Ouyang Ze couldn't hold back his tears and asked from the side: "Second worshipper, let me ask you, why does my brother Ouyang Zeya have to provoke Qingyan? He also rushed to the Southern Alliance after capturing Qingyan. , looking for Baili Fengqing?"

"Brother, I don't know. In the early years, Lucifer and Baili Fengqing had a grudge. Because Baili Fengqing offended Lucifer's men, Lucifer hung him on a tree and beat him severely. It is said that Baili Fengqing also I took off his pants, so Baili Fengqing couldn't get out of bed for a year."

"Afterwards, the Bewitching Palace did not dare to go to the Netherworld Palace to seek bad luck for the Sixth Deacon. I think I heard that Lucifer was deposed by the Netherworld Palace, so I wanted to capture Qingyan and claim credit for Baili Fengqing."

The second worshiper admired from the side: "The second young lady is really smart. The young master is here to capture Qingyan and give it to Baili Fengqing."

Ouyang Wudi hated the fact that iron cannot become steel. He pounded the table hard and said, "Ya'er is confused!"

"Lucifer had a grudge with the Bewitching Hall, so why would he add any extravagance to the matter and end up risking his life!"

"After the young master and I rushed to the Confederate Alliance, we saw Baili Fengqing. I kept feeling a breath lingering faintly behind."

"At this time Lucifer came out, I fought with him and killed him!"

Ouyang Zelei was shocked, "What did you say? Did you kill Lucifer?"

"Yes, eldest son, but Lucifer is at the peak of level 7, but he is also really difficult to deal with. After several struggles with him, I fought hard to kill him."

Ouyang Wudi asked in a deep voice: "What rank is that Lucifer?"

"The peak of level 7."

"Peak level 7? Can I fight you for several rounds with the second worshipper?"

The great priest who was sitting aside, always closing his eyes and concentrating, also frowned.

This Lucifer is indeed as rumored, capable of overcoming enemies.

"Since Lucifer has been killed by you, how did he kill my son?"

"Lucifer miraculously came back to life after being killed by me!"


"After resurrection, Lucifer has already taken on the body of a demon!"

Everyone was shocked!

How did this Lucifer, who was only at the peak of level 7, summon the body of a demon?

Do demons really exist in this world?

The big worshipper opened his eyes, and a bolt of lightning shot out, hitting the second worshipper and knocking him out.

Ouyang Wudi was surprised, how could this great minister, who had always doted on his second brother, be so cruel today?

Could it be that he was too harsh just now and made the great priest unhappy?

I heard the great worshipper speak in a voice like thunder: "Second brother, why are you talking nonsense here!"

The second worshiper did not expect that his eldest brother, who he usually respected, would suddenly take action. He coughed a few times, and after he regained his breath, he slowly said: "Brother, I didn't lie. Lucifer did summon the demon body."

"After he summoned the demon body, I...I used the protective thunder you gave me to summon the thunder god's body."

"Could it be said that the body of the God of Thunder did not defeat Lucifer?"

The second worshiper nodded, "It's because I'm not good at studying and my power of thunder is not strong enough. Otherwise, I wouldn't have killed the young master. Please let me lower my thunder power as a punishment!"

Er Zongfeng said this very cleverly. He did not let Ouyang Wudi punish him, but instead asked Da Zongfeng to punish him.

Ouyang Zeqi heard the meaning of the words, raised his head, and met his father's questioning eyes. Ouyang Zeqi slowly shook his head towards his father.

Ouyang Wudi said: "Forget it, this matter cannot be entirely blamed on the second worshiper. Since the thunder god's body has been summoned, the second worshipper must have tried his best, so let's let this matter go."

Ouyang Zelei gave up and said angrily: "Father!"

Ouyang Wudi slammed the table, "Everyone, stand down! Don't mention this matter again!"

After all, they had lost their youngest son, and everyone stopped talking. The first and second worshipers looked at each other and left the hall.

Arriving at the hut where the great worshipper lived alone, the two of them sat cross-legged.

I saw streaks of thunder power flashing out from the body of the great worshiper, densely surrounding the hut.

"Tell me, second brother, what is going on?"

Looking at the dense thunder all around, the second worshipper felt a little more at ease.

At this time, even if a 9th-level extraordinary strong man comes, it will be difficult to break into this place for a while, let alone eavesdrop on the two people's conversation.

The second worshiper knelt on the ground and said with a cry: "Brother, save me!"

The big worshiper Nori had a look on his face, and he quickly explained: "I deliberately carried out a cruel trick in the hall just now. If I didn't do this, Ouyang Wudi would have lost his young son. How could you give him an explanation?"

"Brother, I'm not complaining that you hurt me, but I have other reasons and want to ask you to save me!"

The great worshiper has never seen his second brother behave like this. He always dotes on his younger brother and quickly agreed: "You tell me, second brother, and the eldest brother will agree to it!"

"I...I already have a demon inside me!"


What the second worshiper said really shocked the big worshiper!

"Second brother, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Big brother, the greedy demon, Mammon, has taken root in my soul."

As he spoke, as if to verify the words of the second worshiper, a dark power suddenly rushed out and hit the thunder directly, making a huge sound.

Unfortunately, the power of thunder did not cause any damage and was still indestructible.

A storm rolled up in the hut, blood-red clouds surged, and a black angel waving huge wings descended from the sky again,

The wings flapped, revealing a two-headed monster, which was the greedy demon Mammon.

Mammon opened his bloody mouth, revealing his sharp teeth, and a stench spread throughout the room.

"The great worshiper is really powerful. The cage of heaven and earth of yours can't even be broken by me."

This is actually the reason why Mamon's strength has not yet recovered. Now, he only has the peak level 8 strength, and he really cannot defeat the big worshiper in front of him.

"Who are you?"

"Demon Mammon."

At this time, the great worshiper finally realized the seriousness of the matter, "Why are you in my second brother's body!"

"Your second brother has surrendered to my lord."

"Who is your master? The fallen angel Lucifer?"

"My Lord is the great dark god, the Lord of Hell, and the Lord of the Netherworld!"

The great priest looked at Norwich, who nodded, "Brother, my Lord is the real god of darkness. After I summoned the body of the God of Thunder, He was defeated without a fight and left."

After hearing this, the great priest collapsed and lost his previous momentum.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that my second brother would actually be on your side. Lucifer is really very clever!"

"Nouri, watch your words. If you dare to be disrespectful to my lord, I will eat you alive right now!"

"What should come will eventually come, but..."

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