When Lin Feng woke up, it was already three days later...

"You finally woke up!"

Liang Yuxi was standing beside Lin Feng's bed and asked gently, with a little surprise in her voice.

Lin Feng sat up with some difficulty. Liang Yuxi quickly stepped forward to support him, with some anger in his mouth: "You just woke up, don't move!"

Lin Feng looked around. The walls of the room were painted soft pink, giving people a warm feeling. The walls are carved with delicate lace patterns, adding a touch of romance.

And now he was lying on a beautifully carved bed, with luxurious silk curtains hanging around the bed. The bed was covered with soft embroidered bedspreads and thin velvet blankets. The delicate fabric texture made Lin Feng feel extremely comfortable.

A pair of exquisite and simple lamps are placed beside the bed. The light floral fragrance exudes from the wicks, bringing a fresh and elegant atmosphere to the whole room.

"I...where am I?"

"You have been in a coma for three days and are now in my Liang family's hospital."


Suddenly, Lin Feng saw a desk in the room with a hardcover book and a silver paperweight and pen on it.

There is a beautiful painting hanging on the wall next to the desk. The woman in the painting has a delicate and graceful face, eyebrows as curved as willow leaves, and clear and bright eyes. The bridge of the nose is high, the lips are red and the teeth are white, with a slight smile.

The hair falls like a waterfall, and the delicate hair strands shine with soft light, like dazzling stars in the dark night.

The woman was dressed in gorgeous clothes, with flowing skirts, as if being caressed by the breeze, adding a sense of immortality and elegance to her.

Her arms are slender and slender, and she wears a silver bracelet inlaid with gemstones on her wrist, which makes her even more noble.

The background of the picture is a peaceful garden with blooming flowers and dancing shadows. The sunlight shines on the woman through the gaps in the leaves, reflecting her beauty and brilliance.

The woman in the painting has bare feet, and her slender ankles have smooth and elegant lines. The toes show a perfect arc, and each toe looks slender and well-proportioned, as if carved from natural gemstones. The toenails are as white as jade, neatly and delicately trimmed, shining with a faint luster.

The soles of her feet were as smooth and flawless as jade that had been carefully cared for.

The woman in the painting walks barefoot with a light and graceful pace. The soles of her feet touch the ground gently like an elf, bringing a sense of elegant dance. The soles of her feet are slightly sunken, as if they are naturally carved works of art, showing her softness and rhythm, adding a different kind of charm to the entire picture.

The entire painting exudes a romantic and dreamy atmosphere, as if it brings the viewer into a poetic world.

The woman's beautiful face and intoxicating temperament make people feel immersed in her charm and feel a beauty and mystery that transcends the world.

Who is the beautiful woman in this painting if not Liang Yuxi?

"This... I want to ask you, Liang Family Medical Clinic, will your portrait be hung in every room?"

Liang Yuxi's face turned red, and she stuttered a bit when she spoke, "No, no, this... this is my room."


"Uh...the room is well decorated."

Lin Feng held back these words for a long time.

"The painting is not bad either."

he added.

Liang Yuxi blushed and nodded, "Thank you."

"Your poison..."

Speaking of the poison Liang Yuxi had received, her face turned red and she turned away hastily.

"After the battle that day, the head of the Baili family helped me out."

"That's good."

"You still need to rest for a while due to your injuries. Although your body is fine, the battle with Horus has depleted your energy."

"Also, you were scratched by the wings of Horus, and one of the wings penetrated your right chest. I have taken it out for you. Remember to take a good rest..."

Lin Feng moved and felt the tearing pain in his right chest.


Liang Yuxi turned around and said angrily: "I told you to lie down and don't move, you are really disobedient! By the way, Su Qing has been guarding you for three days and three nights without sleeping a wink. I advised her to rest first. Do you want to... …”

Lin Feng waved his hand feebly, "Don't wake her up, let her have a good rest."

Lin Feng felt a little guilty. After all, he had not yet fulfilled his promise to Su Qing.

Liang Yuxi seemed to know what Lin Feng was thinking, her red lips parted slightly.

"Lin Feng, my Liang family has a secret method that can restore a woman's appearance and keep her appearance in her prime."

Lin Feng's eyes widened and he couldn't help but subconsciously grab Liang Yuxi's hand.

"Master Liang, can you please lend a helping hand to treat my Su Qing?"

Liang Yuxi's face turned red and she bit her lips tightly without saying a word.

Lin Feng was extremely nervous. He knew that the loss of appearance was Su Qing's greatest pain. He was not completely sure that he would be able to regain the lost Yang energy of Su Qing in a short period of time.

At least, he didn't know where Bai Mei'er was taken by Old Monster Xue.

Where was Old Monster Xue taken by Horus again...

Maybe ask Lucifer.

Unknowingly, Lin Feng had developed a deep dependence on Lucifer.

Seeing that Liang Yuxi did not answer, Lin Feng thought that the price was too high and Liang Yuxi was unwilling, so he hurriedly said:

"Master Liang, as long as you are willing to save Su Qing, I, Lin Feng, am willing to pay the price and let you control me!"

Liang Yuxi said angrily: "Let go first!"

Only then did Lin Feng realize that he was holding Liang Yuxi's hand tightly. He quickly let go, feeling a little embarrassed...

"Are you really willing to do anything for me?"

Lin Feng nodded quickly. Although the words sounded a bit awkward, he was afraid of losing this opportunity.

"I do have something I need you to do, but I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you when I think about it! If you want me to treat Su Qing, you need to take a good rest now!"

Lin Feng nodded obediently, lay down immediately, and pulled the quilt.

Liang Yuxi stood up, nodded with satisfaction, turned and left the room.

As soon as they left the room, they bumped into Lin Yuantian and Qin Wangtian.

"Master Liang!"

"Lin Feng is awake, you go and have a look."

At this moment, Liang Yuxi blushed like a ripe apple and fled away as fast as she could.

Qin Wangtian was still mumbling: "What's going on? Does the Liang family have a fever?"

Lin Yuantian shook his head and smiled without saying a word.

As expected of my son, he has the same demeanor as his father when he was young.

When Lin Feng saw Lin Yuantian and Qin Wangtian pushing open the door, he struggled to sit up again.

"Father, the head of the Qin family."

"Feng'er, you finally woke up. The Qin family leader and I came to see you."

"Master Qin, you are well-informed. I want to ask you something."

"You are too well-informed to take it for granted. As long as Qin knows it, Qin will tell you everything he knows."

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