"Xue Ming" moved to Bai Meier's side like lightning, took a deep breath, and showed an expression of extreme obsession and intoxication on his face.

A half-human, half-snake monster with three snake heads made such an action that Bai Meier almost fainted. Everyone present was also a little disgusted.

Xue Ming sighed, feeling regretful, "It's still a little bit close. This Xue Ming's movements are really slow. If it could be faster, there would be so many variables. The Gu of Dual Cultivation is almost completed now. By the time I absorb the energy of the extreme sun, I will definitely grow a fourth holy head."

"No, I can't say even five! When the time comes, who in the sky and on earth can stop me?"

Qin Wangtian was horrified when he heard this, "Double Cultivation Gu, it turns out you planted the Dual Cultivation Gu in Luo Shen's body!"

Everyone looked at Qin Wangtian and heard him explain slowly: "The poison of double cultivation is derived from a mysterious snake venom, which is more powerful than the poison of snake heart. The poison of dual cultivation can be used in a unique way. It affects and changes the energy flow of the human body. It is said that it can absorb two opposite attributes of energy at the same time, such as yin and yang, cold and heat, softness and hardness, etc., so that they can be integrated into one human body."

"Once the poison of dual cultivation is cast, the poison will produce a subtle and complex energy cycle in the human body, introducing two opposite energies into the human body. Such a cycle can bring about huge changes in the body and soul."

"However, the Gu of Dual Cultivation is not an easy force to control. Although it is called Dual Cultivation, once one party completes the cultivation, it often makes a cauldron for the more powerful other party. If not controlled or manipulated, the energy of the Gu may become unbalanced , causing a violent reaction in the body and mind, which is not only life-threatening, but even if you are lucky enough to survive, you will become a terrifying existence that is half human and half snake."

"Due to the powerful power and unpredictability of the Double Cultivation Gu, it is regarded as a taboo in the Luoshen Temple. Few people dare to try to use it. The Double Cultivation Gu may bring huge disasters."

"The nine-headed holy snake is an extremely cold thing. If you want to absorb the extremely yang body, it is really a good plan to use Luo Shen to practice the dual cultivation Gu first and use it as your cauldron!"

Lin Feng also frowned when he heard that Dual Cultivation Gu was so overbearing. No wonder Bai Meier's behavior has become so eccentric!

Bai Lao stared closely at "Xue Ming" in front of him, his heart filled with shock and anger. He didn't expect that "Xue Ming" would actually cast the double cultivation poison on Bai Meier. He couldn't tolerate such vicious methods.

"You devil, how dare you do such a cruel thing to Luo Shen!" Bai Lao roared, with burning anger flashing in his eyes.

Bai Meier's face turned pale. She felt the strange power surging in her body, and she couldn't help but tremble. She knew she was in grave danger.

Bai Meier now regrets extremely that she listened to Xue Ming's slander and practiced the evil method that Xue Ming gave her. She wanted to seize Su Qing's Extreme Yang Body and be promoted to the real Luo Shen.

But now he has met such a tragic end. The terrifying ancestor of the Xue family in front of him will definitely not let him go.

"Xue Ming" sneered, his eyes full of mockery and pride.

"Yes, I cast the Gu of Double Cultivation on Bai Mei'er, and used her to absorb the yang energy of that little girl. I wanted to wait until Bai Mei'er becomes a master, and this will be a good furnace."

"She and I are practicing together. Not only can I realize my wish for many years, but I can also help her become the Luoshen. In this way, the strength of the Luoshen Temple will surpass that of other temples, even the Black Eagle Temple!"

"It's a pity that this kid Lin Feng appeared and almost ruined my plan on the day when I was about to succeed. I tell you, don't even think about stopping me. My strength is already invincible in the world. Don't try to become cannon fodder! "

Bai Lao clenched his fists, he didn't believe what this old monster said. If he really succeeds, Bai Meier can only be the victim. He must protect Bai Meier!

Bai Lao's voice was full of determination and anger, "Old Monster Xue, you can't succeed as long as I'm here. If you should hurt my Bai Family Luo Shen, I will never let you go!"

Qin Wangtian also stood up. He stared at "Xue Ming" in front of him and said coldly: "Since you said that you were the one who harmed my ancestor of the Qin family back then, your despicable methods are destined to be punished. I, Qin My family will never let you succeed!"

Shen Nan held the sword in his hand tightly, his eyes flashed with determination, and his actions meant everything.

Qing Jiuyou also stood up, "As a descendant of the Qinglong clan, the Hydra clan is our natural enemy. I just wish I could kill you all."

"Xue Ming" had a look of disdain on his face, "A mantis is using his arms as a chariot, he is not overestimating his own abilities!"

Now that a common enemy appeared, Lin Yuantian also put away his hostility towards Bai Lao.

The moment Lin Yuantian took back his breath, Bai Lao shouted angrily and blasted towards the snake head in the middle of "Xue Ming"!

I saw Bai Lao's figure rushing forward quickly, his fists shining with silvery white light, and with destructive power, he struck hard at the snake head in the middle of "Xue Ming".

The snake heads grew longer in an instant and turned quickly like a swimming dragon, easily dodging Bai Lao's heavy blow. One of the snake heads even opened its huge mouth and bit into Bai Lao's body.

Bai Lao's face was solemn, and his figure instantly burst out with a strong momentum, "The White Tiger is coming!"

With an angry roar, Bai Lao's whole body was covered with a layer of blazing white light, and he turned into a white tiger, huge and majestic.

He struck out with a palm, instantly forming a violent storm and attacking the three-headed snake with violent power.

The three-headed snake roared, a cunning light flashed in its eyes, and it quickly turned its body to avoid Bai Lao's attack.

Bai Lao's offensive was fierce, and the three-headed snake also showed amazing sensitivity and reaction speed, cleverly dodging every attack of Bai Lao.

The figures of a snake and a tiger shuttled through the air, and every collision brought huge impact.

The air was filled with a violent aura. Each head of the three-headed snake had independent thinking and action capabilities. They cooperated with each other and displayed amazing combat effectiveness.

While the two snake heads were fighting with the white tiger, the third snake head remained silent. Suddenly, the third snake head found the right opportunity and spit out a violent venom into the white tiger's eyes.

The white tiger let out a shocking roar and fell straight from mid-air.

The white tiger fell heavily to the ground. The tiger tried hard to lift its head. After a few efforts, it fell heavily to the ground again.

After an unwilling roar, Bai Lao's figure appeared.

In a moment, the outcome was decided.

Everyone took a breath, it was indeed an old monster that had lived for who knows how many years, and its strength was so terrifying!

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