"Baili Fengqing, I want to ask you for help with something. I wonder if you are willing to help?"

Lin Feng looked at Baili Fengqing with a warm expression on his face.

Baili Fengqing suddenly felt flattered. At this time, Lin Feng was holding his lifeline. It was a joke that the devils under Lucifer, the great devil, had already parasitized in his soul. How dare he not obey his orders?

I saw Baili Fengqing saying respectfully: "My lord, as long as there is an order, I dare not not obey it."

Hearing Baili Fengqing's attitude, Lin Feng took a deep look at Baili Fengqing, then pondered for a while, and finally said: "I need you to go back and tell your father, I need his help, and you need the help of the Bewitching Palace. ."

Baili Fengqing was stunned. He did not expect that the dignified Lucifer would seek help from their bewitchment hall.

But he immediately replied respectfully: "My lord, I will go back and tell my father immediately, but I'm afraid they won't agree if the Bewitching Hall cooperates with the demon clan."

Leviathan frowned, wanting to say something...

Lin Feng had already expected Baili Fengqing's answer. It would be abnormal if he agreed straight away.

"My lord, can I ask first what exactly is going on?"

Lin Feng looked serious and said seriously: "My lover's name is Su Qing. At this moment, she was captured by Bai Mei'er, the fifth generation Luo Shen, in the Luo Shen Hall. She is now afraid of her life. I hope that the Bewitching Hall can help me. I will definitely kill her. Great reward!"

After saying that, Lin Feng actually stood up and gave Baili Fengqing a fist in his arms, "Please consider this carefully, the leader of the Bewitching Hall!"

Baili Fengqing was horrified and moved. He could feel the sincerity and sincerity in Lin Feng's words. The majestic Lord of the Netherworld actually lowered his stature so much for a woman named Su Qing.

Leviathan was extremely surprised, but then he was relieved. The host chosen by Lucifer was exactly the same as his nature, and he was so careless for a mortal woman.

Baili Fengqing pondered for a while, then unexpectedly asked: "My lord, is Su Qing your true love? Is it worth taking such a big risk for her?"

Leviathan is also extremely worried. At this time, the demons like them have not yet fully awakened. At this critical time, it will be really difficult to have another quarrel with the Luoshen Temple, and they might not succeed!

"My lord, openly confronting the Luoshen Temple at this time does not seem to be a wise choice. It's just a woman. Leviathan can find more human women for my lord."


Lin Feng's eyes were flashing with burning flames, and it seemed that in his eyes, Su Qing was his life and the meaning of existence.

"I don't care who I offend, and I don't care how much risk I take. I only care about Amelia Su's safety now!"

Lin Feng's voice erupted like a volcano erupting, "She is my true love, my only one. Without her, my sky is as dark as the sun without it!"

"I only have Su Qing and Leviathan in my heart, no one can replace her, do you understand!"

"Don't talk about the Luoshen Temple, even the so-called gods, if anyone dares to hurt my Su Qing, I will make them pay the price!"

Lin Feng roared almost madly, and the demon blade beside him trembled faintly, making the sound of wind.

Lin Feng even guessed that there was someone from the God Clan behind Bai Meier taking Su Qing away this time.

Baili Fengqing was infected by Lin Feng's words, and couldn't help but feel a rush of blood, "My lord, I will try my best to persuade my father. I'm sure the Hall of Enchantment will not stand idly by, but I don't dare to agree rashly. I need to go back first. Discuss it with your father and decide on a perfect plan."

Leviathan looked at Lin Feng and sighed in his heart. Lucifer once had such passion and persistence, but as time went by, he gradually became calm and rational.

However, Leviathan also understands that this passion and persistence are the meaning and value of life.

Lin Feng regained his composure and looked at Baili Fengqing, "Baili Fengqing has now become a member of my Nether Clan, and will be incompatible with the God Clan in the future. Do you understand this?"

Baili Fengqing nodded helplessly. Where did he have a choice?

Lin Feng remembered what his father Lin Yuantian said to him the night before he came to Luoshui: "My child, just go ahead and do it. Back then, your father was incompetent and did not keep your mother. Now, I will never allow the same thing to happen. As for my son, my father will fight side by side with you, and the entire Nether Clan will stand behind you!"

Lin Feng said to Baili Fengqing: "To rescue Su Qing, the Li family of Luoshen Hall will help me, and the Nether Clan will also help. Not all the eight major families of Luoshen Hall will stand against us. "

"In addition, if your father agrees to help, I would like to invite the devil Satan to come and wish your father to become the true master of bewitchment."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Baili Fengqing bowed and said, "My lord, I will ask my father for instructions now. If successful, I will chant my lord's name again."

Lin Feng nodded, "I'll sit here and wait for you to come back."

Baili Fengqing bowed respectfully again and then drifted away. Lin Feng sat there silently, thinking a lot, and the worry and concern for Su Qing in his heart became more and more intense. He took a deep breath and muttered her name silently, "Su Qing, it's me who failed to protect you. Come back to me quickly..."

Baili Fengqing slowly woke up from her trance, stood up hurriedly, and ran towards her father's study.


"What's wrong?" Baili Xiangyun raised his head and looked at his son who was coming in a hurry.

"Lucifer came to our Enchantment Hall for help. His woman Su Qing was captured by the fifth generation Luo Shen and brought to the Luo Shen Hall. He asked us to help!" Baili Fengqing's tone was full of anxiety.

Baili Xiangyun frowned slightly, "Qing'er, I don't quite understand. Lucifer's woman was taken away. What does it have to do with my bewitchment palace?"

"I have now become Lucifer's favored one..."

As soon as Baili Fengqing's words came out, Baili Xiang suddenly stood up!

"Can you say that again?"

"I became Lucifer's favored one."

There was a flash of shock in Baili Xiangyun's eyes. He did not expect that his son would become the favored one of the legendary Lord of the Netherworld. This was undoubtedly a huge thing for the Bewitching Hall...

If you are not careful, you will be completely destroyed.

Baili Xiangyun asked tentatively: "The devil is already in your body?"

Baili Fengqing nodded, "Jealous Demon Leviathan."

A figure of a woman stepping on a blue dragon slowly emerged from behind Baili Fengqing.

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