I can add one every day

Chapter 242 You can trust us

The special family is also at the top of the pyramid in the Tianshu Empire.

There is no way to reason about this matter. The Tianwu people are just an escort team, and retreating is a normal thing.

Although it was Shia's attack on Zhou Qingyuan that caused his own death, wouldn't those superior people care about Zhou Qingyuan?

Apologizing is even more impossible.

"Since the handover has been completed, we will leave first."

As the captain, Yaowuze was the first to say goodbye.

Although he was a little embarrassed and would probably not look good in front of the two professors in the future, he could still distinguish the importance from the importance. If they dared to interfere in this matter, they would die without knowing it!

Everyone quickly left and evacuated without even looking at Zhou Qingyuan.

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

"It's actually the Daimon family that's in trouble!"

Grumpy Paloma couldn't help but frown.

One of the heirs of a special family was killed. This matter was not trivial, and even she was in trouble.

Even though everyone present knew that Zhou Qingyuan was innocent and his actions could barely be called legitimate defense, but

Seeing the reactions of everyone present, Zhou Qingyuan felt enlightened.

It seems that this special family is more domineering than imagined.

There was hesitation on Duolong's face, his tone softened unconsciously, and he explained to Zhou Qingyuan:

"The Daemon family is very powerful. There are countless even stellar powerhouses. They are also privileged people within the empire."

His face showed embarrassment and guilt, both for what he was about to say and for his own actions.

As a well-respected figure in the school, although his status in society is not bad, it is obvious that he cannot compete with those special families when his face is broken.

Just a moment ago, he was furious and said that he wanted to find justice for his disciple, but he was about to be slapped in the face.

"The problem now is not that we are causing trouble for them, but how to avoid their subsequent investigation."

Telling this fact was a big blow to Duolong, and all his aura was completely relieved. However, after making the most difficult decision, his thinking became much clearer, and he continued to say to Zhou Qingyuan:

"You have to hide for a while. Don't worry. Although I can't help you get justice, I can definitely keep you safe."

Paloma on the side listened to these words. She, who has always been a strong character, did not even dare to look at Zhou Qingyuan's expression. Facing Duolong, she added to Zhou Qingyuan:

"Don't worry, there are also special citizens in our Azure Party. I will take care of this for you right away. As for now, I have a trustworthy friend. You can hide with her for the time being."

Zhou Qingyuan saw the embarrassment of the two people and had no idea about the previous behavior of Yao Wuze and the others. This is human nature and one should not criticize them harshly when others fail.

The two professors were able to stand up and help him at this time. Just looking at their expressions, it was clear that they had made a lot of determination.

"The two teachers are interested, but it was me who did this, and I feel sorry for you being affected."

As he spoke, the black Tianwu Eva was already kneeling behind Zhou Qingyuan, waiting for his command.

"Wait! Kid!"

Paloma grabbed Zhou Qingyuan's hand, with a look of deep worry on her face.

"Where are you going? Don't be impulsive!"

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan's cold expression, Paloma sighed secretly.

This person must be disappointed with their behavior, but that is one of the top ten special families, so what can they do even if they risk their lives?

To be honest, Paloma was not sure whether Zhou Qingyuan could be saved.

Just asking them to give up Zhou Qingyuan like this, they were unwilling to do so both publicly and privately.

In fact, however, they were completely mistaken.

Zhou Qingyuan never considered leaving his affairs to others to solve. This woman named Xia wanted to kill him, so she was killed by him, that's all.

As for everything after that, he is waiting for advice.

The reason for his cold expression was just because he was a little unhappy. After all, he had only been in Tianshu Empire for half a year and he had done nothing to provoke such people.

Under the foretelling of heavenly principles, Zhou Qingyuan felt that his peaceful life had been completely broken.

He already had murderous intentions in his heart, and his expression was obviously no longer good.

"We will take care of it all, just trust us, okay, and leave it to us."

Paloma's expression was almost pleading. Such an expression was still very lethal on an old woman with gray hair. Zhou Qingyuan thought about it.

He was originally planning to leave here first and find a place to delve into the mysteries of the star level before making any plans.

If that special family had the means to track him, it would be nothing more than practicing while escaping. He had experience.

If the other party can't find him, then he naturally has nothing to fear. He will come to the other party to settle matters after he reaches the star level.

The most embarrassing thing for him now is that he has no idea how powerful the so-called special family is.

But the other party was able to take out something as powerful as the Karma Spear, and it was still used by a woman who seemed to be not very smart. Obviously, this gun was not too precious to them.

It can be seen that perhaps their strength is really not something that Zhou Qingyuan can underestimate now.

Hibernating with the help of the Azure Party is not a bad thing.

Zhou Qingyuan really needs some time to study the newly acquired Tianwu.

"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you."

Zhou Qingyuan bowed slightly, and Paloma and Duolong both breathed a sigh of relief, with a forced smile on their faces.

Duolong began to contact his party forces, while Paloma drove Zhou Qingyuan all the way out, and finally stopped in a tacky block full of colorful lights.

"Dong, dong, dong."

Paloma took Zhou Qingyuan to walk in a narrow alley with poor hygiene conditions, and finally stopped in front of a brick wall.

After hitting the brick wall at a frequency of three short, one long and two short, the wall that originally seemed to be integrated suddenly turned into a door, and a head cautiously poked out from inside.

After seeing Paloma, he breathed a sigh of relief and called Zhou Qingyuan in.

"I won't go in, leave other things to Dort, he will take good care of you."

Paloma waved goodbye to Zhou Qingyuan, and the smile on her face disappeared after the brick wall disappeared.

The Damon family didn't know when they would react, and what means would they use to attack?

Paloma was not sure.

But for Zhou Qingyuan, they, the Tianqing Party, took a gamble!

Zhou Qingyuan followed the man named Dort into the world inside the brick wall.

The scenery outside looked cramped and dirty, but inside was a different world.

The two of them passed through three light gates. Zhou Qingyuan felt that his body was scanned and purified respectively. After stepping through the last gate, he felt that his spiritual sense was instantly suppressed to only 10%.

Just this move, he had more confidence in the protection here.

"This is our Tianqing Party's safe house, you stay here for the time being."

Dort looked at Zhou Qingyuan with a smile, took out a terminal and handed it to him:

"Your personal terminal is temporarily unusable. This is our internal private network. You can use it to understand the situation outside through our people."

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