Tangtaijing's smile became brighter: "Half of the Northern Plains belongs to the ancient tribe. "

The Twin Sage King shouted, "Damn it! It's a big deal! "


Under the brilliant light and suppression again, the twin saint Wang became ash, and he was killed by the town without even snorting.

It was so shocking, in the blink of an eye, three sage kings and four ancient kings died.

Not long ago, they all said that the Terrans were as weak as ants and their words were sharp, but they ended up in such a situation.

They said that they were extremely humiliating to the Terrans, saying that the Terrans survived in the primeval period and recognized the powerful races as masters.

And now, everything has changed, and Tangtai Jing descended from the sky, strong and domineering, killing them all and turning them into flying ash!

Tangtaijing's eyes were indifferent, he had fought with the Supreme and participated in the death of the Supreme, for her, the Saint King, the Great Sage and the like did not care at all.

"Do you think I'm talking to you?" Tangtai said quietly.


Another divine light fell, smashing an ancient king to pieces.

This is a shocking picture, where ancient kings fall, saint kings bleed, and even the existence that is expected to become a great saint is ruthlessly erased.

Even the extremely powerful ancient king was trembling at this moment, if he didn't dare to think about it on weekdays, there were people in the world who could kill them, but no one could make them afraid to such an extent.

However, at this moment, everyone was terrified, their spirits were trembling, trembling, and it was difficult to move!

Tangtaijing is too powerful, and he takes all their lives in his hands with the palm of his hand, and he can't escape.

"I'm just giving you back your strength."

Tangtaijing paced slowly, and the smile on his face seemed even more terrifying to the Gu Clan than the devil.


There was an ancient king shouting, another person was killed by the town, and he became a corpse on the spot, and any resistance was futile.

"Half of the North Plains half belongs to the ancient tribe, okay, or not."

Tangtaijing's gaze swept over the three Great Sages such as the Great Sage of Huntuo.

Hun Tuo Great Sage's face was like earth: "Senior, you can't kill us!" "

He was terrified and shouted sharply: "The strength of the senior, we are convinced, I can be the master, the ancient clan does not go out of the northern plains, and all other regions belong to the human race!" "

"Half of the Northern Plains is too little, and it is simply not enough for the ancient races to survive!"

"The Terrans have already gained the upper hand, could it be that the seniors want the Terrans and the Ancient Race to tear their faces?"

"Senior can kill us! But it is impossible to slaughter the ancient tribe. "

"The Gu Clan also has a stronger existence than me! Kill us, the Terrans and the Ancient Race will not be able to coexist at all, and a full-scale war will definitely be launched! "

"Once the war breaks out, the seniors will not be able to protect all the races, and they will definitely be killed and injured by billions!"

Hun Tuo Great Sage's words have a bit of a strong inner taste, but there is some truth in them.

As for the imperial soldiers, as a last resort, neither side will move.

The imperial soldier is equivalent to the existence of a nuclear bomb, which can be lifted at any time, but it is basically impossible to move.

If there was no arrival of Tangtaijing, the Terrans would have to go east, and they might not have used imperial soldiers, and the Terrans mentioned imperial soldiers again and again, just threatening, warning the ancient race not to go too far.

Once the imperial army is used, no one knows what bad level it will develop, and no one can grasp it.

The ancient kings of the ancient tribe, the hearts of the ancestor kings were gray, this time the meeting of ten thousand races, the ancient race had been planning for a long time, and the human race was forced to participate.

The Gu race has been recovering for at least ten years, and only a few years ago it has been a large-scale recovery, but they have not carried out large-scale actions because they do not know the strength of the Terrans.

And in the past few years, they have finally figured out the strength of the Terrans, not only the strength on the surface, but even the background of the major forces.

Of course, the saints of the Terran race are not only Jiang Taifu, Wei Yi, these few, the major holy places, the great religion, there are one or two saints, but these backgrounds are too old, they are all sleeping, and they may be exhausted and sit down once the seal is broken.

Compared with the dozens and hundreds of ancient kings, ancestor kings, great saints, and the strength of the human race, it is too inadequate.

Therefore, this time the Gu tribe came with the momentum of victory, and it was bound to fight for the benefits that the Gu tribe deserved.

Everything is under control, but the Terrans only have a few saints supporting the scene, but several changes have knocked them to dust.

After Tangtaijing appeared, their lives were no longer under their control, and life and death were only between the woman's thoughts.

This feeling made them too uncomfortable, especially when they originally had a high status among all races, respected as masters, and were used to being high, but at this moment, even their lives were in the hands of others.

"Let you go..."

Lantai Jing stepped forward, his gaze was cold, swept over the face of the Gu Clan, and said lightly: "Your reason is sufficient enough, but why should I pay attention to your reason?" "

"Taoist friends are angry."

A Buddha appeared in the sky, and in the blink of an eye he arrived at Yaochi.

This is a wizened old ape, every golden hair on his body is crystal clear, making him look otherworldly and solemn.

What is a righteous person, this old ape gave the best interpretation, standing in front of him, not stained with a trace of mortal breath, as if he was out of the world.

He stands like an eternal rock between heaven and earth.

There is Buddha music lingering around him, Buddhas chanting in the light of Buddha behind him, a great Buddha in the light of Buddha, and the old ape set off is like a pillar of optimism.

In fact, the old ape is not as tall as an ordinary person.

"Fighting Taoist."

Tangtaijing's ears moved gently, and someone transmitted a message to her, telling her who the old ape was, and was called a Taoist friend.

Ye Fan was moved in his heart, Tangtai Jing turned his palm to suppress the Great Sage, he is definitely a quasi-emperor, but he is known as a Taoist friend in the face of fighting to defeat the Buddha, but I am afraid that the fight to defeat the Buddha is not the great saint that the monkey said, but has broken through this realm.

"Uncle!" The monkey cried at that time, and the old ape nodded at him, and his eyes swept in one direction, that place, and stood the silkworm princess.

"I also asked the Taoist friends to give the poor monks a thin noodles, and the northern plains belong to the ancient tribe, after all, the ancient tribe has ten thousand races, and the area is too small to survive."

Tangtai stared at the old ape without speaking, and the old ape smiled at each other.

"Hey, Ye Hei, you speak, then Hun Tuo Great Sage said no matter how reasonable, tearing the skin is not good for the Terrans, you come forward to give both sides a step down."

The voice of a big black dog suddenly appeared in Ye Fan's mind, he was first surprised, and then he cursed angrily: "Black Emperor, do you want me to die?" I don't have that much face! How many taels is the face worth in front of these quasi-emperors and great saints in my district? "

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