"Are you sure you want to fly back?"

At Ye Fan's strong request, Xiao Hei did not call him the prince again, and at this moment, Xiao Nei's sexualized face showed a skeptical look.

Ye Fan nodded: "Anyway, Ying Yu is not far from the earth. "

This time across the star field, although it did not return directly to the earth, but the ancient star is not very far from the destination, of course, this is relative to the Big Dipper star field, if the real distance, it is enough to scare people. He remembered that the ancient star was the closest to the Earth at the time of the great opposition, 55 million kilometers, and the farthest distance from the Earth at the time of the Luminous Conjunction was about 400 million kilometers.

You know, the ancient star belongs to the same solar system, and is a planet close to the earth, but there is such an astronomical distance, which has to make people sigh at the insignificance of human beings.

Xiao Hei's face was strange: "The emperor... Don't say you, even if I fly back without ten days and a half moon, it's impossible, you..."

The big black dog was strange: "Aren't you a saint king?" Could it be that you are a silver pistol. "

Ye Fan dared to fly back directly, obviously the distance was not far, such a distance was nothing for a Saint King.

"You know a fart!"

Xiao Hei was extremely respectful to Ye Fan, and he was always cold to the big black dog, his fists could not compare, and the big black dog only dared to scold secretly.

"I'll take you to the teleportation array, that teleportation array doesn't know for hundreds of thousands of years, I didn't expect it to be used, I teleported from that teleportation array to the glow to play."

Xiao Hei didn't explain much, and led everyone to the Shadow Confusion Teleportation Array.

Everyone entered the teleportation array, Ye Fan's tears almost flowed, how many years have he been away from home, and he is cowardly, lest something bad happen for many years.

In the past, he had never been so nervous after experiencing all kinds of life and death battles, but at this time, he was panicking and his body was shaking.

"Earth, I'm back..." Ye Fan burst into tears, constantly pressing forward, his heart was extremely excited, riding the Nine Dragons coffin for more than twenty years, and now relying on his own efforts to return, he couldn't help but tremble.

"Uh... This this... This is Earth? "

The other side of the teleportation array is also located in the starry sky, and the distance to teleport here has been reduced by nine-tenths compared to the glow.

Ji Ziyue blinked Shui Ling's big eyes: "Xiaoyezi, didn't you say that the earth is a doomsday planet?" What do I think the Earth is bigger than Beidou? "

"At the end... The Apocalyptic Planet? Ye Hei, do you have any misunderstanding about the Planet of the Last Law? This is also the last law planet, I am afraid that all the planets in the universe are the end law planet. "

Ye Fan stayed in place, his mind almost stopped turning.

That vast planet, is it really the earth where he has lived for more than twenty years?

That blue planet has an inexplicable vast qi machine, very large, awe-inspiring, like a living emperor dormant, people can't help but tremble.

"Huh, is that the moon?"

Ye Fan chuckled.

The moon has also become very large, this moon is a hundred times larger than the original Earth, it seems to have been modified, the overall tone is dark, thick, and there are no bells and whistles.

"That's a fortress of war." Blackie explained.

Ye Fan almost choked: "Wasn't that originally a satellite?" "


Xiao Hei looked like a matter of course: "It was originally a satellite, but the empire swallowed this satellite with a planetary mothership, divided resources internally, and created this war fortress, which still has the function of the original satellite and circles the earth." In the solar system, there are more than a dozen war fortresses, most of which are the only edge of the star system, and this war fortress is the arch of the earth. "

"Empire? What empire? "

Xiao Hei was proud: "Great Qin Empire!" "

Not only everyone, Ye Fan had too many questions in his heart, and these questions became a mess, so that he didn't know where to start, and flew forward with Xiao Hei ignorantly.

Close to this war fortress, you can clearly see that around the fortress, warships are grouped and cruising around.

"This is simply a pure weapon of war."

The crowd was amazed.

Just then, a cruising war fortress appeared ahead.

Although it is far less massive than the war fortress, it is more than a hundred miles in diameter, like a mountain, the largest one of which is more than a hundred li, huge and unlimited, and the aura it emits seems to be able to suppress the heavens, casting a terrifying shadow, and it seems that once fired, it can kill hundreds of millions.

In Ye Fan's view, if the war fortress is more sci-fi, then the fantasy color of the war fortress is even stronger.

This war fortress poses a threat to anyone who has just reached the first step of Sendai.

In Beidou, Sendai is also a big man, although there are quite a few, but not so much that it is a bad street.

And this war fortress belongs to the scope of war weapons and can be manufactured in batches.

At a glance, he saw that there were at least hundreds of war fortresses on that war fortress.

And as Blackie said, there are many war fortresses located on the border of the solar system.

Such a force is already terrifying.

"Your Excellency Xiao Hei, where the military order is."

The war fortress projected a light curtain, and in the light curtain was a resolute man, who saluted Xiao Hei, and his gaze swept over Ye Fan and the others.

Xiao Hei waved his hand indifferently: "I know." "

Xiao Hei did not hold any position in Daqin, but Xiao Hei was almost known in Daqin, and almost all Qin people knew that the First Emperor raised a unicorn.

However, this can't let Xiao Hei travel anywhere without scruples, except for Bai Qi, who controls this legion, anyone entering and leaving the star ring must be tested.

A wave burst out from the War Fortress, and the fluctuation brushed over everyone, including Xiao Hei, but it was just a few seconds.

The resolute man nodded: "The identity is correct, Your Excellency Xiaohei, please forgive me!" "

Xiao Hei led everyone to fly towards the huge planet, and after identity detection, he could drive straight in.

Soon, Ye Fan could already see the peaks on the earth.

In the past, the earth was a planet that was almost dead, but now the earth is vibrant, and around the planet, you can see countless interstellar shipping lanes, a variety of battleships, transport ships in and out, and occasionally some commercial ships.

These battleships and war fortresses formed a heaven and earth network to protect the earth, and the killing aura filled the starry river, so that Ye Fan did not hesitate, any existence that wanted to forcibly go to the earth had to break through this heaven and earth network.

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