"Answer my lord, of course I, as the leader of the Hall of Bewitchment, was also present at the meeting in Sun City. I also know about the upcoming war."

"In this space at this moment, let me tell you bluntly, this place must not be monitored by the all-seeing eye."

"That's natural. Chief Baili can speak freely."

"Our Baili family does not have a share in the journey of God. If we talk about the Devil's Hall, there may be some possibility."

Lin Feng was a little confused. What more secrets could be hidden during this period?

"My lord should know that our Bewitching Hall was a split from the original Azure Dragon Temple?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"Then my lord must also know, five tribes?"

Lin Feng thought about it, five tribes, the five tribes Lucifer mentioned before, but he only mentioned two tribes and nothing else.

"Of course we know. Which ancient race does the Baili clan come from?"

"To be honest, the Baili clan is derived from the ancient clan and is of the same lineage as the eight major families in the Luoshen Temple."

"Oh?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows. At this time, not only Lin Feng, but also Baili Fengqing pricked up his ears.

"The founding head of the Baili clan is named Baili Shouyu."

Lin Feng looked confused. He had never heard of the name Baili Shouyue.

"My lord must not know the name of our ancestor, but he also has another title. I must have heard of it. He was once called Yi by the people of the ancient tribe."


Lin Feng stood up suddenly, "The Baili clan is actually the inheritance of the ancient god Yi!"

Baili Fengqing's face turned red with excitement and she clutched the armrest of the seat tightly.

Baili Xiangyun nodded, with an indifferent expression, and then explained: "Yes, Baili's ancestor was the founder of our clan. He was an outstanding archer. It is said that his archery skills reached the pinnacle. To the point where, before leaving the Azure Dragon Temple and establishing the Bewitching Hall, the family motto of the Baili clan was 'Exquisite archery, never abandon it'. It is precisely because of the inheritance of the family motto that we have been able to survive hundreds of years of history. Stand firm in the middle.”

"It's just that now we are in decline."

It was precisely because of Yi's existence that ancient angels such as Lucifer could breathe again. Lin Feng wanted to know about this period of history, especially the ins and outs of Yi.

He asked seriously: "May I ask the leader of Baili, how did the ancestor keep the promise to create the Baili clan, and how did he become Yi?"

"A long time ago, the arrival of the Sun God's Beloved broke the peace of the Eastern Continent. The Beloved claimed that only by believing in the Sun God could the ancient people survive."

"But our Baili clan has only believed in Yi, the god of archery, since ancient times. How can we throw away the inheritance of millions of years and make us abandon our ancestors?"

"The beloved of the Sun God raised the butcher's knife. At that time, the 108 surnames of the ancient tribe stood up one after another to resist the massacre by the beloved of the Sun God."

"Later, we repelled wave after wave of attacks from the Beloved. At this time, the Sun God appeared. With his supreme power, He covered the entire sky of the Eastern Continent. For a whole year, ten people appeared in the sky. Without a sun, the earth will dry up and the disaster will be severe."

"Only the top of Kunlun Mountain is always covered with snow and is not affected by the flames of the Sun God. This is because there is a statue of the ancient god Yi on the Kunlun Snow Mountain."

"It is said that the ancient god Yi was a famous archer before he became a god. He is the undisputed god of arrows in the world. He can shoot through any target a hundred steps away with one arrow, and can even hit meteors in the sky."

"At that time, the ancient clan was already in danger. The ancestors of Baili who kept the promise risked their lives and climbed to the top of the snow mountain in order to obtain the inheritance of Yi, shoot down the sun from the sky, and free the ancient clan from danger."

"My ancestors climbed up the snowy mountains and waited for half a year in the endless snowy sky. During this six months, our ancestors, who were already demi-gods, were like ice sculptures."

"Half a year later, the statue of the ancient god Yi melted, and under the scorching sun, the snow on the Kunlun Holy Mountain also melted."

"From the melted statue, a man who claimed to be a magic archer came out. He told the ancestors that he had been observing every move of the ancestors in the statue for the past six months. The patience and sincerity of the ancestors had impressed the ancient gods. Yi, but if you want to obtain the inheritance of the ancient god Yi, you still have to pass a trial, but the trial is not about archery."

"About the inheritance of trials, there are detailed records in the Baili clan. Since the establishment of the Bewitching Hall, the book of records has been destroyed and has been passed down orally by successive family heads. I am mainly patient, so let me explain in detail. I think my lord will also be able to gain some insights from it, so to prove my sincerity, I can treat it as a meeting gift to my lord."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Baili Fengqing, please listen carefully. This is the inheritance of our Baili clan. I will tell you today. Remember it."

Baili Fengqing looked excited and nodded solemnly.

"The trial inheritance is divided into three sessions."

"The first game is called the trial of ice and fire. Under the leadership of the archer, the ancestors jumped from a gap in the Kunlun Mountains, which was a land of lava. The terrifying temperature, even The ancestors who had already surpassed the ninth level peak at that time were somewhat unable to resist."

"In the land of lava, there was an ice wall that would not melt. In the ice wall, there was a bow and arrow sealed in the ice. The archer gave the ancestor an ice knife and told the ancestor that as long as he cut through the ice wall, he could get the bow and arrow. , and achieved victory in the first trial.”

"The first time, our ancestors stayed in the lava land for 10 days. Only finger-sized holes were drilled through the ice wall, and our ancestors were reduced to ashes under the raging fire."

"Soon, the ancestors were reborn from the ashes. The ice wall was still the same as it was before. Even the finger-sized hole was gone. The ancestors still held the ice blade and stood in front of the ice wall."

"The ancestor dug in again and again. As expected, he failed again, but this time he persisted for 15 days, and the ice wall was carved out as big as a palm."

"The ancestor has failed hundreds of times and been resurrected hundreds of times, but still has not succeeded. He has given up in his heart because he feels that the Baili clan has been slaughtered by the Sun God's favored ones, even if he has obtained the inheritance , to no avail. So, he shouted in the lava to give up the trial, but the marksman never appeared again."

"The ancestor was able to cycle between rebirth and ashes. He repeated the work of chipping away at the ice again and again. Only then did he understand that only by chipping away at the ice wall and taking out his bow and arrow could he escape this trial.

"The ancestors stayed in the lava for a full hundred years and were resurrected thousands of times. Finally, they succeeded and obtained the bow and arrow."

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