the center, with the meaning of the ninety-five supreme. The monkey was quite domineering, full of golden holy light, holding a big stick of black gold and pointing at it, looking ahead, and said: "There is no other meaning, I just want to slaughter you!" "??

The Holy Prince vs. the Heavenly Prince can be described as a needle against Mai Mang! All of them are of prominent status, and many primeval races have to bow down, and they are the strongest bloodline people today, and they are terrifying.

Needless to say, the immortal emperor has countless legends and is an unrivaled existence, surpassing the gods and supreme. The Holy Emperor of Fighting is the last emperor in the primeval period, and his combat power is so strong that he can be called against the sky, and he is honored by fighting and fighting, and he is the only one since ancient times.

Their heirs are on the same page, a veritable comet hitting the earth, the light is dazzling, everyone has to pay attention, this is a collision of the descendants of the strongest.

Some ancient clans followed the Emperor of Heaven and secretly targeted the monkeys, but on the surface they were respectful.

After all, the Holy Emperor also had a large number of followers, although he would not fight against the monkey and the Heavenly Emperor, but if you wanted to embarrass the monkey in an upright manner, they would not sit idly by.

What's more, the monkey's uncle, a great saint, is still alive and deters the ancient clan.

"I'm going to kill you! In the past, you encouraged many people to attack me, and you still said such things with your face, but today I have returned from my injuries and am ready to kill them all. "

The monkey is very reckless, and the golden battle saint is pneumatic for nine days, just like a fighting god.

None of the ancient creatures present dared to speak, and they were in awe of the two, this was a battle belonging to the ancient prince, and ordinary people were not qualified to intervene.

The Heavenly Prince's face is gloomy, Immortal Two to Immortal Three Slashing Dao This is a heavenly graben, the higher the qualification, the more difficult it is to chop the Dao, the Heavenly Prince is undoubtedly the kind of existence with talent against the sky, and it is also stuck before the chopping path.

The monkey was originally stuck before the slashing path like him, but during this time he discussed with Ye Fan, exchanged ancient scriptures, plus a complete half-step immortal medicine, and had successfully slashed the path.

To know that a half-step immortal medicine will be regarded as a treasure by the quasi-emperor.

The Heavenly Prince and the monkey are equally terrifying, and the monkey realm presses the Heavenly Prince, and there is no doubt that it will crush the Heavenly Prince.

"The Son of God does not want to make a move, what you lack is time, one year of practice is worth a hundred years of merit for others, and no one can compete with you in the future." An old slave spoke. "Holy Prince, as a member of the Taikoo royal family, but you walk with the Terran Holy Body, and you also attack all races, do you want to betray your ancestors?" The Emperor shouted.

The Holy Prince laughed: "Button my hat? Who I want to walk with, you are not qualified to care, in the primeval years, there were thousands of races, perennial wars, rivers of blood flowed on the barbaric land, who can say how many races were destroyed. "

"I have never heard that ten thousand races are one family, and they have all led the way for thousands of years. In addition, the Terran is also one of the ten thousand races, and whether I walk with the Terran Holy Body or with the inheritor of the Blood Phoenix Mountain, there is no difference. "

The golden light of the monkey's eyes became more and more brilliant, dazzling, and strode forward, like a magic mountain, weighing heavily on everyone's hearts.

The Heavenly Prince narrowed his eyes slightly: "And now is not the ancient time, all races have come back, want to dominate the world and sink and fall, but the original land is all occupied by the Terrans, isn't what you did rebelling against the major tribes?" "

The monkey laughed loudly, his face full of disdain: "Attack all races, hehe, Emperor of Heaven, I look down on you more and more, hiding behind my back to instruct people of all ethnic groups to chase and kill, surround me, but now I am beating a rake and saying that I am attacking all ethnic groups, do you mean that you chase and kill me, I still have to tie my hands and capture?" "

"If you say that you want to instruct all races to kill me, I still look up to you, cover up, shit is not, as for what is called the symbiosis of all races, you don't understand at all, don't give me any reason, really consider yourself the son of God?" I don't think about the Immortal Emperor at all! "

As soon as the monkey's words came out, many ancient creatures changed color, and the Immortal Emperor was a taboo that could not be blasphemed.

"Holy Prince, you have passed!" The Emperor's eyes were terrifying, his black hair was like a waterfall, and nine divine rings appeared behind him, divided into five colors, like the reincarnation of the Emperor.

The monkey sneered: "My father completely overturned your old son's dojo when he preached the sermon, and there was a fart miracle, which was blasted into slag by a holy emperor fist, but it was only deified by posterity. "

The monkey glanced at the punch, as if to warn: "Although my father is gone, my uncle is still there, and inviting my uncle out is just a matter of a word for me." "

All the races were shocked, cold sweat, and did not dare to interfere in the affairs of the two princes.

Fighting to defeat Buddha is now a Buddha, but back then it was killing gods.

His decree spread throughout the world, on the one hand, he was mediating between the Terrans and the ancient race, and on the other hand, he was not warning those ancient races who followed the Heavenly Prince.

"Eat me!"

The monkey no longer said much, suddenly burst out, the rolling sound wave shook 100,000 li, the iron rod in his hand magnified ten thousand times in an instant, swept across thousands of pieces, and a large area of the void shattered, turning into chaos.

At a glance, the monkey is like lifting a mountain peak and sweeping it, and it is a mighty mess.

An old slave behind the Heavenly Prince changed color, stepped forward to meet him, protected his master, sacrificed a copper lamp, and the wick burned down the heavenly dome and suppressed upward.


The monkey directly shattered the copper lamp of the old slave with a stick, and the old slave vomited blood furiously, languishing, and could not withstand the next blow.

And the monkey stepped out in vain, and once again a stick slashed, the void violently shook, and the void with a radius of tens of thousands of miles resounded with the sound of endless space explosions.

An old slave held a dragon horn gong, emitting a string of red light, and a red dragon flew out and faced the big stick, emitting a burst of sounds, all kinds of auspicious lights and colors.


Against the two old slaves, the monkey was not afraid, his arms shook, and the stick suppressed all directions.

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