"The so-called primer is just to replace the deficiency of divine minerals, but the essence blood can also give various attributes to the evolution fluid. In the world where the civilization where the evolutionary fluid was born, the number and types of divine minerals must be very small, but in this world, in the universe, there are many divine mineral planets. "

Ying Zheng looked behind the gray wolf in the light curtain, the gray wolf stood in the empty starry river, behind him, there was a huge mineral planet, and the world he was in was the super seminary world.

"Such a mineral planet is almost within the scope of waste mines in this world, but Your Majesty..."

Big Big Wolf became serious:

"The vast majority of divine mineral planets that the Divine Mechanic is now exploring belong to the Gluttonous Dominion Range."

Huan Zheng nodded slightly, and pondered for a while: "Take Feng Yao, Wei Yanzi, Mengqiao." "

After a while, the images of the three appeared one after another, saluting in unison.

"Your Majesty."

Ying Zheng waved his hand: "I want to launch an all-out attack on the gluttonous civilization." "

Over the years, although Daqin has maintained an aggressive offensive state in the super theological academy world, slowly encroaching on the territory of gluttony, the gluttonous civilization is very restrained, or very forbearing, and has always avoided a full-scale war with Daqin.

Meng Xiao, on the other hand, led the legion and sat in the supergod world and presided over military affairs.

"Your Majesty's name! The minister has been waiting for this day for a long time! "

As soon as Huan Zheng's words fell, Meng Xiao immediately said.

Wei Yanzi pondered for a while: "Your Majesty, in fact, now is not the best time to attack the gluttonous civilization in an all-out way. "

Feng Hao nodded slightly, agreeing with Wei Yanzi's opinion.

"I understand, Big Wolf, you talk to them."

Ying Zheng knew what the left and right phases were thinking, and he also knew that now was not the best time to attack Yu Yu in an all-out way, and Karl, the backer of Yu Zheng civilization, had been reduced to a dog of Ying Zheng.

However, Ying Zheng did not think that Karl became his dog, and Daqin would be able to take over the gluttonous civilization.

Small dynasties, countries, there are many factions, each with its own interests.

What's more, it is a galaxy-level civilization like the gluttonous civilization, Karl is their backer, and even some gluttonous beliefs, but it does not mean that they follow Karl's orders without reservation.

But there is no doubt that the gluttonous civilization knows what kind of powerful empire it is facing, and does not dare to start a full-scale war with Daqin, and Daqin also seems to maintain a certain degree of tacit understanding with the gluttonous civilization, but silently encroaches on the gluttonous civilization and weakens the gluttonous civilization step by step.

So far, the extent of cannibalization is far below the bottom line of gluttonous civilization.

What is the best time to go all-out offensive?

That is when the bottom line of the gluttonous civilization has been touched, and they have to rise up to resist, and at that time, it is also the weakest time of the gluttonous civilization.

Like boiling frogs in warm water, the encroachment of Daqin will make some conservatives of the gluttonous civilization unwilling to make a desperate war with a desperate bet.

The gray wolf explained the effectiveness of the evolution liquid in less than a minute, and Feng Hao nodded after listening to it: "If what Director Gray said is true, Nachen is in favor of launching an all-out attack on the gluttonous civilization. "

Wei Yanzi also changed his mind: "If the evolution liquid can be manufactured on a large scale, it will definitely become an important boost to the expansion of the empire." "

Huan Zheng smiled lightly: "Since the two of you have reached an idea, then Mengqiao, give you the authority to fight at the third level, and attack the gluttonous civilization in an all-round way." "

Meng Xiao was solemn: "Minister! Yes, sir! "

If it is the time when the government wants to give the first-level war authority, it is the time when the whole line of Daqin fights, and the third-level war authority is not necessary to gather all the courtiers to discuss.


Supergod World.

A huge roulette wheel that seems to stretch out the starry sky of the universe is straddling the starry river, and ten people enter it like a drop in the ocean compared to this war wheel.

"See Lord Mong."

Ge Xiaolun, Sun Wukong and the others saw a majestic man with a majestic face.

It is Mengqiao.

Meng Xiao was looking at ten people at this moment, most of them were seeing the famous Meng Xiao for the first time, and they only felt a grand fluctuation of will sweeping over everyone, making everyone's spines chill, and they felt like they were approaching an abyss.

Zhao Xin looked at Meng Xiao, and saw that he was just sitting there, not revealing any breath, but inexplicably felt that his body contained the supreme power that shook the galaxy.

Meng Xiao spoke, "Except for Ge Xiaolun and Sun Wukong, everyone else has seen me for the first time." "

The earth of the supergod world was merged into Daqin, and it did not experience great turmoil, and even because of the merger into Daqin, the earth was spared the prying eyes that were likely to come from other civilizations.

Over the years, most people on the earth have identified themselves as the people of Daqin, but in order to fully identify themselves, the next generation needs to grow up.

The warrior potential of the Xiongbing Company is very good, most of them have the potential to become three generations of super soldiers, and Huan Zhengshunzui and Meng Xiao mentioned it together, which made Meng Xiao remember.

Among them, Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang has become three generations of super soldiers, as for Direna, it is not to mention.

"Well, without further ado, Daqin wants to launch an all-out war against the gluttonous civilization."

Mengqiao's body was like a mountain, standing still, his gaze fell on Direna, and a faint smile appeared on his face: "I wonder if the Lieyang civilization is interested in being together?" "

Tirena nodded without hesitation: "The Flaming Sun Civilization has no interest in the Gluttonous Civilization. "

She is not stupid, Meng Xiao said that she wanted to unite with the Lieyang civilization to attack the gluttonous civilization, but in fact warned the Lieyang civilization: the gluttonous civilization belongs to Daqin, and the Lieyang civilization should not interfere.

The angel civilization and the Great Qin good must wear a pair of pants, and the gluttonous civilization is not qualified to let the angel civilization, the blazing sun civilization, and the Great Qin unite.

Meng Xiao looked at Ge Xiaolun and the others: "Er and others have served under me for many years, and they have performed well in small wars against gluttonous civilizations, and have made a lot of merits." Sun Wukong, haven't you always wanted to go to Xianyang to see? If this war goes well, I will give you permission to go to Xianyang. "

The door of time and space from the supergod world to the Daqin world is only open for military use, while the opening of the door of civilian time and space is far away.

Meng Xiao inspired the crowd with a few words, and then waved everyone away.

After a while, a series of light curtains appeared, tall or short, majestic or gloomy, with different appearances and temperaments.

These people, all of whom were the commanders of the major armies of the Second Legion, were all tens of millions of light years away from here at this moment.

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