"Hello, future Lord of Bewitchment." This was the first thing the jealous demon said when he saw Baili Xiangyun.

Baili Xiangyun still remembered this sentence many years later.

"Hello, Lord Leviathan."

Baili Xiangyun was very polite, with a hint of respect in his politeness.

No one in the Bewitching Hall knew that the domineering and angry Baili Xiangyun actually had such a side.

Leviathan sneered, "Should I say that Leader Baili is broad-minded, or that you are deep-minded? Knowing that I have parasitized Baili Fengqing's body, you are still so calm. Are you thinking about how to deal with me, a devil? ?”

Baili Xiangyun didn't even dare to say anything.

"Your Excellency is overly complimentary."

Baili Xiangyun responded calmly:

"We in the Bewitching Hall will never easily offend powerful beings, let alone an existence like Lord Leviathan. However, since you have come to us for help, you must have some needs, right? Please make it clear that I, the Bewitching Hall, will definitely We are here to help.”

After hearing Baili Xiangyun's words, Leviathan's eyes flashed with surprise, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Very well, I need your power to enchant the palace to rescue my lord's woman."

"Yes, the Hall of Bewitchment will go all out, and I will be there myself, just waiting for Lord Lucifer's order."

Baili Xiangyun's straightforward reply made Leviathan suspicious.

"Tell me what you want and give me a price."

"I want to meet the real Lucifer."

Leviathan frowned slightly, seeming a little surprised by this request. Baili Xiangyun was talking about meeting the real Lucifer, not Lucifer's agent in the world.

"Do you know what you are facing if you seek to see my Lord now? What price do you have to pay?"

Baili Xiangyun was unmoved and still said firmly:

"Of course I know, but I have to see him, that's my condition."

Leviathan was silent for a moment and finally nodded.

"Well, since you are so persistent..."

"Father, don't you need to think about it? I can help you convey it."

Baili Xiangyun shook his head and looked at Leviathan, "Jealous devil, please start, I'm ready."

Leviathan closed his eyes, clasped his hands and placed them on his chest, with a pious expression on his face, "Praise my name."

Baili Xiangyun also followed Leviathan's movements, and his voice gradually became deep and powerful, "Praise my name."

Baili Xiangyun felt that the surrounding atmosphere had become solemn, as if a mysterious power was slowly gathering.

"The great dark god, the Lord of Hell, the Lord of the Netherworld, I am willing to dedicate everything I have, including my soul, to my Lord, and I will always be by my Lord's side, and I will never regret it."

As Leviathan's prayers became louder and louder, the surrounding atmosphere became more and more depressing. An inexplicable sense of tension filled the air, and Baili Xiangyun actually felt a trace of panic in his heart.

This emotion has rarely appeared since he entered the ninth level.

Amidst Leviathan's prayers, a portal glowing with purple light appeared in front of them.

"Let's go," Leviathan turned to look at Baili Xiangyun, "This is your chance to meet Lucifer, you must cherish it."

Baili Xiangyun took a deep breath and stepped into the portal.

He doesn't know what he will face, but he is ready. No matter what happens, he must go on firmly because this is his only chance.

Lin Feng sat cross-legged on the Skeleton Throne with his eyes closed and meditative. The Devil's Blade was placed quietly aside.

Suddenly, the blood-red clouds rolled, the chair symbolizing Leviathan lit up, Baili Fengqing reappeared on the chair, and Leviathan slowly descended.

"My lord, the leader of the Bewitching Hall, Baili Xiangyun is here, and he must see you."

Lin Feng felt a little surprised. This Baili Xiangyun actually believed in Lucifer?

A purple halo of light flashed, and Baili Xiangyun's figure appeared in the hall.

Baili Xiangyun was not like other people who had been here. He did not panic at all, as if he had made all preparations. He raised his head and looked directly at Lucifer.

Lin Feng saw clearly the appearance of the person in front of him. This was the first time they met.

Baili Xiangyun has a calm and majestic face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a straight nose bridge, a clear jaw line, and short hair, which makes him look capable and neat. His eyes are deep and powerful, exuding an inviolable aura.

Wearing a black suit with a tightly buttoned placket and neat collar, he looks very formal. Although his clothes are simple, they give people a noble and elegant feeling.

Baili Xiangyun is not angry and proud, but exudes a steady and unshakable aura. He is indeed worthy of the leadership style of the bewitching palace.

"I have met my lord."

Baili Xiangyun leaned forward slightly, his voice was steady and powerful, and his demeanor was calm and confident, which actually made Lin Feng feel a sense of awe.

"Chief Baili is too polite."

Lin Feng said slowly: "I really didn't expect that the leader of Baili would put himself in danger."

Baili Xiangyun smiled: "My lord, actually since Baili Fengqing returned to the Hall of Bewitchment last time, I have noticed the devil's aura, but I didn't expect it to be jealous of the devil Leviathan, but this is also reasonable. middle."

Baili Fengqing looked a little nervous after hearing her father's words, fearing that he would reveal her secret in front of Lucifer, but Baili Xiangyun did not continue and instead changed the subject.

"My son Baili Fengqing is favored by my Lord and has received the supreme honor of the devil coming. To be honest, I am very envious of him."

Lin Feng smiled in his heart. What Baili Xiangyun said was interesting. He kept a calm expression on his face and continued to ask: "Chief Baili also thinks highly of our demon clan. The Bewitching Palace has always closely followed the footsteps of the Black Eagle Temple, but he didn't even want to step in." The way to become a god, but you are interested in our demon clan?"

"My Lord, are you testing me by saying this? In this world, you are probably the person who knows the most about gods and demons, right? As the former chief of angels, aren't you worthy of my following? Are fallen angels really just the Lord of Demons?”

Leviathan was shocked. What else does this Baili Xiangyun know?

Lin Feng stared at Baili Xiangyun closely, neither angry nor happy, "Chief Baili, please continue."

"Although the Hall of Bewitchment is called a palace and seems to closely follow the footsteps of the Black Eagle Temple, it is just the watchdog of the Black Eagle Temple. The path to godhood has no connection with the Hall of Bewitchment."

Lin Feng looked at Baili Xiangyun meaningfully, "With your position as the leader of Baili, you should have been to Sun City not long ago. Do you know some secrets about what is going to happen?"

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