After leaving Li's house, Lin Feng raised his head. There was no trace of sunlight in the sky, which was gray in color, as if shrouded in thick clouds, and he couldn't even see the edge of the sky clearly. A breeze blew by, bringing with it bursts of moisture and coolness, making Lin Feng's already gloomy mood feel even more heavy and uncomfortable.

Now the whole world seemed to become dim and gloomy in Lin Feng's heart.

Li Cheng and Li Dong, one on the left and the other on the right, followed Lin Feng. Li Dong even patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, "Okay, don't think about it, let's go!"

Lin Feng nodded vigorously, "Su Qing, wait for me, I'm coming."

The Li family's residence in Luoshui is not far from the Luoshen Temple. To go to the Luoshen Temple, you cannot use the teleportation array. This is out of respect for the Luoshen Temple.

Of course, Lin Feng still has to pay this respect today, because he came to visit Bai Meier in the name of a descendant of the Li family.

Along the Luoshui River, the three of them walked westward. In about fifteen minutes, rows of ancient buildings appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Here we are."

Following the direction of Li Dong's finger, Lin Feng saw an elegant and solemn building hidden among many ancient houses. "That's the Luoshen Temple. Let's go."

Climbing up the stone steps, after walking about a hundred steps, a heavy voice came: "Who is here? What is the matter?"

Li Dong took out a datewood-colored token from his cuff. There was only one word "Li" on the front, and only one word "Luo" on the back.

The voice said slowly: "Two heads of the Li family, I recognize you, who are you bringing?"

"The son of an old friend informed Luo Shen yesterday."

A blast of extraordinary power struck Lin Feng without warning.

Lin Feng subconsciously wanted to fight back.

Li Cheng made a move like lightning and held Lin Feng's shoulders, "Don't move."

The other hand also sent out a supernatural power to counteract the mysterious old man's supernatural power.

"Lao Bai, a descendant of my Li family, you'd better not check at will."

Bai Lao, who was hiding in the dark, snorted coldly and then became silent.

"He is the elder of Bai Meier's family and the chief of Bai Meier's bodyguards. Bai Meier has a bodyguard, all composed of disciples of the Bai family."

While walking, Li Dong explained to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded slightly and didn't ask any more questions.

Luoshen Temple is a complex of buildings covering a large area, divided into main hall, side hall, side hall and other buildings. The roof of the main hall is covered with yellow glazed tiles, layer upon layer, and a lifelike white jade statue of the Luo God is enshrined in the hall.

Lin Feng walked into the main hall and looked at the jade statue carefully. He saw a beautiful and dignified woman, wearing a robe, with a beautiful face, high bun, and graceful figure.

Her eyes were gentle, as if she were smiling at Lin Feng, and she was holding a rosette in her hand, like a charming fairy, giving Lin Feng a mysterious and graceful feeling.

Lin Feng clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and saluted reverently to the jade statue of Luo Shen.

Li Cheng and Li Cheng did not speak, but stood quietly behind Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng came to his senses, Li Cheng strode towards the back hall. Li Dong explained: "Bai Meier's residence is in the back mountain of Luo Temple."

The three of them were walking on a small road behind the palace, which was winding and led directly to the back mountain.

Passing through a sea of ​​rose flowers, a deep cave was revealed in front of the three of them.


There was nothing special about the entrance of the cave, and there was no one guarding it. Lin Feng walked in first without waiting for the two Li family members.

"Li Qing's son, Lin Feng, came to pay a visit to His Majesty the Fourth Generation Luo Goddess."

A clear and resonant voice spread throughout the cave. In a damp dungeon, Su Qing, who seemed to be much older, raised her head with difficulty and opened her eyes.

In the hall, Bai Meier was still leaning on the imperial concubine's couch, looking lazy and charming.

She seemed to be wearing nothing, only a thin silk blanket covering her body.

Bai Meier raised her head and looked at Lin Feng, her red lips parted slightly: "Lin Feng, you are finally here. I have been waiting so hard for you."

Lin Feng stared hard at Bai Meier's face, and a burst of anger radiated from him.

Li Cheng and Li Dong who followed later had a look of surprise on their faces, "You... you are not Bai Mei'er, who are you?"

"Haha... Li Dong, you are really interesting. You can't even recognize me? Have I become so beautiful now that you don't dare to recognize me? Hahahahahaha!"

Bai Meier let out an angry laugh, her face full of teasing.

She slowly caressed her flawless skin with her fingers, "I am the fourth generation of the Luoshen God. Such a face and such delicate skin can only be found in this continent, which is rare in thousands of years."

As she spoke, Bai Meier actually stretched out her jade foot and lightly tapped it towards Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, come here quickly, suck my toes, surrender to me, I will share the bliss of the world with you and enjoy the supreme Taoism. , to become the true god respected by all."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed with disgust and disdain. He took a deep breath and then chuckled, "Bai Mei'er, you are such a pitiful person."

"Pity? Hahahahaha, are you laughing at me?" Bai Mei'er let out a weird laugh, "What qualifications do you think you have to laugh at me? You dirty men, your respect for Luo Shen is only because I have more than You are more powerful, and the beauty that makes you fascinated, you stinky men, you only come to worship me because of your own greed and desire, it is really sad and ridiculous."

"I'm not laughing at you, Bai Mei'er. You have forgotten who you are. Your mind has been blinded by desire."

Bai Meier's face changed, and the look in her eyes became more and more fanatical, "What nonsense are you talking about, Lin Feng? I am Luo Shen, the true god revered by everyone, I have endless power and beauty, why should I get lost? Own?"

"You are right, you are the God of Luo, but you are just the God of Luo in the Luoshen Temple. Now you are trying to become like Su Qing to confuse me? With you, the beauty you obtained through evil deception is nothing more than It’s just a tool used to satisfy your and other people’s desires!”

"Hand over my woman, what did you do to her!"

"Haha, your woman? If you know how to behave, just kneel down and lick my feet. If you lick my feet, I will be happy, maybe I will allow you to climb onto my bed and share the bliss of the world. After all, you are the ultimate The Yin body is still very delicious.”

"Bai Mei'er! You actually plundered Su Qing's Extreme Yang Body! I, Lin Feng, want you to die today!"

Lin Feng roared loudly, breaking through the hall and resounding throughout the world!

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