Bang bang!

The two old slaves were beaten and shattered in the air, and there was no flesh and blood.

These two ancient creatures have been reduced to becoming slaves of the ancient prince, and they are not smart figures, and they have not cut the road, and they can survive a monkey or two moves, which is already very remarkable.

The king of the slashing path, the level is in the ancient clan, and he is also a big man, and the prince of heaven must be respected.

Seeing the two slaves being killed by the Holy Prince Thunder, the Heavenly Prince's face was gloomy, and he almost couldn't help but make a move.

"Holy Prince, don't force us."

One of the guardians of the Heavenly Prince said in a deep voice, he is the king of the slashing path.

Another guardian whispered: "The son of God is angry, don't force a move, your talent is the first in the ages, the holy prince has made a move, it is quite unwise to make a move at this time, when you succeed in the slashing path, no one in the same generation is invincible, you will become an existence like the emperor, please enter Yaochi, with me and other support, he can't hurt you." "

"Hahahaha, speak loudly!" The monkey iron rod pointed directly at the emperor, and the blood-stained stick dripped down drop by drop, and he sneered: "Don't dare to fight, you also need to crown the spring to be a shrunken mouse." Back then, my father's greatest regret was that he was not born in the same era as the Immortal Emperor, and he could not be blasted into slag, but now you and I are in the same life, and it is up to me to deal with you and taste my father's wishes! "

These words can be described as extremely contrary, but none of the ancient creatures around dared to say anything, all of them were regarded as not heard.

The monkey's father is the last holy emperor in the primeval period, and many ancient beings have personally experienced the era of his reign in the world, and the prestige of fighting can crush the heavens!

To this day, it will be frightening and awe-inspiring, the most powerful people of all races need to worship back then, unattainable, after all, it is a living holy emperor, which is more real than the legendary immortal emperor.

It is precisely because of this that no matter how domineering the monkey is, or even disrespectful to the Taikoo Emperor, everyone does not feel strange, the fighting holy ape is like this, the sky is not afraid, bombarding all myths!

The mountain lord of the Seventeen Mountains of the Blood Phoenix, the cave master of the thirteen caves of the Fire Lin, and other transcendent figures of the ancient race also arrived, and when they saw the monkey fierce and powerful, their eyelids jumped, everyone you look at me, I look at you, in the end, a creature born with nine beautiful heads, but the body is a phoenix body, spoke, and said: "The grand meeting of ten thousand races is about to be held, now all killing is prohibited, and fighting to defeat the Buddha's words is now peaceful and precious." "

The implication is that Holy Prince, peace is precious, but you are your uncle fighting to defeat the Buddha, it is not that you want to hit your uncle in the face.

"Waste, since you don't dare to make a move, I will force you to make a move!"

The monkey smiled, his arm shook, and the iron rod exploded into endless space, and slashed out with a boom.

"Be bold!"

"Find death!"

The two guardians of the Heavenly Prince shot out in unison, and they all stepped back, the corners of their mouths spilling blood.

The monkey is unmatched, the big stick is fierce and fierce, and several low mountains next to it are rising up under the stick wind, rumbling, collapsed, and the scene is terrifying.

The monkey ignored their words and forcibly struck, and the representatives of the ancient clan did not dare to say any more.

Even the royal families of the Divine Silkworm Ridge and Primordial Lake are not good at intervening in the dispute between the two princes, because none of them are simple figures.

Needless to say, the identity of the Heavenly Prince is the only bloodline of the gods, all races must pay respect, and the guardians of the nine dragon veins outside the ancient emperor mountain have survived a lot, and now there is an extremely considerable force behind him.

The monkey is not simple, he has already cut the road, the combat power is shocking, just by himself, it is not to be underestimated, not to mention that the Buddha is defeated by standing behind the back, and the monkey's own uncle is still alive, which makes the hearts of the major royal families like a boulder pressed, there is a heavy pressure.

Previously, I heard that monkeys were calculated by some ancient races, but now it is very different, who dares to make small moves? No one dares to make it difficult anymore.

"Nope! No way! Rubbish! The master is waste! Subordinates are also waste! "

As soon as the monkey slashed the way, the combat power shocked everyone, and the two veteran slashing kings were miserable.

The iron rod shook wildly, and the stick broke through the sky, almost tearing the sky apart, and endless smoke and dust tumbled.


A stick slashed away one of the Guardian's weapons and thundered on his head.


This guardian only had time to let out a scream, and it exploded directly, and there was no place to die.

"Dead to dead!"

The monkey burst into laughter, the laughter was deafening, and a few more sticks killed another guardian.

"Yaochi Holy Land, no room for noise." There are people from Yaochi who speak.

Ye Fan spoke, "Brother Monkey, give me face, stop." "

He got the Western Emperor's Sutra and had a bit of a good impression of Yaochi, this grand event of ten thousand races was held by the Yaochi Holy Land, if the monkey forcibly killed the Heavenly Prince, it was forcibly erasing the face of the Yaochi Holy Land.

Moreover, Ye Fan thought that this time the monkey could not kill the Heavenly Prince no matter what, kill a few slaves, the guardian was okay, once the Heavenly Prince was involved, those representatives of the ancient clan would definitely stop it.

The monkey's combat power has not yet reached the time when he is fearless of everything.

The person who killed him in front of the Heavenly Prince this time had already pulled his face to the ground and stepped on him fiercely, just by looking at the gloomy face of the Heavenly Prince, he knew how bad he was at the moment.

However, the Heavenly Prince was not afraid from beginning to end, and he must have known that all races would not watch the monkeys kill him.

The monkey said coldly: "Hmph! For Ye Fan's sake, I can stop! But what happened before, you must give me an explanation! "

"This is indeed a serious problem, as the son of the Fighting Saint Emperor, he was chased and killed by some slaves, which is blasphemy against the ancient emperor and disrespectful to the Fighting Buddha."

In the vein of the Divine Silkworm Ridge, who had never spoken, someone stood up and said such a thing, with a hint of threat. They are revered and important among all races.

When the other ancient clans heard that Dou defeated the Buddha, their faces changed, and they did not speak, acquiescing to the words of the Divine Silkworm Ridge.

"Everything is our fault, we should not make good claims, we should not be hostile to the Holy Prince, let alone lead the crowd to hunt and kill, the old slaves and others are willing to die to apologize." Several old slaves behind the Heavenly Prince stood up.

"Indeed, as a slave, he dared to kill the only heir of the Battle Saint Emperor, and he really passed and should be punished." The people of the Divine Silkworm Ridge nodded.

"I'm waiting to die to plead guilt to the Holy Prince!"

These three old slaves were also decisive, very crisp, and broke themselves on the spot, their eyebrows were broken, and they were isolated on the spot.

The person who brought it died a fine light, and the eyes of the emperor were extremely gloomy, his face was livid on the spot, and two terrifying rays of light shot out from his eyes.

The monkey disdained, and his eyes burst out with golden light for 100 meters: "Not convinced? War! "

The Emperor took a deep breath and walked past the monkey into the Yao Pond.

People from Yaochi came up to thank them, and Ye Fan saw that several friends came to Yaochi, and after chatting a few words, he went to meet his friends with the monkey.

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