I Came From The Underworld And Am Going To The Human World

Chapter 152 The Unbreakable Shield: Broken!

Lin Feng's voice echoed in the Luoshen Hall, full of determination and fearlessness. He holds the Demon Blade, and the blade is pointed directly at Horus!

A harsh sound of a blade cutting through the air sounded, and the demon blade carried endless dark power, wrapped in bursts of red thunder, and struck directly at Horus like a rushing river!

Horus was full of fighting spirit. He raised the colorful scepter high, and the gems emitted dazzling light, illuminating the entire sky.

The mysterious eye-shaped pattern on the scepter suddenly opened, exuding a mysterious power that seemed to be able to control everything in the world...

The light accumulated layer by layer, and the eye-shaped patterns spread out, forming an arc-shaped shield, like a colorful glass egg, tightly wrapping Horus in it.

Horus smiled again: "Lin Feng, let me see if your ability is really as powerful as you claim!"

"I really don't believe that the devil's blade in your hand can break through the unbreakable shield of a god like me?"

Horus's voice echoed in the temple of Los Temple, his tone full of confidence and arrogance!

He stared at Lin Feng with sharp eyes, as if mocking his incompetence.

Lin Feng dismissed it, grabbed the devil's blade and struck it hard!

The moment the Demon Blade intersects with the Unbreakable Shield, a violent energy shock wave bursts out. Thunder exploded, darkness and light intertwined, colorful light mixed with red thunder flashed in it!

The entire space in the Luoshen Temple instantly became chaotic. The powerful spatial turbulence impacted the walls and cracked the ground.

Seeing that the space was turbulent, Qin Wangtian muttered in a low voice and put up a defensive formation in front of everyone.

Li Cheng used the power of space to separate the space turbulence caused by the battle between the two from everyone.

Time seemed to freeze, and the entire Luoshen Temple fell into silence...

Everyone held their breath and watched the decisive battle unfold.

The eyes of Lin Feng and Horus met, both revealing firmness and determination. At this critical moment, they faced each other, determined to defeat each other with the strongest power.

Horus's lips moved, and every word was like an oracle coming down, thunder rolling from the sky.

"Lin Feng, with a mortal body and a divine weapon in hand, you can force me to this point. You are proud enough to be in the extraordinary world!"

Lin Feng did not answer. He wanted to do more than that. He wanted to completely crush Horus's divine projection and leave an indelible mark in his heart!

Lin Feng's muscles all over his body burst out, exuding powerful dark energy. He used all his strength to maximize the power of the Demon Blade!

Dark energy surged, and the edge of the Demon Blade gradually grew, becoming more powerful.

The ripples surged, and Horus stopped speaking.

At this moment, he actually felt the threat from the Devil's Blade. This dark force seemed to want to crush him.

Horus took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and the light on his body became even brighter.

As Horus slowly closed his eyes, the silver cracks between his forehead suddenly exploded, shooting out a silver ray of light that reflected on the eye-shaped pattern of the scepter.

Silver radiance was instantly added to the five-colored light, and the six-colored light flourished, frantically resisting the attack of the devil's blade!

A fire ignited in Lin Feng's heart, and he stared at Horus' shield without flinching. He took a deep breath and concentrated all his strength on the Demon Blade again.

He swung the demon blade violently, and the dark power surged from the blade, like a winding black dragon, attacking Horus's shield.

The blade and the shield intersected, as if the heaven and earth were shaking. Darkness and light intertwine to create a spectacular scene.

However, Horus's shield seemed unwavering, and the six-color eye-shaped pattern emitted an even brighter light, blocking the invasion of the demon blade.

The power of the two was intertwined, and the air in the Luoshen Temple seemed to freeze.

The crowd watching the battle was extremely depressed and nervous. They knew that this was a fateful battle...

In this battle, Lin Feng showed his firmness and determination. He single-handedly challenged the powerful Horus, determined to cut off the shackles of the god.

Horus relied on his own divine power to try to maintain the dignity of the god. The light on His body became more and more dazzling. He was unwilling to be challenged by others, let alone Lin Feng, a mortal, who broke the order of God.

"You are not strong enough!" Horus's voice was full of ridicule and contempt, "The unbreakable shield of the gods cannot be broken by a being like you!"

Lin Feng faced Horus's ridicule but did not flinch at all. The determination in his heart became stronger, and the dark power in his body surged again.

"I will not be defeated by you!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth, and his whole body's momentum exploded, "Even the shield of the gods cannot stop my determination!"

His voice resounded like thunder through the Luo Shen Temple, and the power of darkness became more fierce. The edge of the devil's blade is even sharper, as if it wants to tear apart all the power blocking him.

Lin Feng felt the spread of dark power, and his body changed again.

His skin became extremely pale, exuding a terrifying dark aura. The blood-red thunder flashed in his eyes, as if he could see through everything.

The goat's horns, which symbolized the devil, slowly grew out on its head. The difference from before was that this time the goat's horns were blood red!

The black and red wings stretched out, seemingly even bigger than Horus's eagle wings!

Horus blinked at the silver crack between his eyebrows, feeling horrified.

"Lin Feng, you have been completely infected by the power of the dark side of the moon! You will degenerate into a filthy demon!"

Lin Feng's face became ferocious and distorted. He opened his mouth, revealing sharp and sharp teeth, and smiled ferociously.

"So what if it's a god, what if it's a demon?"

"Does it only make you look noble if you become a god like you?"

Horus sighed, "It seems that I have to represent the gods and impose divine punishment!"

Horus looked up at the stars, spread his wings, "Obey my command, divine punishment!"

Following Horus's words, a thunderbolt that was five meters thick struck down from the sky and was bound to annihilate Lin Feng in ashes.

Lin Feng was not afraid, he raised the devil's blade high and struck at the thunder!

"Devil's Blade·God-Slaying!"

Before the devil's blade was completely struck, thunder fell, and Lin Feng's figure was instantly annihilated.

"don't want!"

Su Qing shouted at the top of her lungs, thinking about running in Lin Feng's direction.

Qing Jiuyou disappeared in a flash, blocking the front of Su Qing. Su Qing had no time to stop and bumped into Qing Jiuyou's arms.

"Su Qing, don't be impulsive! I believe in you Lin Feng!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a blood-red blade broke through the thunder and headed straight for Horus!

Horus opened his eyes, filled with astonishment!

"He...how can he split the divine punishment!"


There was a sound of cracking eggshells...

An ominous premonition suddenly surged into Horus's heart.

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