The four snake heads were pinched by Satan's big hands. Monster Xue swung the four snake tails and stabbed toward Satan's chest crazily.

"Haha, four-headed bugs."

The mighty power of the underworld spurted out from Satan's chest, like hell magma, rushing towards the four-headed dragon and snake.

The hot magma melted the tails of the four-headed dragon snake mercilessly.

The heads of the four dragon snakes turned red. They opened their large mouths at the same time, and flames, poisonous mist, and poisonous liquid spurted out together, forming a blazing wind that enveloped Satan.

Facing this last desperate counterattack, Satan's whole body was enveloped in a shield of the power of the underworld.

The dark shield withstood the blazing wind and protected his body from damage.

Although it seemed that the attack was ineffective against Satan, in this fierce battle, Satan's power in the underworld was greatly consumed, and he felt signs of fatigue.

This battle must be decided quickly!

Satan stared at Old Monster Xue, with hellfire flashing in his eyes.

The hoarse voice seemed to come from the netherworld: "Hand over Bai Meier, and I will spare your life. Otherwise, just die!"


Old Monster Xue is still tough.

However, Bai Meier was the key step for him to become the Nine-Headed Holy Snake. How could he hand over Bai Meier.

Xue Ming tried to induce Bai Meier and absorb the Yang energy from Su Qing, all of which were planned by Mr. Xue for a long time.

He also has the biggest reliance, which is his immortality. As long as there is a slight flaw, he thinks he can still escape.

Unfortunately, Satan also knows what he is thinking.

And Satan was not prepared to give him this chance.

"Lava Purgatory!"

After fighting for so long, Satan is finally going to take action.

He couldn't delay it any longer, otherwise things would change. He originally thought that if he could suppress Old Monster Xue with powerful force, he would obediently hand over Bai Meier, but Satan underestimated the importance of Bai Meier to Old Monster Xue.

Now it seems that unless Old Monster Xue truly feels the end of his life, he will not let go.

Satan raised his arms high, and the power of the underworld turned into lava flames, pouring violently into his palms.

As he moved, two huge energy balls formed in his hands, emitting scorching heat and a terrifying sense of oppression.

Satan pointed his arms at Old Monster Xue, and shot two balls of energy towards each other at high speed.

The energy ball formed a four-cornered world, trapping Old Monster Xue.

Lava erupted in all directions, like a blood-red purgatory.

The ground began to shake violently, lava surged, and flames burned.

Satan's body is also surrounded by the power of netherworld and lava flames. In the hot lava, Satan's figure looked even more majestic and terrifying, his face twisted, revealing a ferocious smile.

Under the double oppression of high-temperature lava and huge pressure, Old Monster Xue in the four directions let out a heart-rending howl, and the huge snake body trembled.

His demigod body actually began to dissolve under the high temperature, and the four dragon and snake heads frantically hit the surrounding invisible barrier.

"Satan, you devil! You devil! The Nine-Headed Holy Snake God will not let you go!"

Satan sneered, "Sure enough, you are telling the truth. You, a hypocritical demigod, dare to show off your power in front of me. You are just one of the many species of the Hydra. Even if you are the true form of the Hydra, Standing here, He must bow his head obediently. Otherwise, I don’t mind one more ghost in my netherworld.”

"In addition, I want to remind you. If you die in my lava hell, your soul will enter my netherworld. If you don't hand over Bai Mei'er now, you will endure my endless anger and torture after death. Think about it carefully, there is not much time left for you!"

In the lava purgatory, the four dragon and snake heads of Old Monster Xue were still roaring.

His demigod body had begun to fall apart, and four dragon and snake heads exploded at the same time!

In the lava purgatory, there was a vague figure of a rickety old man, kneeling on the ground, wailing bitterly.

Just when everyone thought that Old Monster Xue was going to be turned into ashes, the figure inside spoke, "Let me go, please let me go, Lord Satan, I am willing to hand over Bai Meier to you! Please let me go." , please Lord Demon King, let me go!”

"Hand it over now!"

Satan spat out his angry voice, and the lava in the four directions was like a thunderbolt. The soul of Old Monster Xue was trembling...

Suddenly, a bright and mysterious gem appeared silently above the Luoshen Temple. It is spinning slowly, emitting unparalleled light.

It is shaped like a perfect sphere, with a diameter about the size of the palm of your hand. The surface of the gemstone is smooth and crystal clear, as if it is composed of countless tiny diamonds, each of which emits a faint light.

In the center of the gemstone, there is a tiny and delicate pupil-like pattern, like an eye watching everything around it.

This pupil sometimes shines with deep darkness, and sometimes emits bright golden light, as if it possesses a power that transcends time and space.

Everyone present discovered the pupil in the gem by accident, and their eyes were involuntarily attracted to it.

Looking carefully, the pupils are as deep as pools, exuding a suffocating sense of oppression.

Everyone suddenly felt a mysterious energy flowing into their eyes, as if their eyes were touched to the depths of their souls.

Even Lin Feng was attracted by the eyeball like a ghost, and he felt that the eyeball cast a mysterious shadow in his heart.

The eyeballs are getting bigger and bigger in everyone's eyes, bigger and bigger, even bigger than the sun!

People looked up at the sky in horror, their hearts filled with endless fear and doubt. This huge eyeball appears suddenly, like an observer between heaven and earth, overlooking the world with irresistible majesty.

Its radiance shone down, illuminating the entire world, making everything extremely clear.

A faint light slowly appeared in the pupils of the eyeballs, as if there was infinite wisdom and power hidden inside.

The existence of this eyeball seems to be beyond everyone's understanding, as if it comes from a mysterious universe. Its appearance makes people feel awe and want to worship.

De Tianxia and others even knelt down and prayed devoutly into their eyeballs.

Everyone else stared at the huge eyeball in bewilderment, with a misty fear rising in their hearts.

Except for Satan, everyone present felt that their privacy and secrets were ruthlessly stripped away by this eyeball, as if every corner of their hearts was being exposed to this endless gaze.

With the appearance of the eyeballs, the atmosphere of Luoshen Temple seemed to change subtly.

The lava purgatory disappeared, and the powerful power of the netherworld dissipated. Only the huge eyeball still stared at people, like the judge of the gods, unable to hide.

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