"Brother Monkey is mighty!"

"Domineering! Domineering, my role model! "

Li Heishui, Li Tian watched it freely.

The monkey smiled slightly, and when he fought with each other, he was in two states, and the domineering was not there.

Duan De walked over with a wine glass and a lewd smile: "Your Highness, where is the sacred mountain of your clan, when will you take us around?" I have great respect for the Battle Saint Emperor, and I want to admire it. "

After many years, the dead fat man is getting fatter and fatter, it is obvious that he has stolen a lot of good things, his face is full of red light, pearlescent, and a good thing, which makes the black emperor very red-eyed, and he can't wait to knock the black stick and pull out the good things on his body.

The monkey didn't know much about Duan De, but he only loved Wu and Wu, and knew that Duan De was Ye Fan, a friend of the Black Emperor, so he had a friendly attitude and patted the dead fat man's shoulder: "There is a chance to take you." "

Ye Fan reminded on the side: "Dead fatty, you are not afraid to fight and defeat the Buddha and find you trouble." "

"It's okay." The monkey smiled: "My father's mausoleum is in the Taichu Ancient Mine. "

"This, this, this, this..."

Duan De's face froze, and he immediately changed his words: "Forget it, forget it, I still won't go." "

This dead fat man walked to the side and muttered: "Near Zhu is red and close to ink, how pure and good the monkey was back then, and now it is also damaged by Ye Fan, this kid..."

Soon, Duan De colluded with the Black Emperor again, and the two secretly left Yaochi, not knowing where to go, probably stealing whose tomb again.

A few days later, the great figures of the Gu clan arrived, for the Taigu Zu King, a group of saints.

Her eyes were very sharp, and she stretched out her white and warm slender hand to point at the monkey, "Even if you are a holy prince, you will have to die if you blaspheme the gods of all races!" "

The monkey put the big stick on the ground, the fire eye glowed golden, untamed, without the slightest fear, now there is no way back, only to fight to the death.

This is a female saint, the body is slender and light, almost transparent like jade, the colorful light covers the body, the hair is smooth and soft, step by step, like a goddess.

"The light of firefly also dares to compete with Haoyue? I will give you a chance to make reparation to the Heavenly Emperor and repent in front of the Immortal Emperor of all races, so that I can spare your life, otherwise even if the Fighting Buddha is still alive, I will make a move!" "

"And you, the Terran Holy Body, also need to make reparation to the Heavenly Emperor, and then repent in front of all races, kneel to the Immortal Emperor God Throne, otherwise you must not forgive a death."

The fierce murderous aura and cold words came out of the mouth of such a gorgeous and moving woman, adding a strange atmosphere.

"Let me bow my head and break my heart, you have a good plan." If you have no scruples, kill me, and then everything left behind by the Immortal Emperor will also be blasted into slag!" "Monkeys don't look down.

Ye Fan was calm: "Just come." "

He did not cut the way, and the gap between him and the saint was very large, and it was a big deal to sacrifice the imperial soldiers.

"You've me off!"

The two juniors did not have a little awe for themselves, and the female ancestor king was angry, ignored the threat of the monkey, and brazenly struck, wanting to erase the monkey and Ye Fan, and was not afraid to fight to defeat the Buddha at all.


Suddenly, a huge and incomparable aura rushed straight to Xiaohan, the mighty breath cut through the sky, and the essence of heaven and earth was rolling and stirring, wrapping everything in the shape of a dragon and swallowing vitality.


The female ancestor king flew out horizontally, and her head exploded like a watermelon.

The expressions of everyone present froze. I don't know when a girl appeared in the field, looking beautiful and moving, her body was like jade, white and delicate, and her purple hair was very flowing, covering half of her fairy face.


The female ancestor king's exploded head instantly recovered, and her expression was extremely hideous.


Another slap blew her head.


The female ancestor king was angry, his head recovered, and the immeasurable god struck out, surging forward.


Another slap that scattered the immeasurable vitality and blasted her head.

"I fought with you!"

In front of the heroes of the world, the head was blasted again and again, which was not highly harmful and extremely insulting.

She is the Ancient Ancestor King, a saint, when will she endure such humiliation?


The girl stepped out and burst her head again.

Ye Fan's eyelids jumped, such a domineering woman.

"Hey, Brother Monkey, do you know who she is?"

"She almost became my aunt, but she was killed in a big mess." The monkey came to him.

After listening to the monkey's words, Ye Fan knew that the girl was the princess of the Divine Silkworm Ridge and the wife of the Buddha who had not passed the door.

The Silkworm Princess was in the posture of heaven, and countless handsome people of all the ancient races in the past went to raise their relatives, all of them were beaten out, and they returned home, and only the brother of the Fighting Saint Emperor passed her test.

It can be said that this princess is not only bright and moving the world, but also earth-shattering in her cultivation, far beyond the ordinary ancestor king.

Unfortunately, in the last years of the primeval era, the Battle Saint Emperor sat down, and the earth lost its supreme ruler, and suddenly there was chaos, and all ethnic groups fought each other.

I don't know what kind of earth-shattering changes happened, even the Silkworm Princess was killed, and when the news came out, all races were shocked.


The insults of the Silkworm Princess again and again almost made the female ancestor Dao's heart collapse.

"Princess, rest angry."

An ancestor king stepped forward and said.


The Silkworm Princess is concise and domineering.

King Nazu was angry, but he did not get angry and did not say much.

No way, they pressed people with their fists, and now the Silkworm Princess presses people with her fists, and feng shui takes turns.

"What the hell do you want!" The female ancestor king recovered again, his cape was scattered, and the roar was dazzling, like a fierce ghost.

The Silkworm Princess said grimly, "Kneel down and make reparation to the Holy Prince." "

"You're cheating too much!" Queen Swire was furious. "

As an ancestor king, she can command a large royal family, and anyone who sees it must salute for two points, but to bow down to a junior is more uncomfortable than killing her.

Even if this person is a prince, he has cultivated to a realm like her, and in the world of strict Taikoo ranks, he is the top existence, except for the ancient emperor, no one is worthy of her kneeling.

"You also know that it is too much to deceive, why did you let the Holy Prince kneel in front of ten thousand races to repent, do you want to target him, or do you want to humiliate the deceased Old Fighting Saint Emperor?!"

Speaking of this, the Silkworm Princess's tone was aggravated, and her face was not so calm.

Another ancestor king couldn't help but speak: "Princess, how about apologizing?" "

The Silkworm Princess said calmly, "There is no second choice. "

"I'd rather die than kneel!"

The female ancestor king brazenly struck, and after only a few breaths, she was killed by the god silkworm princess, and her broken body solidified into a state of kneeling, as if she was going to kneel to the wasteland.

Even if you die, you have to kneel, and there is really no second choice.

"Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, are they all so domineering with the Fighting Saint Ape clan?" Li Heishui was amazed and impressed.

The monkey smiled and said: "Although she has not been able to become my aunt, she is no different from my aunt, her nephew has been bullied, of course she has to be angry." "

"Besides." The monkey was slightly proud: "If you are not domineering, can you look at my uncle in the eye?" "

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