Lin Feng's biggest enemy was his mother. As a blood bodhi, she was not worthy of mentioning his mother in front of him.

Xue Bodhi felt aggrieved, but his face remained calm.

She said word by word: "Lucifer, I have been collecting information about you for the past three years. It was not until I came to Qingyuan City this time that all the pieces of information finally overlapped in my mind."

Lin Feng was shocked and angry. This woman really had her best intentions.

He bent his fingers into claws and pointed emptyly at Blood Bodhi.

Blood Bodhi only felt a big hand pinch his neck tightly and lift him up.

"I don't like others investigating me, especially the prison master of Blood Purgatory. Do you want me to destroy your entire organization? What are your intentions!"

Years of loneliness, as well as being transformed into Lucifer to perform various tasks, and being in the midst of mountains of swords and seas of fire, Lin Feng instinctively distrusted anyone.

Except Linda and Qingyan.

"Lucifer...I never wanted to hurt you, I just...just wanted to protect you..."

"You protect me? Ridiculous!"

Lin Feng increased the intensity of his hands.

Blood Bodhi felt like she couldn't breathe. She didn't expect the real Lucifer to be so heartless, and he actually wanted to strangle herself to death.


Xue Bodhi didn't know whether he was suppressing it or was really sad. Tears welled up in his eyes.

"I'm really here to help you. I lost my parents when I was was my teacher who raised me...grow up...I understand your...your feelings."

Lin Feng was unmoved and still pinched Blood Bodhi's neck with one empty hand.

At this time, Blood Bodhi really felt Lucifer's power. Although he, like his teacher, was a seventh-level extraordinary powerhouse, Blood Bodhi was under his teacher's control and still had the power to fight back.

At this time, in Lucifer's hands, Blood Bodhi was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

She had to express her feelings quickly, otherwise she would really be strangled to death by Lucifer.

"I know the news about your mother!"


As soon as Blood Bodhi said these words, Lin Feng felt like five thunders were hitting his head!

He immediately let go of his hand.

"You'd better not lie to me!"

Lin Feng's words were almost squeezed out from between his teeth, his voice cold and ruthless.


"Lucifer, you are so cruel."

Blood Bodhi held his chest with one hand and coughed crazily.

The cold and cold breath hit him again, and Xue Bodhi shivered all over.

Lin Feng was already impatient.

She hurriedly said: "Your mother may still be alive..."

"how do you know?"

"I set up a special intelligence team in the Blood Purgatory. All of them are level 5 extraordinary experts. What they are best at is gathering intelligence."

"In the past three years, I have been paying attention to your intelligence all the time. There are some things that you are not suitable to do in Nether Palace, but my intelligence team can do it more smoothly than you."

"Then tell me, what have you found out over the years?"

"Lucifer, no matter what I say, don't be surprised. Maybe you won't believe it now, but you can slowly verify it in the future."

"you say."

Lin Feng put away his power, removed the space blockade, sat on a chair, and waited quietly for Blood Bodhi to speak.

He didn't really want to kill Blood Bodhi just now, but the woman in front of him was too smart and cunning. If he didn't force her, she wouldn't believe that Lin Feng would actually do it.

If you want to hear the truth, this is the only way.

"Five years ago, the one who disappeared with your mother was the Luoshen of the Luoshen Temple!"

"Luo Shen?"

Luo Shen, the true leader of Luo Shen Temple, stands above the eight major families.

Just like the royal family in the secular world, the eight major families exercise the power of the parliament, and the Luoshen is the supreme leader hidden behind the scenes and the spiritual symbol of the Luoshen temple.

Only when the eight major families have serious differences and cannot reach an agreement, Luo Shen will come forward.

This is also the reason why there have always been only eight major families in the Luoshen Temple, not nine or seven major families.

Only when the two are in opposition can Luo Shen truly maintain his authority.

"Through the continuous contact between the Blood Purgatory and the Luoshen Temple, the current real Luoshen of the Luoshen Temple is named Bai Meier, and she is a fellow disciple of the previous Luoshen."

"Whose mouth did this news come from? How true is it?"

Xue Bodhi suddenly blushed and felt a little embarrassed to say anything.

Lin Feng frowned, a little suspicious.

Blood Bodhi said slowly: "After Fang Jie truly established contact with Luoshen Temple, I was the one maintaining the relationship with him."

"First the intelligence team found out about this news, so I ordered people to deliberately accept more tasks issued by Luoshen Temple."

"Of course, the Luoshen Temple is hidden behind the scenes. Some tasks that are inconvenient for them to take action directly are listed on the black market task list, and the Bloody Purgatory will take over."

"After carrying out several missions, word came out from the Li family in the Luoshen Temple that they wanted to meet the prison master of the Bloody Purgatory."

Lin Feng asked: "The Li family? Is it the Li family, one of the eight major families in the Luoshen Temple? Is the head of the family Li Cheng?"

Blood Bodhi nodded, "Yes, it's the Li family, but it's not Li Cheng who wants to see me, but Li Cheng's younger brother, Li Dong."

"The meeting place was in Qingyuan City. A year and a half ago, I came to Qingyuan City alone for the first time. The meeting place was near Swan Lake."

"Swan Lake...that is the location of the Qingyuan City branch."

"I didn't know the specific location. I only remembered a Swan Lake at the time. Then, I took the initiative to close my senses and followed Li Dong all the way to a secret room."

Lin Feng knew that Blood Bodhi was not lying. The results of Nightingale's investigation were consistent with what she said. It seemed that the branch of Luoshen Temple was under the control of the Li family.

"After arriving in the secret room, I regained my senses. The surroundings of the secret room are made of meteorite iron, and there is no sound transmission. Li Dong told me that I can say anything with confidence."

"I guess the secret room should be under the Swan Lake, because the humidity in the air in the secret room is very high."

"Li Dong said that if the Blood Purgatory surrenders to their Li family, the Luoshen Temple can provide us with shelter, open a branch in Qingyuan City, and expand unscrupulously. The Luoshen Temple will support us in becoming a first-class organization."

Lin Feng sneered: "So you surrendered to the Li family?"

"Yes, I promised him then."

"The Li family does not represent the entire Luoshen Temple."

Blood Bodhi nodded slightly, "Yes, the Li family does not represent the entire Luoshen Temple. The only forces they can mobilize are the Li family. Because of this, the Blood Purgatory is qualified to cooperate with them."

"If it were the entire Luoshen Temple, how could they take us seriously? Just as one of the eight major families in the Luoshen Temple, the Li family is already extremely powerful. Through my cooperation with Li Dong, I deeply felt this One thing, if the Luoshen Temple can be unified, they are the organization most likely to attack the temple."

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