Hun Tuo Great Sage stared at Wei Yi and said slowly: "It seems that the Terrans have little sincerity for peace talks. "

Wei Yi fought against each other, and casually glanced at the Western Emperor Pagoda hanging above his head: "This is the bottom line of the Terran race, there is nothing to talk about!" "

The momentum gradually solidified, and as soon as it was touched, suddenly, Hun Tuo Great Sage laughed loudly: "Not long ago, many ancient kings of my ancient clan returned. "

The void suddenly cracked, and a purple-gold warship sailed out of the void, the warship was dim, full of traces of time, incomparably dilapidated, and it was obvious that it had experienced a long time.

On the purple-gold warship, there were many ditches and big holes cut by ancient soldiers, and I don't know what kind of shocking battle I encountered.

The most frightening thing is the forty-three rainbow-like figures on board.

"After hundreds of thousands of years, we are finally back."

At the bow of the boat, a great saint sighed, this great saint had red hair like blood, and was born with a thousand arms, of course, his posture was far from that of Buddhist figures, his body was black, except for the red hair, every inch of his skin was shining.

"It's them... They came back! The palm sect of an ancient inheritance great sect was shocked.

"Could it be the destroyers of the Endless Years?!" The other godfather spoke, puzzled.

"That's right, it's them, eternal banishment can't wear them out, in the end they still come back!" A living fossil trembled.

In that distant barbaric year, a group of extraterritorial saints drove the ancient ship to leave Beidou to Ziwei, and were sensed by the people of the Ziwei Ancient Star Domain in advance, carefully perceived, and found that it was difficult to resist, because that group of people was too powerful.

According to legend, these ancient creatures are the supreme combat power formed by the kings of the three ancient lands gathered together!

The Ziwei Ancient Star Domain was in the era of the Great Emperor's annihilation, and in the end, the barbarian saints of that era exhausted their divine elements, joined forces to cast earth-shattering forbidden secret techniques, and banished the copper warships outside the domain to the unknown ancient domain in the depths of the silent universe.

More than a hundred thousand years have passed, and this group of people has not died!

When the secret of the past was revealed, everyone was cold from head to toe, how could this be resisted?

This is a catastrophe for the Terrans! The Terrans who were originally on the edge of the cliff could not retreat!

Obviously, this group of ancient kings did not live for hundreds of thousands of years, but sealed themselves into the divine source, let the warship drift, and returned to Beidou.

"The Terrans, if they are interested, they will let the Eastern Wilderness and others survive, if they are not interesting, the Terrans will have no place in heaven and earth!"

The thousand-handed god and demon came out, this is an old great saint, the rules of heaven and earth pulsate with him, going to heaven and earth, only I am respected, this is his spirit, this is the embodiment of invincibility.

Compared to the Hun Tuo Great Sage, this Great Sage hundreds of thousands of years ago was even more aggressive.

"There is no need for peace talks! Limited to one month for the Terrans, all moved to the Eastern Wilderness, expired, and there is no amnesty for killing! "

Two ancient creatures like gods walked out of the ancient ship, one was very tall, very strong, with thick golden hair and a pair of golden ancestral dragon horns.

He is majestic, except for the pair of dragon horns, there is no difference from the Terrans, very terrifying, making people tremble, this is the supreme existence, the blood is noble, so that the power of the human race can bear to kneel down.

The powerful qi machine makes people can't help but scream every inch of flesh and blood, as if they want to worship a god.

Another ancient creature was equally formidable, he had silver hair that reached his waist, and his face was as angular as carved out of marble, and snow-white as jade.

On its forehead, there is a diamond-shaped white scale, which can be opened and closed faintly, containing terrifying divine light, as if it can penetrate the three realms and six paths, and only a wisp of breath that spills out makes people unable to stand and will fall softly to the ground.

Of the forty-three ancient races of the warship, there are three great saints, eight ancestor kings, and the rest are all ancient kings.

In the ancient race, there are four great saints alone, and there are more than a dozen saint kings.

And the Terran race, only Wei Yi, the great saint, and the saint king only Jiang Taihuan.

Wei Yi's back gradually straightened, Baihuahua's hair gradually turned black, and the folds on his face slowly disappeared, returning from old age to middle age, and from middle age to youth.

After a while, he turned into a heroic young man, his eyes were dazzling, like two heavenly swords, which could pierce the heavenly dome.

"Want to fight?"

The Great Sage of Dragon Horn looked indifferent.

"Find death."

The silver-haired Great Sage's eyes were cold, and he regarded the Terrans as grass mustard.

"You're all dead, why am I alive?"

A man suddenly appeared in the Yao Pond, no one noticed how he appeared, the man's hair was gray, there was not the slightest bit of life and death in his eyes, he was all confused, and the dead air lingered all around, making people creepy when they saw it.

"You're all dead, why am I alive?"

The man is tall and burly, with Zhou Zheng facial features, originally he must be a heroic and martial person, but at this moment he is crazy, even so, standing there, there is an inexplicable charm that supports heaven and earth, simple and condensed, thick and far-reaching.

Ye Fan's direction can just be seen, the back of his head, a sword-like wound blood hole, the wound is extremely deep, you can see the brain pulp inside the wound.

At this time, blood was slowly flowing out of the hole, but as soon as it flowed out of the wound, it flowed backwards, and then began to flow out again, and then back again. And so on and so forth.

It seems that he was pierced in the back of his head by a sword, so he had such a horrific wound, which may be the reason why he is crazy.

"Are all the madmen so powerful now?"

Ye Fan was slightly confused, the old madman big brother was undoubtedly very powerful, and this madman was equally unfathomable.

"You're all dead, why am I alive?"

The madman suddenly appeared in front of an ancient king like a ghost, almost face-to-face, frightening the ancient king to retreat, but no matter how he exploded, the distance between the madman and him did not change.

"You're all dead, why am I alive?"

"Maniac! Lunatic! I don't know! Why don't you die! "

The ancient king cursed angrily.

"Yes, why not die?"

Before the words fell, a blood hole appeared in the heart of the ancient king's eyebrows, the radiance in his eyes gradually dissipated, and Nuoda's body fell down with a bang.

"You're all dead, why am I alive?"

The madman is face to face with the fallen king.

"Get out of here!"

The madman is too mysterious, and with him face to face, the Fallen Heavenly King is hairy in his heart.

"Yes, why don't you get out of here!"

The madman said to himself, raised his hand and struck out, and the ordinary palm directly hit the fallen king directly, and blood splashed everywhere.

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