Sure enough, as Horus's ominous premonition surged into his heart, the shattering sounds of "click, click" became more and more frequent.

I saw the unbreakable shield of Horus, like a broken eggshell...

The shield wrapped in layers was actually pried open by the blade of the Demon Blade!

Along with that origin, cracks spread like spider webs around...

The unbreakable shield at this time is like an egg that is about to break its shell, and it seems that a chick is about to hatch out of it.

It's a pity that Horus didn't want to be the chicken, and of course Lin Feng didn't necessarily want to be the old hen that hatched Horus.

Everyone was stunned for a while. No one thought that the shield summoned by Horus and known as the god's strongest defense would be broken by Lin Feng!

This is so shocking. Even though Lin Feng is holding the devil's blade, he is just an extraordinary person!

Even among the extraordinary experts, Lin Feng is far from the best. At least many people present, such as the head of the Shen family, the head of the Qin family, and Qing Jiuyou, are far stronger than Lin Feng!

But in terms of the endless means, in terms of absolute strength, in terms of true combat effectiveness, no one here is Lin Feng's opponent! Even someone as strong as Lin Yuantian, Lin Feng’s biological father. I’m afraid I feel inferior to myself!

He simply gave birth to a monster!

Lin Yuantian's eyes filled with tears, "Lin Feng, if you were here, you could see with your own eyes how outstanding our son is! How proud you would be!"

Horus watched the eggshell gradually breaking, feeling unwilling to do so! For a moment, a haze came to mind.

This Lin Feng must not stay any longer!

Since the projection of gods cannot kill him, we must find other ways to kill him! We must get rid of him before he becomes a god!

Now in Horus's heart, Lin Feng will definitely become a god!

This has nothing to do with whether Lucifer comes or not!

Horus had a premonition that once Lin Feng became a god in the future, his achievements would even be above Lucifer's!

If that time comes, "that being" may face a strong opponent like Lin Feng, and they may face failure.

Because Horus has an all-seeing eye, his premonitions are always very accurate!

Today, this nine-headed holy snake species must be taken away!

Horus already had a plan in mind. Lin Feng was bound to win this Hydra species!

He wants to use the Hydra species as a lure to set a trap for Lin Feng, and he will never recover!

Horus suddenly laughed wildly, "Lin Feng, you really have a skill. I didn't expect you to break my unbreakable shield! But what came today was just my projection."

"Whenever you come to Sun City, I will treat you well!"

Lin Feng smiled evilly and said lightly: "I will definitely go to Suncity. Just wait, that day won't be too far away."

"I will personally commit suicide in the City of the Sun and rescue my mother. At that time, that day will be the death anniversary of your Horus! You will go to hell and suffer endless suffering!"

"I will definitely get back the debt you owe me and our family of three over the years. But now you should pay some interest!"

Horus smiled slightly, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to keep your projection of the gods today! I want your projection to stay in the Luoshen Temple forever!"

Horus's eyes narrowed and his face was full of anger!

The projection of gods is extremely important to Horus, because it is not just a projection.

Rather than saying it is a projection, it is better to say that it is the avatar of the god in the human world.

Due to some special reasons, the gods can only bring their clones to the world, just like the thunder god before.

It can also be regarded as the projection of Thor in the human world, but he was completely killed by Lucifer!

Then, the power of thunder contained in the Thunder God's projection will be controlled by Lucifer.

According to the law of conservation of energy, Thor will also lose the power of thunder with the same energy!

If you want to form the Thor projection again, it will take a long time on site. After all, the energy required for the cultivation of gods cannot be compared with extraordinary power. At least until the day of the blood moon, Thor can no longer cast projections.

For some special reasons, the current extraordinary world does not allow any gods to exist before the blood moon, otherwise the order of the world will completely collapse. Then the power of faith that the gods need will no longer exist!

Therefore, everyone thought of a way to leave a god in the world, and that was Horus!

However, Horus can only maintain his power as a god in the City of the Sun.

He cannot leave the Sun City for even half a step because the rules of this world do not allow his existence.

This is why, after the battle progressed to this extent, Horus still used projection to fight Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng really kills the projection of Horus now, then Horus, who is now sitting on the throne, will suffer a lot of backlash!

Moreover, He can no longer descend outside the Sun City in the form of a divine projection to interfere with the affairs of the supernatural world.

Not only that, once Horus loses the projection of the god, there is a great possibility that the power of the Eagle God existing in this projection will be controlled by Lin Feng!

After all, judging from Lin Feng's current abilities, what else can he not do?

There are so many miracles that happened to him!

Lin Feng is a person who becomes stronger when he is strong! The ability is not online!

This is what Horus said about him...

The evaluation is so high that there is no one else in the extraordinary world.

But at this time, even if Lin Feng knew Horus's evaluation of him, he would definitely sneer at it.

"Horus, you, the projection of a god, stay here today!"

Horus laughed loudly: "Haha, it's just a separation, so why not give it to you! It depends on whether you can take it or not!"

Lin Feng waved his black wings, disappeared in an instant, and appeared above Horus' head the next second.

"Suffer death! Demon Blade·Slash!"

Another brilliant blade struck Horus in the head!

Horus snorted coldly, his eagle wings fluttered, and the flying feathers in the sky swept towards Lin Feng!

These flying feathers are transformed from Horus's personal soft armor. In other words, Horus gave up his absolute defense and took the initiative to attack again!

The flying feathers were like sharp arrows, exuding fierce killing intent and raging towards Lin Feng. Their sharp points carry deadly power and can tear apart anything in their way.

What Horus didn't expect was that Lin Feng allowed the flying feathers to scratch his skin, and did not raise the devil's blade to resist. Instead, he moved forward and struck Horus straight on the head!


The devil's blade slashed down, all the flying feathers were wiped out, and Horus's god projection shattered into pieces.

When the smoke and dust cleared, a black eagle was seen running towards a black hole with Old Monster Xue in its mouth.

This black hole is clearly the black hole in space formed by the previous battle between Old Monster Xue and Satan!

Lin Feng flashed away, and the black hole suddenly closed!

A voice came out: "Lin Feng, I took the snake species away. See you in Sunshine City!"

Horus actually did not hesitate to use the projection of the gods as a cover to take away Old Monster Xue at the last moment!

Lin Feng looked at the closed black hole and spit out a mouthful of blood...

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