Lin Feng was noncommittal, "It's not that easy to attack a temple-level extraordinary organization."

Hearing these words, Blood Bodhi frowned slightly.

"It's okay, just keep talking."

Blood Bodhi collected his thoughts and continued: "The eight major families of Luoshen Temple work on their own. With more cooperation, Blood Purgatory, including myself, has gradually gained Li Dong's trust. He revealed more to me about The most important secret of the Luoshen Temple is the dissatisfaction of the Li family with the contemporary Luoshen."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows. It was really interesting that the Li family, one of the eight great families, was dissatisfied with Luo Shen.

"The Luoshen has a transcendent status in the Luoshen Temple. Why is the Li family dissatisfied with the Luoshen?"

Blood Bodhi's next words shocked Lin Feng.

"Because the Li family once produced Luo Shen!"

"The Li family has three brothers and sisters, the eldest sister Li Qing, the second brother Li Cheng, and the third brother Li Dong. The name of the Luo God in the previous generation was Li Qing."

Lin Feng wondered: "It is against the rules for Luo Shen to be chosen from the eight major families..."

"Yes, I had such doubts at the beginning. In order to maintain the inheritance of Luoshen and the fairness of decision-making, the most important thing for Luoshen Temple is that the successor of Luoshen must not be selected from the eight major families."

"Li Dong explained this doubt to me. Li Qing has unique conditions. This condition is enough for the third generation Luo Shen to violate this iron law that was established when the Luo Shen Temple was established."

"Li Qing has a body of extreme yang, so Luo Shen forcefully accepted Li Qing into his sect against all objections, and became a closed disciple of the third generation of Luo Shen. Also accepted by Luo Shen as his sect was a woman named Bai Meier. This Bai Meier is the fifth generation Luo Shen and the current supreme leader of Luo Shen Hall."

"However, Li Dong didn't explain to me what the Extreme Yang Body is."

Lin Feng slowly muttered: "The Body of Extreme Yang..."

He looked at Blood Bodhi: "I can tell you what the Extreme Yang Body is, but your story is not over yet."

Blood Bodhi nodded and continued: "After Li Qing became a disciple of the third generation Luo Shen, he left the Li family forever and severed the brother-sister relationship with Li Cheng and Li Dong."

"This is just a cover-up in name only..."

"You are right. To this day, when Li Dong mentions her sister, she still expresses admiration and remembrance. The Li family believes that Bai Mei'er harmed his sister and thus stole the position of Luo Shen."

"However, Li Dong never believed that his sister was dead but missing. He believed that his sister must have been imprisoned by a certain force, and this force must have colluded with Bai Meier, because the second The fifth generation Luo Shen is the one who gets the biggest benefits.”


Lin Feng remembered that the second deacon once said that his mother also came from Luoshen Temple and disappeared.

"I once asked Li Dong. He didn't know the specific time of Luoshen Li Qing's disappearance. The news was announced by Bai Meier. But coincidentally, the day after you left Qingyuan City, Bai Meier became the official of Luoshen Temple. The fifth generation Luo Shen!”


"So, Lucifer, your mother's disappearance is definitely related to the fourth generation Luo Shen. Maybe... maybe your mother is the fourth generation Luo Shen!"

Lin Feng smiled...

"How is this possible? In my memory, my mother has always been by my side. How can she be the fourth generation Luo Shen? Moreover, I have no uncle at all."

"Lucifer, the fourth generation Luo Shen has split with the family a long time ago. It's normal for you not to interact with each other."

"Then if my mother is the fourth generation Luo Shen, how could she marry Lin Yuantian?"

Lin Feng shook his head. How could the Luoshen of the Luoshen Temple marry a business tycoon in the secular world and also give birth to himself?

This is incredible...

But what Blood Bodhi told himself today is of great value.

This Blood Bodhi is really extraordinary.

"Blood Bodhi, Li Dong didn't tell you what the Extreme Yang Body is, I can tell you."

Lin Feng once heard his teacher Qi Shu say what the Extreme Yang Body is.

"The probability of the Extreme Yang Body appearing in a woman is extremely low. It can be said that she is one of millions of people. Women with the Extreme Yang Body are excellent candidates for practicing the Taihe Technique, and the treasure of the Luoshen Temple is exactly It’s this Taihe Technique!”

Blood Bodhi listened carefully to Lin Feng's words, which she had never understood before.

"The Art of Taihe is different from ordinary extraordinary secret books, but a book passed down from ancient times."


"Yes, to be precise, Taihe Shu is an ancient martial arts book."

"What is the content of the book?"

Blood Bodhi was a little curious. What kind of ancient book could be regarded as a treasure by the Luoshen Temple, and only women with extremely yang bodies could practice it. It was simply too harsh.

"I haven't read it either, but one thing I'm sure of is that the Art of Supreme Harmony is a book that teaches people to become gods! You can also think that it is an extraordinary secret book that transcends the heavenly level, which is called the divine level!"

This time it was Blood Bodhi's turn to be shocked. She didn't expect that there was such an extraordinary secret book in the world.

"The highest level of extraordinary power can reach level 9. Are there really gods above level 9?"


"The current Luo Shen is not a real god, just a title."


What Lin Feng said at this moment subverted Blood Bodhi's understanding.

"Are there any gods now?"

Lin Feng nodded affirmatively, "Yes, the Black Eagle Temple has it. Otherwise, why do you think they have become a temple-level extraordinary organization?"

Blood Bodhi looked at Lin Feng blankly, she still didn't understand.

"Since you have told me so much, now I will also tell you something you don't know. It is an equal exchange."

Lin Feng planned to educate Blood Bodhi on the history of the extraordinary world.

After all, as the former sixth deacon of Nether Palace, he still knows some secrets.

Lin Feng motioned to Blood Bodhi to sit on the chair. At this time, he had already put down most of his wariness towards Blood Bodhi.

Although he still doesn't believe that Blood Bodhi is really just here to repay the life-saving grace he received three years ago.

This woman is unfathomable.

This is Lin Feng's evaluation of Blood Bodhi.

"Do you know the past of the extraordinary world?

Blood Bodhi shook his head, "The Blood Purgatory is an organization that was only established in recent decades. The teacher is not a member of the first-class organization. She doesn't know the past of the extraordinary world, so I don't know much about it."

"Well, the past of the extraordinary world can be considered a secret. Let me tell you today."

Xue Bodhi didn't dare to blink. He looked at Lin Feng seriously, like a primary school student who was listening carefully.

Lin Feng began to talk: "I don't know the origin of the extraordinary world. I believe that no one in this world can truly answer this question. However, I can tell you the truth about the two extraordinary world wars."

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