I Came From The Underworld And Am Going To The Human World

Chapter 101 The Wrath Of The God Of Thunder

"It's just that you are just a soul body now, and I am the one favored by the God of Thunder!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nori Monster suddenly increased the strength of his hands, and he pinched and sent out a Wind and Thunder Technique, "Wind and Thunder Technique: Cage of Heaven and Earth!"

There was a thunderous thunder outside, and the sound was astonishing. Ouyang Wudi also sensed this aura. He suddenly jumped out, came to the outside of the hut, and shouted loudly: "Great Enshrinement, what happened!"

The thundering voice of the great worshiper came from inside the house: "Don't be alarmed, my master, there are some things I want to talk to my brother about. I also ask everyone in the family to stay in their place and don't disturb me."

Ouyang Wudi responded: "Okay, please, for my sake, please don't make things too difficult for me. I have no intention of blaming you anymore."

In fact, Ouyang Wudi was very angry and wanted to teach Erzong a lesson. However, with the support of his mid-9th level brother, no one in Ouyang's family dared to say no.

Now the thunder of the big ceremony was loud, and regardless of whether the raindrops were light or not, this at least gave the Ouyang family an explanation.

It turned out that Ouyang Wudi thought that Da Cang Feng was teaching his younger brother a lesson, and he suddenly felt that Da Cang Feng was really kind in what he did! Honesty!

In the hut, the demon Mamon said with a ferocious smile: "Those little things left by the God of Thunder in the world also want to trap me?"

Demon Mamon's whole body was filled with red light, and powerful blood-red energy was surging, making him look even more terrifying and terrifying. His blood-red mouth opened wide and he bit towards the thunderbolts.

There was a mocking look on the face of the great worshiper, "No matter if you are the former demon Mamon or not, you are still just an eighth-level peak soul body. If you want to break free from my cage of heaven and earth, you are still wishful thinking!"

Mamon's bloody mouth kept biting the thunder, and the thunder exploded, and black blood continued to flow from the corners of Mamon's mouth, but Mamon seemed not to be hurt, but became even more violent.

I saw Mammon opening his mouth again, using his sharp teeth to bite a piece of thunder and lightning that was constantly surging. Then he took a hard bite and tore a piece of thunder down. The sound of a violent thunder explosion sounded, and the entire The hut was shaken violently.

The great worshiper did not expect that Mamon would be so powerful just in the body of his soul. He saw that the cage of heaven and earth that he had woven with the power of thunder was about to be bitten by Mamon. He was shocked: It seemed that he had to Sacrifice the body of the God of Thunder.

Suddenly, a huge bolt of lightning fell from the sky, breaking through the cage woven by thunder, and a huge hammer entangled by thunder appeared in the hands of the great worshiper.

The hand holding the huge hammer trembled slightly. He looked at the huge hammer surrounded by thunder, his heart was full of awe, and his face was full of piety.

The appearance of this thunder hammer signified that he was about to receive the blessing of Thor's divine power. In a short period of time, he would gain the power of a demigod.

The aura of the great offering climbed again and again, reaching the peak of level 9.

He took a deep breath and felt the thunder power flowing in his body. A powerful force surged into his heart. He raised the huge hammer and struck hard at the demon Mammon.

Mammon looked at the thunder hammer flying at high speed, and opened his mouth wide, trying to swallow the power of thunder again.

However, just as Mammon bit down on the hammer, the big worshiper and the hammer disappeared together, cut through the air, and appeared above Mammon. With one hammer blow, he accurately hit the devil Mammon's head. A head made a huge roar.

The demon Mammon was severely injured by this blow. His huge body shook and kept retreating. One of his heads had a large gaping hole, and black blood was flowing down.

The other head was furious: "I want you to die!"

The great worshiper did not stop. His body turned into a bolt of thunder and lightning, and instantly appeared in front of the demon Mammon. He swung the hammer again and violently attacked the demon's body.

Mammon roared angrily, retreating in pain, his body already paralyzed by the thunder.

Just when the great worshiper thought he had succeeded, a burst of red energy burst out from Mamon, trapping the thunder that the great worshiper had transformed into a red light.

The monster transformed by the demon Mammon dissipated like a burst of black smoke, and a tall man wearing black clothes with waist-length black hair appeared in the hut, exuding a very charming and evil aura.

Unexpectedly, the demon Mammon turned from an ugly two-headed beast into a handsome man.

However, one of Mamon's eyes was bleeding with red blood, showing that he had been seriously injured just now.

His deep eyes met the angry gaze of the great priest, and a very seductive voice came from Mammon's mouth: "Nori monster, tell me the desire buried deep in your heart, and Master Mammon will help you. accomplish."

The great priest was imprisoned in the red light, with a horrified expression on his face. Reason told him that the extremely charming man in front of him was the greed demon Mammon, an extremely cunning existence.

But his heart was shaken. The desires buried deep in his heart, those desires that he might not be able to realize in his entire life, were bewitching the great worshiper. Finally, the great worshipper couldn't bear it anymore and said to the demon Mammon. Expressing his own desires: "I want to become the head of the Ouyang family, obtain the complete Thunder God Secret, become the new God of Thunder, and rule this world."

The demon Mammon got his answer, but he didn't expect that the big worshiper would have such a huge greed. For the demon Mammon, the greater the greed, the easier it is to control.

I saw Him smile evilly, "Hahaha, very good, your desire will be realized soon. But please remember, all blessings come with a price."

The words of the demon Mammon were full of strangeness and warning, but the great worshiper had no chance to regret it.

Just listen to Mammon say: "Praise my name."

He stared at Mammon blankly, and under his inducement, he recited: ""The great dark god, the Lord of Hell, the Lord of the Netherworld, I am willing to dedicate everything I have, including my soul, to my Lord, I will always be by my Lord's side and I will never regret it. "

At this time, Lucifer was still curled up on the skull throne, and Lucifer was awakened from his deep sleep by these devout prayers.

"This is a prayer from a Mammon believer. Is he at Ouyang's house?"

A scene unfolded in front of Lucifer, and he saw the great priest holding Mjolnir, suspended in mid-air, his eyes dull, and he kept chanting in his mouth.


Lucifer looked carefully at the large offering in the picture, and there was a hint of cunning hidden deep in his eyes.


But at this time, Lucifer's vocal reminder was completely unheard by Mammon.

Mammon still looked at the big offering evilly.

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