Leaving the main hall, the burning feeling of the inheritance mark has disappeared without a trace.

Everyone in the side hall was still waiting patiently around Lin Feng.

Lin Feng thought and opened his eyes. Looking at the people sitting around, he shook his head helplessly.

Lin Yuantian asked with concern: "Have you found any trace of Bai Meier?"

"Not yet, but we have some clues."

"It's good to have clues!"

Afterwards, Lin Yuantian stopped talking, sat on a chair and began to relax with his eyes closed.

He said everything that needed to be said, and the rest was up to Lin Feng to make his own decision.

After all, when it comes to things like Luoshen, "you can't force it"!

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Do I have to be this Luo Shen?"

"At present, brother Lin Feng, you are the most suitable candidate, and it must be you!" Qin Wangtian said categorically.

Li Cheng also kept nodding at the side, "Yes, Xiao Feng! Don't worry, your uncle is here, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"But hasn't Luoshen always been held by women from the palace? I'm a man!"

Qin Wangtian waved his hand, "Who said men are inferior to women? Brother Lin Feng, how can you young people in the new era be so old-fashioned? Rules are dead, people are alive!"

Li Dong also echoed from the side: "Yes, the rules are made by people. We will modify the rules and regulations of Luoshen Hall now. After the fourth generation of Luoshen, male members can hold the position of Luoshen. Xiaofeng, You can be regarded as creating a historical precedent for Luoshen Temple!"

"That's right, brother Lin Feng, don't refuse!"

While everyone was arguing endlessly, Liang Yu Xishi Shiran walked in.

It was so lively to see everyone talking and noisy.

A voice as sweet as a silver bell came from her mouth: "I thought the family heads were going to recommend Lin Feng to fight on the front line, but I didn't expect that Luo Shen would be elected here?"

"Why didn't you notify me of such an important matter?"

Qin Wangtian's old face turned red, and then he said calmly: "This is not because I am afraid that it will affect the rest of the Liang family. After all, I have just been promoted, so it is better to be stable."

Liang Yuxi just said it casually, and she slowly sat down: "The Qin family master is still mature and prudent, and thoughtful. But... I didn't expect that Lin Feng would look down on our Luoshen Temple so much!"

Lin Feng felt dizzy for a while, and here comes another one.

He smiled bitterly and said, "Master Liang, you have misunderstood me."

"It's not that I look down on the Luoshen Temple, but I'm worried about whether I can do it. After all, the Luoshen has a heavy responsibility, and it requires special cultivation talents. I, Lin Feng, am originally from the Nether Clan, how can I serve as the Luoshen?"

"What kind of problem is this? Lin Feng, please don't forget that your mother, Aunt Li Qing, is our third-generation Luo Shen."

Liang Yuxi shouted "Auntie", but she instantly closed the distance with Lin Feng.

"I think the head of the Li Cheng family should vaguely remember how much Aunt Li Qing loved me..."

Li Cheng twitched the corners of his lips and thought to himself: How could I possibly know how much my sister loves you? The relationship between the Li family and the Liang family has never been that close...

It's just that Liang Yuxi is the head of the Liang family. How can Li Cheng refute her reputation? As the saying goes, when a sedan chair is used to carry people, it will plant more peaches and plums and less thorns.

"Yes, Xiaofeng. Back then, my sister, your mother, was full of praise for the head of the Liang family, and she admired and loved him very much."

Li Dong couldn't bear to look directly, and glanced away, no longer looking at these two people.

When did the second brother stop blushing when he lied...

Liang Yuxi blinked at Li Cheng, "You kid, go ahead!"

Then he said: "Lin Feng, you don't know something. My mother and Aunt Li Qing are close friends and they always talk about everything."

"It's just that later, Aunt Li Qing left the Luoshen Temple, and our relationship gradually became estranged. But I missed her very much. When I saw you, I remembered her eyebrows. You are so similar that when I saw you You have an inexplicable sense of intimacy."

