I Came From The Underworld And Am Going To The Human World

Chapter 131 Each Shows His/Her Abilities

Within a few rounds, Bai Lao was easily defeated. The snake head in the middle of "Xue Ming" looked at everyone proudly, with the black scales on his body shining with an eerie light.

The snake head on the left is winding and coiling, its eyes are like rubies burning with evil flames, and its tongue is constantly licking its sharp teeth. The snake head on the right is cunning and ferocious, with eyes as dark as the abyss, which can make people feel chilly.

The snakehead in the middle spoke, "Is there anyone else among you who wants to disobey me?"

Qin Wangtian shouted, "Come together!"

I saw circles of ripples appearing behind Qin Wangtian, "Formation·Xuanwu Seal!"

The huge Xuanwu shadow appears again!

Shen Nan drew the sword. When the sword came out of the sheath, a strong sword intent instantly filled the Luoshen Temple.

Lin Feng couldn't help but stand up straight. This was the first time Shen Nan took action after being here for so long.

The blade of the sword was shining with silvery light, exuding a cold and chilling aura.

The surface of the sword is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting Shen Nan's resolute face.

The edge of the sword was like ice, shining with cold light through the refraction of light.

The hilt of the sword was held tightly by Shen Nan. His eyes were focused and firm, as if he was one with the sword.

Shen Nan's posture was straight, his shoulders were slightly tilted forward, and the sword intent condensed around him, forming an indomitable energy field that filled the air, making people feel heart-stopping.

Shen Nan shouted loudly: "The name of the sword is Dragon Yin! Kill all the evil spirits in the world!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dragon's roar resounded through the sky, like a bright lightning piercing the dark night sky, and Shen Nan's fighting spirit reached its peak.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's interesting."

In the middle, the snake head shook his head, and Snake Xin kept hesitating, "The sword is full of energy, a bit like your ancestor, but the strength is not as good as his peak, you are still a little bit behind. However, compared to the one who still has his eyes closed until now, The old Xuanwu turtle is stronger."

Qin Wangtian snorted coldly, "You will know soon. Since the great god Xuanwu was able to seal the nine-headed demon snake once back then, today I will also seal you, a half-human, half-snake monster."

Shen Nan remained silent, looking at "Xue Ming" coldly, ready to take action at any time.

Seeing that the two family heads had taken action, Qing Jiuyou was not to be outdone. He pinched his fingers lightly and recited a spell in a low voice. When he listened carefully, he could hear the faint sound of dragon roars.

"Blue Dragon Appears!"

Qing Jiuyou's black hair spread out, her long hair was like ink, flowing out of the dust, and her eyes suddenly brightened, twinkling like stars.

The atmosphere around her began to change, energy fluctuations spread like ripples, and a strong cyan light gradually emanated from her body, covering everyone.

As the mantra continued to be chanted, Qing Jiuyou's body began to slowly merge into the light. Her skin gradually became as pale as jade, shimmering with a strange cyan luster. Her limbs gradually deformed, her fingertips extended into long and sharp dragon claws, and her skin was covered with a layer of hard scales.

Her body continued to grow, and dragon horns as black as ink appeared on her forehead. Her eyes turned into a deep glass color, revealing endless wisdom and majesty.

A long dragon tail swayed gently, and its blue scales shone like the starry sky.

Qing Jiuyou has transformed into a giant green dragon, standing upright in the Luoshen Temple. Her body is tall and majestic, exuding a heart-stopping aura of power. Her dragon body shone brightly, and every scale was as dazzling as a gem.

Qingjiu Youlong raised his head and let out a thundering roar. The dragon's breath bloomed into azure flames in the air, illuminating the entire hall.

Lin Feng didn't know why, but an inexplicable feeling of respect arose in his heart. This feeling was kind and full of power.

Lin Yuantian couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice: "The green dragon appears, and the four seas are unified."

The dragon's eyes glared at "Xue Ming", and a vicissitudes of life and a majestic voice came out: "The nine-headed insect has appeared again."

"Xue Ming" changed his previous expression, and the faces of the three snake heads showed resentful looks at the same time. Their voices were sharp and crazy: "You big caterpillar, you deserve to be annihilated in ashes! Even if you dissipate in the world, you will still be alive." Don’t forget to come out and play tricks, but it’s a pity that you only have this wandering ghost left, how can you do anything to me!”

"Haha, I can still do it by cutting off both of your heads."

"Then come and give it a try, you stinky caterpillar!"

"Xue Ming" was also angry, and the three snake heads spit out a ball of extremely smelly pus at the three of them!

"Be careful, it's poisonous!"

Shen Nan ignored himself and raised his hand to draw his sword. The blade of the sword passed through and rolled up a whirlwind, firmly protecting Shen Nan in it.

"One sword chills Jiuzhou!"

Under the protection of the whirlwind, Shen Nan chopped off the head of the snake on the left!


Qin Wangtian roared angrily, and the Xuanwu Seal behind him rose up and hit the snake head in the middle hard!

Qing Jiu let out a dragon roar, opened his huge mouth, and bit the snake head on the right, as if he was not afraid of the snake's venom at all.

In the fierce storm, Shen Nan's sword edge collided with the snake head's figure instantly, making a harsh tearing sound.

He held a sharp sword in his hand, his sword energy was sharp, his figure was as agile as the wind, dancing with the sword light, he slashed at the snake's head, the sword raining down like weaving.

What's amazing is that the snakehead on the left chose to bear the whirlwind formed by the condensed sword energy.

The giant dragon transformed by Qing Jiuyou opened its huge mouth, not afraid of the venom of the snake head, and bit down, its sharp teeth biting the hard scales, making a terrible clicking sound. The snake head seemed to be a little scared. The green dragon tried to hold it back, and blood mist splattered from the dragon's mouth, making him unable to move.

Qin Wangtian's Xuanwu Seal seemed a bit slow. Relying on the protection of Xuanwu's body, Qin Wangtian's whole body is indestructible.

The Xuanwu Seal slowly approached "Xue Ming". Qin Wangtian saw the opportunity, roared, and suddenly pushed forward with both hands. The Xuanwu Seal turned into a huge stone tablet and slammed into the snake head in the middle.

The boulder fell, the ground shook, a cloud of dust and gravel flew up, and the snake's head screamed in pain.

The three of them joined forces with high morale, like an unstoppable force.

The sword energy, boulders and dragon roars intertwined together to form a spectacular and intense picture.

The smugglers became increasingly angry and squirmed, trying to get out of their predicament.

"Xue Ming" made a sharp and frantic hiss, his voice full of anger and disdain.

However, no matter how hard he struggled, the three men's attacks remained firm and firmly suppressed the three snakeheads.


Suddenly sparks flew everywhere, energy collided, and the Luoshen temple was filled with a violent atmosphere.

Seeing three people and one snake fighting together, Bai Lao's tired face showed a smile. The three masters came out. It would be difficult for the gods to resist.

Even the wily and calculating Lin Yuantian breathed a sigh of relief and believed that he had a chance to win.

After all, Lin Yuantian had no chance of winning even under such powerful attacks from the three of them.

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