I Came From The Underworld And Am Going To The Human World

Chapter 143 Judgment: The All-Seeing Eye

Gradually, except for Satan, the desires, fears and hatreds hidden in the deepest hearts of everyone present seemed to slowly emerge under the gaze of this huge eyeball.

They form magical and real scenes one after another, as if the most secret places deep in people's hearts are magnified and projected.

Qin Wangtian seemed to be smiling but not smiling at the moment. He saw his face full of greed and desire.

He was constantly addicted to the pursuit of power and wealth, and pursued the satisfaction of his desires by any means. In the end, Qin Wangtian ascended the throne of Luo Shen!

He led the Qin family into Sun City and became the new overlord who rules the extraordinary world!

Shen Nan looked panicked, and he actually saw the fear and uneasiness deep in his heart.

He saw the child abandoned on the snowy mountain again, alone and helpless.

The adults in the family had long since disappeared, leaving only the child, who was no taller than a carriage wheel, with his little face red from the cold.

No matter how much he cried, there was no response from the mountain.

He never dared to pick up that sword! He is afraid of facing real challenges and the terrifying and unknown future.

Lin Feng's eyes were buried in endless anger at this moment. He wanted to tear Old Monster Xue into pieces!

He glared in front of him, and the powerful power of the netherworld emanated from him.

Suddenly, he found that he had become a child again.

A child abandoned by his mother.

He looked around and finally found Su Qing's figure.

He panicked, ran, hid in Su Qing's arms and cried.

He kept saying to her: "I want my mother, I want my mother, my mother is gone, she doesn't want me anymore. Wuwuwu...wuwuwu..."

Everyone in De Tianxia seems to have seen the hatred and anger in their hearts. They harbor hatred and desire to take revenge on those who have hurt them.

There are also people who see the longing deep in their hearts and are blinded by desire.

Even Mr. Xue covered his face and cried, shouting loudly: "I'm sorry for you! I'm sorry for the Xue family!"

This scene is hilarious and terrifying!

This giant eyeball seems to be showing a cruel truth to everyone, ruthlessly revealing the dark side and weaknesses in everyone's heart.

Everyone present felt that their hypocrisy and contradictions were being ruthlessly stripped away, as if the wounds that had been peeled off were exposed in front of the world, leaving them ashamed.

Satan frowned. If this continues, everyone present except himself might commit suicide in shame and anger!

He spread his wings, and endless black feathers shot towards his eyeballs at high speed.

Facing the overwhelming black blades sweeping in, the gems in the sky suddenly became dim, as if they had closed their eyes.

The black feathers shot on the gems and were all ejected away.

The moment Gemstone closed his eyes, everyone seemed to wake up from a dream.

Satan shouted angrily: "Horus!"

Horus? The one who sits in the palace of the City of the Sun, the only true god in the supernatural world?

"The all-seeing eye! This is the all-seeing eye!" Qing Jiuyou said in a voiceless voice.

Qin Wangtian kept pinching his temples with one hand, trying to make himself more awake.

The fantasy just now made him so frightened that he almost killed himself.

Lin Feng fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

On the contrary, Su Qing, who seemed to have no desire in her heart, or perhaps had almost no extraordinary power, was not affected in any way.

She walked to Lin Feng, knelt down, and gently took him into her arms.

The roughened hands gently rubbed his back.

She didn't know what Lin Feng had experienced just now, but looking at Lin Feng with tears streaming down his face, she felt a sharp pain in her heart.

She slowly lowered her head and gently kissed away the tears on Lin Feng's face.

However, she suddenly thought of herself, who was now older and ugly, and turned her head away in shame.

Lin Feng regained consciousness and held Su Qing's face.

That haggard and aging face can vaguely tell how stunning he was when he was young.

"Su Qing..."

"Lin Feng, stop looking at me. I don't look good."

"You are the most beautiful woman in the world and I will love you forever."

Lin Feng sat up and hugged Su Qing tightly, who had already begun to cry. "No matter how many years leave traces, I still love you deeply. You are the only one in my life and my most precious existence. No matter what happens, I still love you deeply." No matter how time goes by, my love will always remain the same."

Suddenly, Satan's angry voice rang in the sky: "Horus! You actually want to intervene!"

Qin Wangtian was shocked: "The all-seeing eye! This is actually the all-seeing eye!"

There was light flowing in the sky, and the All-Seeing Eye cast another phantom.

That's Horus!

A golden light shone on the ground of the Luoshen Temple, and everyone closed their eyes due to the light, but the image of Horus appeared clearly in everyone's minds.

Don’t look directly at God!

But God wants you to remember what He is like!

He sits on the golden throne, showing His supreme majesty and power. He wears a gorgeous golden battle robe, shining with divine light. His eyes are like bright sun disks, revealing the flames of wisdom and power.

The Golden Throne is majestic and majestic, made of pure gold. The armrests of the throne are carved with fantastic patterns, showing Horus's bravery and victory in battle. The base of the throne is engraved with a pattern of the sun, symbolizing Horus' status and power as the master of the Sun City.

In His hand He holds a golden scepter, symbolizing His authority as God's ruler and decision-maker. The top of the scepter is inlaid with a shining gem, emitting a dazzling light, which is exactly the same as the gem appearing in the sky above Luoshen Temple at this moment!

Horus's face is solemn and kind, and his brows reveal a firm and decisive look. His face revealed a gentle and loving expression, giving a sense of reassurance and protection. His hair is golden and thick, draped over his shoulders, fluttering gently in the breeze, like an extension of the sun's rays.

He smiled and said, "Satan, long time no see. Should I call you the Lord of Hell? Would you be more satisfied?"

"Horus, you are a despicable and shameless guy! How do you deserve to sit in the palace of the City of the Sun!"

"Satan, don't be so angry. You demons always show too many negative emotions. If you are willing to let go of some vanity, arrogance, and hatred, then Sun City welcomes you."

"As the ruler of the gods in the supernatural world, I will forgive all the sins of the demons."


"Only false gods like you will believe these words! Shameless guys talking to themselves!"

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