The Heavenly Prince took a deep breath and turned his head away from looking at Duan De.

"You still look! I declare that the graves of your ancestors for eighteen generations are gone! "

"Wow, you look like the emperor's mount!"

Only the shouts of Duan De and the Black Emperor remained on the field.

At this time, the ancient clan dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and anyone saw that the moment those people appeared, all the ancient kings, ancestor kings and the three great saints were vigilant.

"Terrans, it's awesome."

When he saw these people appear, Hun Tuo Great Sage's figure suddenly shocked.

The one who called the madman his junior brother was the woman who led the peerless style.

A senior sister who can kill the existence of the Great Sage in seconds!


Jiang Taihu, Wei Yi and the others all stepped forward to greet them.

When Tangtai Jing saw Wei Yi, his attitude was a little different: "A disciple of the Tianxuan Holy Land. Are you the Holy Lord of this generation of Tianxuan? "

Wei Yi shook his head, slightly bitter: "Tianxuan Holy Land, it's gone." "

"Could it be the Gu Clan?"

Tangtaijing frowned slightly.

Wei Yi did not say more.


Ye Fan finally remembered who that madman and these nine people were!

In his last dream, a man named Chi Tianci left Shihuangshan with the young son of Shihuangshan, and the senior brother of Shihuangshan took everyone to die in Shihuangshan!

In that hall, all nine were in it.

That madman is called Chi Tianci!

This peerless woman is called Tangtai Jing!

Duan De and the Black Emperor actually moved these people out!

At this moment, Ye Fan knew that the Terran calamity! Passed!

It's just that Ye Fan just popped out a word, and Tangtaijing looked over and looked at him deeply, Ye Fan only felt that Tangtaijing's eyes were like two black holes, extremely deep, just a glance, Ye Fan felt that his soul was going to be sucked in.

What Ye Fan couldn't see was that the pictures in Tai Jing's eyes flowed like a waterfall, and if Ye Fan could see it, he could see that those pictures were Ye Fan's life.

His life was rewinded like a movie.

Thirty, twenty, ten, five...

The tiny baby was picked up by a young man.

The essence of the divine source disappeared, the baby in the divine source broke the seal, and in the distance, a young couple walked over...

"Actually, really..."

In just a few short breaths, Tangtai slowly withdrew his eyes.

The Black Emperor on the side asked in a trembling voice: "How is it, what do you see?" "

Tangtai nodded indelibly.

The Black Emperor's eyes straightened, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Ye Fan was immediately different, and he roared in his heart:

It's the emperor! It's really the emperor!

I guessed right!

No wonder this kid is so similar to the Beginningless Emperor and the First Emperor.


He and the Beginningless Emperor are brothers, he is the heir of the First Emperor, it's not like there are ghosts!

So, his mother is a ruthless emperor?

Son of the Two Emperors!

No wonder, the Void Mirror and the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding would suddenly appear in his sea of suffering, and the Great Emperor who suddenly appeared more than ten years ago was likely to be the First Emperor!

Before that, the Ji family and the great forces of the Shaking Light Holy Land had been chasing and killing Ye Fan.

As a lesson, so their imperial soldiers were snatched by the first emperor,

And the Yin-Yang Sect did even more excessively, so it was exterminated.

It all makes sense.

If the First Emperor were still alive!

So will the Beginningless Emperor still be alive?

As soon as he thought of this, the big black dog couldn't help but bark wildly.


Seeing the big black dog roaring excitedly, Ye Fan looked at the big black dog in amazement.

Hun Tuo Great Sage stiffened his head and spoke: "All the Daoists, the emperor of the primeval world, and the great emperor of the human race all have big hearts, and they all once said that ten thousand races coexist and the world is peaceful. "

"Is that what the ancient clan thinks so?"

Tangtai Jingpi said with a smile.

"The Gu clan has such a posture, but it is not like wanting the symbiosis of ten thousand races and the peace of the world."

Hun Tuo Great Sage had a thick skin and nodded: "Of course, we all think so, the ancient clan was born not long ago, the ancient kings, and the ancestor kings have not been active for a long time, this time it is just to come out for an event, and by the way, see the grand meeting of ten thousand races." "

Tangtaijing looked at Jiang Taihu, Wei Yi: "What were the conditions you talked about before?" "

Jiang Taihuan said: "The Gu clan side believes that the Terrans occupy the Eastern Wilderness, the rest return to the Gu Clan, and the minimum conditions for the Terrans are that the Eastern Wilderness and Zhongzhou belong to the Terrans, and the rest belong to the Gu Clan." "

"Very good, I am in charge, the North Plains return to the ancient clan."

Hun Tuo Great Sage is thick-skinned, and at this moment he is also angry: "Daoist, this is too much." "


Tangtai Jing smiled, and suddenly slapped out a palm.

Hun Tuo Great Sage's heart jumped, roared, and jumped up, his palm was like a piece of Great Emperor cover, and his palm was densely covered with millions of Dao rules.


Hun Tuo Great Sage's eyes showed shock, his body exploded with a bang, and his flesh and blood instantly condensed.

The Dragon Horn Great Sage blasted away with a punch, the fist was as big as the sky, and Tangtai Jing pointed out, and then the Dragon Horn Great Sage showed an incredible look, and his flesh also exploded violently.

Then Tangtai quietly met the attack of the silver-haired Great Sage, and the silver-haired Great Sage only felt that his divine power was like a mud cow entering the sea, and he couldn't set off the slightest wind and wave.

Bang bang!

The silver-haired Great Sage's body also exploded one after another.

Tangtai Jing snapped his fingers, and in an instant, he arranged a formation in the Yao Pond, completely locking the heaven and earth and space, and a terrifying power that suppressed the heavens with a domineering and overwhelming power rushed into the sky, shaking everyone's hearts, and the hearts of all the ancient tribes throbbed, and their backs were cold.

"It's just a lesson."

Tangtai said quietly: "I want to kill you, you just died, it's not too late to kill now." "

There was horror in the eyes of the three restored Great Saints, and just now, they felt the breath of death.

"What do seniors want?" Hun Tuo Great Sacred Road.

"Half of the Northern Plains belongs to the ancient tribe."

Tangtaijing cut down with a big hand, and cut off half at once.

Now that half of the North Plains has been attributed to the Gu Clan, Tangtaijing's words are equivalent to announcing that this meeting of ten thousand races has been opened in vain, and the Gu Clan has not caught it in the slightest.

"Impossible! Predecessor! Don't lie too much! Although it is easy for the seniors to kill us, the Gu clan is not without strong people who compete with the predecessors, moreover, the Gu clan also has more than one imperial soldier! "

The meaning of the words of the Great Sage of Hun Tuo, do you think that only the Terrans will fight hard? Push the Gu clan too hard, and the Gu clan can also work hard!


The terrifying array gods flew over, brilliant and brilliant, and in this splendid scene, golden lightning fell.

"Ah..." A terrified scream, unable to resist at all, the Purple Forest Saint King was instantly turned into ash after being suppressed by the golden light, and died cleanly.

Then, the five ancient kings who came with him also became dust in the first place and were removed.

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