"I'll go! Ye Hei, this emperor has not plagued you, can't you trust me? As I said..."

Ye Fan's voice was faint: "Black Emperor, are you still plaguing me?" "


The Black Emperor hummed: "I'll ask you, this time, do you believe me or not!" I want a word! "

Ye Fan thought for a while, but still decided to believe the Black Emperor, and his heart gradually cleared his guess.

"I... Can you say a word? "

Ye Fan said weakly.

The old ape and Tangtaijing looked at each other together, their eyes were like torches, and the pressure poured like a sacred mountain made Ye Fan's knees weak, and he almost fell to his knees.

Ye Fan swallowed his saliva: "The senior killed a few ancient kings, the ancestor king, and it can be regarded as angry for the Terrans. "

"After all, the Holy Prince is an ancient royal family, and I am close friends with the Holy Prince, and I also asked the seniors to spare them this time in my face."

Isn't this man a fool?

Although you are the Eucharist, but you have not yet cut the way at this time, how much is your face worth?

Is the Eucharist crazy?

Hahaha, look for death yourself, so that we don't go and kill him again.

At this time, the thoughts of similarity appeared in the minds of both the Terrans and the Gu Clan, and the Gu Clan side sneered in their hearts.

The next moment, something that surprised everyone happened, Tangtai Jing smiled, waved his hand, and the formation that confined the space withdrew: "Okay, give you face." "

"Thank you Daoyou, thank you Xiaoyou." The old ape gave a salute.

My face is worth a lot of money!

Ye Fan only felt that the pores all over his body were expanded, and he was refreshed.

"Thank you, senior."

The Gu Clan side let out a long breath, and this life was picked up.

Tangtai Jing said: "Although I let you go, there are still lessons to be learned, and the weapons are left." "

Compared to life, everything else is secondary, how many dozens of holy soldiers in Tangtaijing's hands, each of which is extremely valuable, and it is enough to serve as a great sect heritage.


Put away the holy soldiers, Tangtaijing spoke again: "From now on, the saints will not be born, those ancestral kings who are full of blood and blood, if they are angry, kill tens of millions of corpses and bones, it is not impossible to cut off several clans, my temper is not very good, once I make a move, I will see blood, what royal family, royal family, destroy one or two no more." For the peace of the world, for the sake of hard-won peace, let them all cultivate themselves. "

"We can't just cut off all the opportunities for young people."

Hun Tuo Daisheng was very old, at least five or six thousand years old, and for him, almost all of the ancient kings of the ancient clan were young people.

Tangtai Jing said: "The ancient king has been cultivating for many years, and he has crawled from the corpse mountain and bone sea, and it is useless to carry out the so-called life and death battle to break through." Isn't the strongest bloodline of the Taikoo Emperor all revived in this life, I am looking forward to it, isn't the most amazing Tianjiao of the ten thousand races also vigorous, they all need the stage, and the world is left to them. "

Hun Tuo Great Sage was silent: "Good. "

The Congress of Ten Thousand Races came to an end, and the result was so good that the Terrans dared not imagine, and for the ancient race, it was almost unacceptable.

But in any case, in the coming period, ten thousand races will multiply, rest and recuperate, and there will be no big war.

The Black Emperor and Duan De have the same smell, and they get together every day, not knowing what they are doing.

The Black Emperor was drunk, with a big tongue, standing upright, and the two hooked up their backs, which was very discordant.

Two guys who are not very authentic in nature, so together makes people feel quite weird, no matter how you look at it, they are a pair of greedy and shameless combinations.

"I am electricity, I am light, I am the only myth..." the Black Emperor howled dryly, startling countless wild ducks.

Today, "Break and stand, stand and break, elephant is invisible, adult is nowhere to be found, I am your only holy emperor..." Duan De also howled drunkenly wolf.

Then, the two bastards finally showed their original form, pinched together, and blacked each other to seize each other's treasures and divine weapons.

Lantaijing stayed in Yaochi for a period of time and received many big figures of the Terran race, and Lantaijing and others also gave these great sect leaders, the holy lord and the ancient race the confidence to be on an equal footing.

They knew that the Terrans had many more Seagod needles.

Ye Fan has not left, he has a question he wants to ask Tangtaijing.

Yaochi gradually calmed down, and Ye Fan finally saw the people of Tangtaijing and the other people of Shihuangshan.

On weekdays, Tangtaijing is like a soft and weak little girl, who speaks softly and sticky, and those who don't know definitely don't know that this is a domineering quasi-emperor who kills the Great Sage with his hands.

The people of the Nine First Emperor Mountains were either quasi-emperors or great saints, but Ye Fan did not feel any pressure as soon as he came in, and their eyes were very peaceful and friendly.

And this is the kind of look when Jiang Tai looks at him, the eyes of the seniors in the family looking at the younger ones.

Without waiting for Ye Fan to speak, Tangtai Jing spoke, "You probably already know something. "

Ye Fan pondered for more than a dozen breaths: "I know that you are from the First Emperor Mountain... I know, his name is Chi Tianci... I know your senior brother is called Gu Chuan..."

"Senior brother, he..."

Tangtaijing's eyes were sad, and her voice was low: "I saw him die with my own eyes, but I fought to the death of two supremes and died well." "

"In that great war, the First Emperor Mountain all died, but we did not die, or rather, we were already dying, I found a cemetery for us, and after the war, the junior brother returned, sealed us who were not dead into the divine source, slept for more than 200,000 years, and all our injuries were recovered."

"Then heaven gave him..."

"You want to ask him why he's crazy?" Tangtai Jing looked at Ye Fan and said slowly.

"The First Emperor Mountain went to die, but the emperor could not die with us, so the master brother ordered the little junior brother to take the emperor away, in fact, the master brother could let other senior brothers take the emperor away, and the reason why the little junior brother took the emperor away was because the little junior brother was afraid."

"He was afraid of death, although he didn't say it, but both the senior brother and us felt his fear."

"And his strength, at that time, was second only to Senior Brother, if he were there, maybe Shihuangshan could live a few more."

"The guilt and the wound in the back of his head drove him crazy and didn't even dare to see us."

"That... What about the emperor? Ye Fan looked at Tangtaijing, his voice trembled, at this time, he was more nervous than ever.

Tangtaijing smiled: "You have already guessed. "

"Then my parents..."

Tangtai Jing raised his hand, a light curtain appeared, the image in the light curtain was accelerated a thousand times, Ye Fan could see a baby sealed in the divine source and a couple holding the baby.

That couple, but in their twenties, their young faces made Ye Fan very familiar, and seeing their familiar parents, Ye Fan instantly burst into tears.

The longing for his parents grew wildly, took root in his mind, and could not be dispersed.

Although he knew that it was not his biological parents, he had raised him for more than twenty years, which was no different from his biological parents.

"I want to go home!"

"I want to see my parents!"

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