Lightning Deal!

Kill an ancestral king who is likely to become a great saint in seconds!

The ancient clans were terrified!

Wei Yi, Jiang Taihu, the first thief exchanged his thoughts, saying that he did not know this madman.

"You... What a big boldness! "

"Terrans! Don't you want to start a war with my ancient clan! "

No one expected that the Fallen Heavenly King was actually killed by this madman in seconds, Hun Tuo Great Sage, Dragon Horn Great Sage, and silver-haired Great Sage's face became gloomy, and the Thousand Hand Demon God was furious, and the roar was like a pouring galaxy pouring out, crashing down.

Under the suppression of the Western Emperor Pagoda, the space of Yaochi trembled violently, and the ripples of space vibration were like a lake falling from torrential rain at the same time, and ripples violently shook in all directions.

"Daring... Courage...... My guts... Why am I afraid..."

The madman muttered, raised his head indifferently, and just looked at the Thousand Hand Demon God with fierce eyes.

"Why am I afraid!"

The madman roared, the sound wave was thousands of times that of the Thousand Hand Demon God, so that the Western Emperor Pagoda had to hang down more gods to protect Yaochi and the guests who came to Yaochi, otherwise it was just this roar of the madman, and the people of Yaochi would die ninety percent.


"Thousand hands! Rewind! "


The three great saints of the ancient clan roared at almost the same moment.

Laugh at!

Before they could speak, an indescribable fear suddenly hit the heart of the Thousand Hand Demon God, and the madman pointed into a knife, slashing towards the Thousand Hand Demon God.

Ripples of the void quickly expanded towards the void, and an unfathomable force diverged, causing a serious depression, distortion, and contraction in the Yaochi space.

From the madman's finger, a shimmer of light gradually brightened suddenly, and then turned into an arc of light, shaking, bouncing, and parting.

One point two, two points four, four points eight, in the blink of an eye, the void was covered with dense arc light, and the Thousand Hand Demon God was slashed in all directions.

Wherever the arc light goes, everything disintegrates silently.

"I don't want to die!"

For some reason, such a terrifying emotion suddenly rose in the heart of the Thousand Hand Demon God, and the next moment, thousands of divine weapons appeared in the hands of the Thousand Hand God and Demon, each of them was a heavenly dome, dancing together and fighting forward.

I don't know how many void abysses appeared, endless darkness, connected to the dimensional space, respectively blended with thousands of weapons, shrouded together, wanting to resist the madman's blow.


In an instant, Mars shot out, thousands of weapons of the thousand-handed gods and demons were lost, and thousands of ancient holy orders were intertwined between the two, each of which could destroy the foundation of a great sect.

"Damn it! What kind of person is he! Why is the strength so terrifying, this is a quasi-emperor! "

Shock, panic completely filled the mind, but in a flash, all perceptions about the world Thousand Hand Demon God all disappeared.


The arc flashed, the thousand-handed god and demon were torn apart, and the divine soul was also chopped at the same time.

Soul gone!

Everyone was extremely shocked, what a primeval great saint, killed like this, since ancient times, how many people can do it?!

Dangerous! Rewind!

When everyone didn't have time to make a sound, the three great saints of the ancient clan made a concerted move, since they couldn't save the Thousand Hand Demon God, then kill this madman.

The three great saints made the same move, since ancient times, it is too rare.

A pair of dragon horns of the blond Great Sage shot out two blazing divine rays, cutting through the sky,

The void trembled, and the other Great Sage had silver hair dancing wildly, the diamond-shaped scales in the center of his eyebrows opened, and there was an incomparably black hole inside, shooting out a dragon-shaped white glow.

Hun Tuo Great Sage, as soon as he pointed out, it was a big collapse, the void was annihilated, and chaos was ignited, so that chaos wrapped the madman.

"Why is my guts so small! Why am I afraid! "

The madman just waved his hand at random, and the attacks of the three great saints were like raindrops falling into the molten slurry, silently dissipating, and when the hearts of all the ancient races were beating wildly, the madman did not strike again, just stood in place and muttered.

But those three great saints did not dare to make a move again.

They are afraid!

Only when facing the madman directly knows how terrifying the madman's strength is, and their magical powers are like children's toys in front of the madman.

No wonder that both the Saint King and the Great Sage were killed by him with one blow.

Fortunately, this person is a crazy person.

This thought came to the minds of many ancient races.

Otherwise, today's Gu Clan's momentum is a joke.

"Junior Brother."

At this time, a sigh sounded.

The madman is like a mouse disturbed by a cat, with a look of horror on his face, and his hands are dancing wildly and screaming and running in a certain direction.

"Groove! I'm going to be hit to death! "

Ye Fan was just about to avoid it, but the madman suddenly stopped in front of him and looked at Ye Fan fixedly, without blinking.


Ye Fan didn't even dare to tremble his muscles, and even the existence of the Great Sage level was killed by a madman in seconds, only afraid that if a madman wanted to kill him, it was no different from killing a chicken cub.

In the afterlight, Jiang Tai slowly shook his head, signaling him not to make any moves, which angered the madman, and no one could save him.

Although the madman is a Terran, no one dares to guarantee that the madman will not kill on a killing spree.

Kill him!

Kill him!

Kill the Eucharist!

This is the voice of many ancient tribes at this moment.

The madman carefully leaned over, everyone could see that he was looking at Ye Fan, and at this time, Ye Fan also had to look at the madman.

This is a very handsome man.

The madman's face is like a crown of jade, his eyes are like Lang Xing, and his eyebrows fly obliquely into his sideburns.

Looking at this face, Ye Fan actually had a familiar feeling.


The madman reached out and wanted to touch Ye Fan's face.

"Junior Brother."

The voice sounded again.


The madman shouted in horror, stepped through the void, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Ye Fan took a long breath.

This life was saved.

Ten people and one dog appeared in Yaochi, Yaochi disciples were all in tears, Yaochi was about to become a plug, if you want to enter, you can leave.

"Duan De, Black Emperor? Well, these people? "

Ye Fan looked at these people who suddenly appeared, and a sense of familiarity hit his heart.

These people, he is so familiar.

"Hahahaha, the emperor is back! All eyes are watching, the wind and clouds move for me, the heavens and the earth sing for me, and where there is me, there will be brilliance! "

The big black dog is high-spirited, unashamed, and has a thick skin.

"Well, what do you see! Look at digging your ancestral grave again! "

Duan De was even more arrogant, his hands crossed his waist, his eyes were wanton arrogant, and when he saw the Heavenly Prince, he glared back fiercely, arrogant and incredible.

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