"After getting the bow and arrow, the sharp archer appeared. He said: Congratulations on passing the first trial. In fact, you are in an illusion. Only one day has passed outside. Now, you will hold the bow and arrow and enter The second trial is called the trial of heart and mind.”

"The ancestors came to a shooting range. There was only one target in the shooting range. The archer told the ancestors that they had to use the bow and arrow they had just carved out of the ice wall to shoot at the bull's-eye to pass the second trial. However, this time, , the archer turned into the appearance of his ancestors, holding the same bow and arrow, standing opposite the ancestors, next to the bullseye."

Lin Feng was shocked. How similar was this to the Dark Dancer taught to him by his father, Lin Yuantian?

Just listen to Baili Xiangyun continue to say: "The ancestors aimed at the bull's-eye, and every time they shot an arrow cluster, the master archer would be on the opposite side, imitating the ancestors, and shoot the same arrow cluster, regardless of speed, strength, or direction. Not bad. It’s just that this arrow flies in the opposite direction and can accurately intersect with the arrows shot by the ancestors every time, thus destroying the arrows of the ancestors.”

"Moreover, the magical thing is that every time an arrow crosses, it will leave a mark on the soul of the ancestor, which makes the ancestor more and more confused and even wants to give up."

"The archer told the ancestors that this is a battle of the soul, not a simple competition in archery. Only through control of the heart and transformation of thoughts can one truly hit the bullseye. Every failure of the ancestors is a reflection on the target. A resistance and challenge in the heart, only by overcoming the fear in the heart can real growth be achieved."

"After experiencing countless failures and challenges, the ancestor finally had an epiphany. The impetuousness and distracting thoughts in his heart gradually disappeared, his mind became purer, and his archery skills became more and more exquisite. In the end, the ancestor's arrow became one with his own heart, and he closed his eyes , an arrow shot out, penetrated the archer's arrow, hit the bull's-eye, and at the same time hit the depths of his heart."

""Congratulations on passing the second trial. This is what the archer said to the ancestors. Now you are about to enter the third challenge, called the trial of mind and Tao. In this trial, the ancestors need to find a way out in a maze. The maze is full of various traps and traps. They need to use their mind and willpower to deal with it before they can finally find a way out. "

"The ancestor entered the maze and encountered various traps and mechanisms along the way. He remained awake and alert at all times, constantly looking for a way out. Finally, the ancestor came to the end of the maze and found that the way out was in his own heart. He had an epiphany Understand the true meaning of life and understand what the so-called Tao is."

Having said this, Baili Xiangyun raised his head and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't think the story ended like this, and he asked: "So, what exactly is Tao? You talked about the various difficulties and obstacles encountered in keeping the promise in Baili in the first two levels, and finally broke through, but in the third level, Is it so simple? You must have overlooked something."

Baili Xiangyun bowed respectfully to Lin Feng, "Yes, my lord. At the end of the third level, the ancestors could not withstand the temptation of greed and transformed into the sun, scorching the earth and burning to death all the ancient tribe except Baili. Everyone except the Li family."


Baili Fengqing stood up excitedly. He didn't believe that the ancestors would fall into evil. "The ancestors must have entered the illusion."

"Yes, my son, you are right. The ancestor's last illusion was to transform into the sun god and compete with the archer."

"In the first trial, the bow and arrow obtained by the ancestors was the famous artifact, the Sun-killing Bow, the bow and arrow held by the legendary Yi. In the second trial, the ancestors were polished with marks again and again. , obtained Yi's inheritance, the sun-killing arrow technique. Therefore, in the third trial, even if the archer personally faced the enemy ancestor, there was nothing he could do. Every arrow he shot at the ancestor was interrupted by the ancestor. "

Baili Fengqing asked excitedly: "Then how did the ancestor pass the test in the end?"

Baili Xiangyun shook his head, "I don't know. The story ends here. The ancestors didn't tell it, and no one asked about it later."

Leviathan asked: "Finally killed the Archer? Passed the trial?"

Lin Feng said: "It must not be the case. The Archer is actually the incarnation of Yi. If Baili Shouyu really killed the incarnation of Yi, then he may never come out again because he has lost his faith in God."

Leviathan nodded. Among the three people present, she was the only one who knew what faith in God was.

Baili Xiangyun and his son were both confused.

"Only when you truly become Lucifer's favored ones, transcending the ninth level peak and entering the level of demigods, will you understand what the faith of God is, and you will also know why your ancestors did not kill the Archer. ."

Above the blood red, the clouds rolled, and a thunderous voice came: "I know how his ancestor won the third trial."

A black vortex appeared again in the blood-red center, and a tall figure in black robes walked out of the huge black portal, "Greetings to my lord."

Who is this if not Satan?

Lin Feng nodded slightly to Satan, imitating the true Lucifer tone, "My brother, Satan, you are here."

Hearing Satan's name, Baili Xiangyun's eyes seemed to be ignited with blazing fire. He had finally waited for this day.

Satan turned around and faced Baili Xiangyun, "The desire in your heart is telling me that you have been waiting for me for a long time. You should have received some kind of instruction to meet me. I am right. ?"

Baili Xiangyun was shocked by Satan's words, but he did not panic. Instead, a smile appeared on his face: "Yes, I have been waiting for this time to seduce the devil Satan. In the ancestral precepts of the Baili clan, it is clear It has been said that without being bewitched, one cannot reach the true meaning, so by being bewitched, one can escape from the devil.”

"Become a bewitcher and escape from the devil?" Satan frowned, then relaxed his brows again in a moment.

"My Lord, Satan believes that his Baili clan is the true descendant of Yi, but the time has not come yet. Please forgive Satan for not being able to explain the reason."

Lin Feng nodded, "Brother, can you tell me how Baili Shouyu successfully passed the third trial?"

"Of course, my lord. The reason why Baili Shouyu passed the third trial is that the sharpshooter successfully shot through himself, which means he shot the sun to death."

"Only by letting go of all the greed in your heart can you get the true meaning of deception. I believe Baili Shuyue truly understands the reason why he turned into the sun. Staring into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you."

"Bai Li kept his promise and wanted to get rid of the sun in the sky. This was his biggest obsession. This obsession also penetrated deep into his heart, affecting his thinking and decision-making. In the end, it bewitched him to turn into the sun. ."

As he said this, Satan knelt down on one knee and said, "My Lord, please allow me to descend on Baili Xiangyun."

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