At this moment, in a dark and damp cave, Bai Mei was abandoned in a dark corner.

Her eyes were empty, her face was as pale as paper, and the eerie dampness around her made her feel endless fear.

Along with the sound of rustling footsteps, Bai Meier shrank towards the wall again, as if she wanted to blend herself into the wall to avoid the coming threat.

Bai Meier hugged her legs tightly with her hands, trying to bring herself some sense of security in this way, but her body was still shaking uncontrollably.

She knew that the disgusting monster was back...

Scenes of horrific scenes flashed through Bai Meier's mind, and she recalled the horrific encounters and the double injuries she suffered in the past three days, both mentally and physically.

These memories haunt her like a demon ghost all day long, following her like a shadow, making her feel hopeless and helpless.

She knew that she could not escape this horrific situation, and she felt that she had lost all hope in the face of the coming danger.

However, the rustling footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Bai Meier's body could hardly bear the pressure.

Her heart was beating wildly, and the atmosphere in the cave became more depressing, as if all the fear and darkness had gathered here, making it impossible for Bai Meier to find a glimmer of hope.

Just then, she heard a deep, hoarse voice...

"How about it, my noble Luoshen baby, are you willing to dedicate the energy of the extreme sun to me?"

Bai Meier raised her head, and it was Xue Ming's face. He was handsome and feminine, but his soul was extremely dirty, because the one who occupied it was the disgusting old monster Xue.

Ever since Old Monster Xue came back from outside two days ago, he has started calling himself "the Holy Saint".

The hoarse voice of Old Monster Xue came out again: "The two of us have been in love with each other here for several days. How long do you want to stay here? Are you reluctant to part with me?"

"Hurry up, my Luo Shen baby, hand over the extreme Yang energy in your body, and I will let you go home."

"go home......"

Bai Meier murmured: "Where is my home...Do I still have a home? Where else can I go?"

Bai Lao has been sucked dry by the disgusting monster in front of him and turned into a skeleton. In the past few days, he has been insulted again and again by Monster Xue. Bai Meier just wants to die now.

She ignored the broken wounds on her body and stood up despite the pain, staring at "Xue Ming" with her eyes without any emotion.

"Okay, let's do it a few more times."

Old Monster Xue had another lustful look in his eyes. In the past few days, he had tossed Bai Meier over and over many times.

"Not bad this time either."

As he said that, Old Monster Xue touched his hands again.

At this time, Bai Meier was already scarred, and every scar was proof of her hard resistance. But in the eyes of Old Monster Xue, these scars did not cover up the beauty and alluring curves of her body. Bai Meier's clothes were already in tatters, and the fabric she wore was almost torn into pieces, barely covering her important parts.

But even under the tattered clothes, Bai Meier's graceful body was outlined.

Her skin is fair and delicate, like white jade. Every break reflects the softness and tenderness of her body.

Although her skin was a little pale, it gave off a distinctive luster, as if it still exuded a slightly alluring fragrance.

Old Monster Xue couldn't wait any longer.

Although the appearance in front of Bai Meier was still Xue Ming, Old Monster Xue's disgusting behavior made Bai Meier as sick as if she had eaten a swarm of flies.

For some reason, the shadow of Lin Feng appeared in Bai Meier's mind at this time. Those broad arms seemed to bring her support.

She wished that Lin Feng could come to save her at this time.

Bai Meier prayed over and over again in her heart, wondering whether the inheritance mark could break through the barrier of space and let Lin Feng feel where she was at this time.

Lin Feng, who was discussing matters with the family heads at this time, suddenly felt dizzy.

A mysterious place appeared in his mind. The atmosphere of that place was so strange that Lin Feng couldn't help but feel disgusted.

The ground was covered with layers of snake sloughs, and countless snake eggs were piled in dark and damp corners.

"Monster Xue's lair!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but exclaimed.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Lin Feng's sudden appearance.

Qingyan didn't know what happened. She was afraid that Lin Feng would fall suddenly, so she stepped forward and wanted to hug Lin Feng.

Lin Yuantian made a silent gesture to everyone, and he saw the shadow of the Seal of Inheritance appearing between Lin Feng's eyebrows.

Lin Feng closed his eyes. In order not to be disturbed by the outside world, his mind came to the main hall again.

At this time, Lucifer was holding a book in both hands, looking very focused, not knowing what he was studying.

His wings were stretched out, and the devil's tail was revealed silently. Different from usual, His outstretched wings at this time turned out to be gray-white, with a faint divine radiance behind him.

"Lucifer..." Lin Feng shouted softly.


After a moment, Lucifer slowly raised his head and asked, "Bai Mei'er came to the door through the seal of inheritance?"

Lin Feng nodded. Lucifer had always been parasitic in his soul, so Lin Feng was not surprised that he could capture this information.

"What are you doing?"

"Read a book and recharge your batteries if you have nothing to do. There is an old saying in the Eastern Alliance, learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat."

Lin Feng was stunned...

"You are really a good student, what should I do now?"

Lucifer thought for a moment and took out the book from under his butt.

"The book says, find a quiet place, hold your breath and concentrate, don't be disturbed by the outside world, calm down and feel the changes in the outside world, only in this way can you find your child..."

As Lucifer concentrated on following the instructions, Lin Feng's face gradually darkened...

"Find my boy? What on earth are you reading?"

Lucifer stuffed the book under his butt with lightning speed and shook his head like a rattle.

"So you don't know anything, right? So you're here to learn and sell it, right? Give me that book!"

"You can't look at this. Your rank is not high enough and you will go blind..."

Lin Feng said harshly: "It's a lot of lies..."

"I suggest you try Above the Blood Cloud. Remember to calm down and remember all the useful information as much as possible. Follow the inheritance mark and you will be able to find Bai Meier."

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