Qin Wangtian's eyes widened.

What is all this? The sun comes out from the west. Does writing this now have anything to do with recommending Lin Feng to be the God of Luo?

Could it be that you, Liang Yuxi, have fallen in love with her?

Before Lin Feng could answer, Liang Yuxi changed the topic.

"What we can confirm now is that Aunt Li Qing is trapped in Sun City. Moreover, Bai Mei'er is the temporary replacement of Aunt Li Qing and has become the fourth generation Luo Shen. If Lin Feng, you can inherit Aunt Li Qing's position as Luo Shen, do you Our fourth generation Luo Shen. When the time comes, you can raise your arms and we, the Liang family, are willing to bear the brunt and attack Sun City to welcome back the third generation Luo Shen!"


Qin Wangtian bit his tongue hard, what a shame for his mouth!

What is Tongue Blossom Lotus?

The head of the Liang family has settled here!

How well it is said, how well it is said by you!

Li Dong applauded warmly from the side, "That's so good! It's so right!"

"Xiao Feng, do you want to rescue my sister? There is strength in numbers. Now that you become the master of the Luoshen Temple, you will not only have the power of my Li family!"

Now that things have come to this, Lin Feng would be unfilial if he still refuses to agree.

He nodded slightly, and everyone was overjoyed. Lin Feng solemnly said: "It's not impossible to be the Luo Shen, but I, Lin Feng, have three requirements that I want to tell you first."

Qin Wangtian quickly agreed: "As long as you agree to be the Goddess of Luo, don't do three things, I will agree to even thirty things!"

Li Dong added: "I promise you fifty items!"

"Your uncle promised you a hundred items!"

Li Cheng was so angry after hearing this!

"Li Dong, shut up! You are auctioning here, be quiet and listen to Xiao Feng!"

"Tch, there's no sense of humor at all..."

Lin Feng cleared his throat, "Ahem..."

"First, I am temporarily taking the position of Luo Shen. If there is a more suitable candidate, I, Lin Feng, will abdicate immediately and make way for someone else. I hope that all the family heads will not stop me."

Li Dong said carelessly: "Xiao Feng, it's hard to say this? Just say the second thing!"

"Secondly, if I, Lin Feng, are to be the Luo Shen, I'm afraid the first thing to do is to become an enemy of the Black Eagle Temple. Don't blame me then."

Qin Wangtian nodded, "It's easy to say that the Black Eagle Temple is already stronger than our Luoshen Temple. If there is a powerful person who can lead the Luoshen Temple back to the list of temples, I don't think anyone will object."

"Third, Master Qing, can you take me to the secret room of the Luoshen Hall to pay homage to the portrait of the Luoshen?"

Qing Jiuyou didn't know what he was thinking at this time, he was staring at the door in trance.

Somehow, Qing Jiuyou's expression has been wrong ever since he saw Qing Yan. She has been secretly looking at Qingyan from behind. I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

"Master Qing? Brother Lin Feng is asking you. Can you take him to the secret room to see the statue of Luo Shen?"

Qing Jiuyou came back to his senses and said, "Okay, okay. If Brother Lin Feng agreed to be the master of the Luoshen Temple, he should have paid homage to the Luoshen first!"

Stepping into the secret room of the Luoshen Temple, a sense of solemnity and solemnity hit his face. Lin Feng raised his head and stared at the statue of the Luoshen on the wall. He was greatly shocked!

Lin Feng's eyes were staring straight at the statue of Luo Shen. At this moment, his heart was like a stormy sea, and his consciousness left his body, as if he had entered an ethereal realm.

Seeing this scene, Qing Jiuyou and others filed out and slowly closed the door to the secret room.

Qin Wangtian sighed, pulled Li Cheng and said, "Master Li, Brother Lin Feng came to this secret room for the first time, and he was able to resonate with Luo Shen. There is hope for Luo Shen Hall!"

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