Ye Fan looked at the earth and swallowed his saliva with difficulty: "Why did the earth become like this..."

Xiao Hei said: "The earth was originally like this, and now it is just restored." "

Ye Fan had many questions about the changes in the earth, and what he wanted to do most now was to see his parents.

"Talk about Wutang..."

Passing through a square, Ye Fan's eyes swept over and continued to walk towards his home.

This is an old courtyard from the last century, old but charming, surrounded by large woodland and an artificial lake.

Ye Fan found the address and stood at the door for a long time, not daring to push the door in.

Finally, Ji Ziyue pushed open the door, and into the big courtyard, Ye Fan couldn't help but shout in his mouth: "Mom, dad, I'm back... Who are you! "

Chen Hong looked at the people who pushed the door in blankly, and his head instantly went blank: "The system went wrong?" Why did Emperor Ye Tian come back five years early? Even Ji Ziyue, An Miaoyi, these confidantes have followed him back, and the Black Emperor..."

His heart was pounding, and he only felt that things were in order.

He could not have imagined that not only had the earth undergone unimaginable changes, but Ye Fan's parents had not been found, and even Ye Fan had returned many years earlier.

"What about my parents?"

Ye Fan's eyes fell on Chen Hongyi, who was in a trance and his hands and feet were cold.

There was silence in the courtyard, and no one responded to him.

Apparently, the parents left.

What he wanted was his parents to move away, not ...

Feeling Ye Fan's slightly slight gaze, Chen Hong's scalp was numb, he knew very well that Ye Fan was not a soft-hearted person, moreover, when it came to his parents, he would die here if he answered badly, and he was ruthless at the moment: "Ye Fan, I'm here to find you!" "


Ye Fan frowned slightly: "I don't know you, why do you know me?" "

This person is not his classmate, friend, neighbor... He hadn't even seen the man at all.

Chen Hongyi smiled bitterly: "I don't know if you believe it or not, but I'm telling the truth..."

Next, Chen Hongyi recounted his first eight rebirth experiences one by one, of course, some of them were changed by him, in his story, he returned from the future to the present, and the reason why he knew so much was because of Ye Fan's autobiography.

After listening to Chen Hongyi's story, Ye Fan was a little crying and laughing: "Just because you want to hug my thigh, you died seven times?" "


Because he was too familiar with Ye Fan, Chen Hongyi gradually relaxed, and sighed when he heard this: "It's too dangerous around you, really, before you became a great emperor, you were a dangerous high hair band, recall it yourself, how many dangers have you experienced along the way?" "

The big black dog's gaze fell on Ye Fan, full of disbelief: "Emperor Ye Tian? I didn't expect your kid to be so majestic in the future? Gee, block the dark turmoil, re-establish the heavenly court, I am the Heavenly Emperor, when to suppress all enemies, how come I don't think you are so domineering, I have lived for more than 700,000 years in the ninth life, and the super king eight have not lived as long as you. "

Ji Ziyue, An Miaoyi, Qin Yao, Yao Xi, Yan Ruyu's eyes are all colorful, if Chen Hongyi is telling the truth, this man in front of him will become a heavenly emperor in the future, comparable to the existence of emperors, immortal emperors, and finally lived for hundreds of thousands of years to enter the immortal world.

Suddenly, Ji Ziyue spoke, "Then what will happen to me and Xiaoyezi in the future?" "

Chen Hong said: "The positive fruit of your cultivation, you will have a daughter with Ye Fan in the future." "

After hesitating, Chen Hongyi simply said everything he knew: "An Miaoyi, you cut yourself off and cut him off when you were chopping the Dao, Buddhism failed to attack the Immortal Domain, you were dying, only a wisp of divine thought was left to lead him into the Netherworld, and you said that she would bloom a similar flower in a million years." "

"Later, Ye Fanzheng's Heavenly Emperor, Baishi Shaohua, did not see you, hundreds of thousands of years later, Gou Chen Guxing bloomed a similar flower, Ye Fan found this similar flower, Ye Fan believed Bai Shou Shaohua, but he knew that the similar flower was not you."

An Miaoyi listened calmly.

"As for Qin Yao, he should have cultivated at this moment, and he has already died of jade."

"And Yao Xi, Yan Ruyu, you all don't have much contact with Ye Fan in the future."

Qin Yao sighed faintly: "So only one of the five of us can accompany Ye Fan in the end?" "


Ye Fan vetoed very decisively: "Even if what Chen Hongyi said is true, he also said that this is his eighth life, which is completely different from the previous seven times, the first seven lives, the earth is still the earth, and now, the earth is even bigger than Beidou." "

"In the previous seven lives, Qin Yao has already killed you, Miaoyi you have beheaded me, and now, your success in cutting off the road has not cut me off, and you have also given birth to Si Fan for me."

"All this proves that we have little to do with the first seven lives that Chen Hongyi talked about, and the first seven lives that Chen Hongyi met us are like similar flowers, just flowers similar to us, that, not us."

"Chen Hongyi has experienced seven lifetimes, and we, as long as we live this life well, it is enough!"

A slashing king, a saint lying in front of Ye Fan, Ye Fan may not be able to tell the difference, but at this moment Chen Hongyi is just a mortal at the moment, he can't lie in front of Ye Fan at all, when he tells all this, his heart fluctuations are all revealed in Ye Fan's perception.

In addition, his muscles, flesh and flesh, internal organs, and soul are all visible.

The difference in cultivation was too big, and Chen Hongyi didn't have too many secrets in front of Ye Fan.

No matter how bad it is, there is a saint king next to it, in front of Xiao Hei, the saint king, Chen Hongyi is a sieve, Chen Hongyi wants to hide Xiao Hei, it is more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Ye Sifan suddenly said: "The future is uncertain, the experience he said may not be false, but the future he said may not be the future of your father." "

Ye Fan's eyes moved slightly, touched his son's head, and said with a smile: "The future is uncertain, even children understand better than you." "

"What about my parents?" Ye Fan suddenly frowned.

Chen Hongyi fell silent: "I only know that your parents live here... Let me think...... That's right! It seems that Xu Qiong picked them up! "

Xu Qiong?

Ye Fan sounded that gentle and quiet woman like water, why would he pick up his parents?

Since Tarzan disappeared, his property belonged to his parents, and he left a lot of money to his parents that year, and since Tarzan disappeared, the house, car, savings, etc. should belong to the two old men.

According to the standard of living at that time, the ones he left behind were enough for ordinary people to live a few lifetimes.

Rising prices, inflation? But even after more than twenty years, prices are outrageous, inflation is even stronger, and those assets are enough for them to enjoy their old age.

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