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Chapter 260: Thoughts on observing a black hole

Fifteen years and three months of space travel.

Zhou Qingyuan found a male corpse of a star-level strongman.

The man's expression was very peaceful, as if he died in a calm state.

But strangely, his lower body had been castrated and could not be regenerated.

Zhou Qingyuan felt a powerful force lingering on it, which was even more powerful than the perfect top law power.

But in addition to the law power, Zhou Qingyuan also sensed another rule on it.

The general trend of the universe.

This is a very advanced way of using energy, which has vaguely touched the way of heaven.

Those who are repelled by this power will be repelled and hated by the entire universe, and this naturally includes the use of all energy and laws.

'Interesting, this is the way of using energy above the universe? '

Zhou Qingyuan had a slight understanding in his heart, but he no longer paid attention to this man.

After all, the other party's lower body was empty, and it would be rude to stare at it.

Moreover, he had truly felt the existence of this energy through this time, and then he could experience it carefully in the vast universe without the help of this person.

Rather than feeling this energy, Zhou Qingyuan was more curious about why this person died, and why only his lower body was damaged?

One month into the 21st year of Space Odyssey, Zhou Qingyuan witnessed a black hole with his own eyes.

Even though he had cultivated to the cosmic level, the power displayed by the black hole still shocked his mind.

All the power of the law lost its effectiveness in front of the black hole. The rules seemed to have undergone some kind of reorganization in that terrifying spiral, completely losing their original appearance.

This experience gave Zhou Qingyuan a deep inspiration.

In just one day, his understanding of the law of gravity continued to rise in the process of observing the black hole, even reaching a level comparable to the law of time.

Zhou Qingyuan also realized that although he had used the system to add points to the power of the law to perfection, there was still a gap between perfection.

To give an inappropriate example, he was like holding a rifle in his hand, but before he mastered the way to use it, he only knew to use the blade on the rifle to attack others, and never thought about the possibility of shooting.

This is a limitation of thought, and has nothing to do with ability.

After watching the black hole from afar for seven days, a miniature tornado gradually appeared in Zhou Qingyuan's hand, and then it kept spinning, gradually turning into a miniature gravity ball that absorbed all matter.

'It's almost time to go back. '

In order to avoid getting lost, Zhou Qingyuan left EVA where it was and followed the black hole alone.

Although he stored flesh and blood inside EVA, the distance was still too far, and the connection between them was becoming weaker and weaker.

'Is there any secret hidden in the black hole? '

Before leaving, Zhou Qingyuan turned his head and looked at the nothingness that swallowed everything, and began to return.

He made a decision in his heart that if one day he was really desperate, he would enter the black hole to take a look.

Perhaps there, he could have a deeper breakthrough in his understanding of the rules.

But this behavior means the unknown, and the unknown means risk.

For no reason, Zhou Qingyuan thought of the corpse he had seen a few years ago.

Except for the trouble in the lower body, the other party had no other injuries. Could it be suicide?

Zhou Qingyuan can still endure the same scenery for ten years now, but what if this time span is extended to a hundred years? A thousand years?

Can anyone really bear the loneliness of a thousand years alone?

Zhou Qingyuan has no answer in his heart.

In the fortieth year of space travel, Zhou Qingyuan discovered a planet full of cross tombstones.

Above the tombstones hang rough skin bags like mummies, and below are engraved words that Zhou Qingyuan cannot understand.

"Eva, do you think I should wake him up?"

Zhou Qingyuan stroked the strange words on the tombstone, thinking about whether to wake up the temporarily sleeping mummy in front of him.

Yes, in Zhou Qingyuan's perception, the other party is not dead, but just dormant.

But this weird scene must have some reason. Zhou Qingyuan is not sure what will happen if he wakes up the mummy.

Danger is not so important. The main thing is that if the other party cannot survive in the current environment, and he wakes him up rashly and causes him to die unexpectedly, it will be a sin.

In the long and lonely journey of twenty years, Zhou Qingyuan has become more and more respectful of life.

"Eva doesn't know, maybe we can leave a mark here and explore later."


Afterwards? It's a very safe suggestion.

However, Zhou Qingyuan had a hunch that he would not return to this place again.

"Forget it. Let's go."

Waking up these people doesn't mean much to him.


The black Tianwu followed Zhou Qingyuan quietly, and was carried forward quickly by his power.

In the forty years of space travel, especially the time when he looked at the black hole from afar, Zhou Qingyuan had a great understanding.

Now, he has reached the cosmic level of the Void Realm and is constantly developing towards the Void Realm.

Now his inner world has undergone completely different changes.

All the creatures before were temporarily moved to the sky by him and isolated, and then gravity was born.

The huge gravity was born in the center of Zhou Qingyuan's inner world, turning into a whistling wind that kept spinning, sweeping all matter and energy.

The mass was infinitely increased in the aggregation and collapse, and a miniature black hole was born in Zhou Qingyuan's inner world.

As the black hole was born, more and more gravitational waves began to be generated, rotating continuously in the inner world, pulling external energy.

When thousands of spirals were rotating quickly and slowly in the inner world, Zhou Qingyuan made a bold decision.

Using the law of time beyond perfection, he decisively reversed the time of the inner world!

The black hole began to disappear, the energy swallowed began to reverse, and planets containing huge energy were born in Zhou Qingyuan's body, gradually becoming a whole under the action of multiple laws.

A galaxy was born in Zhou Qingyuan's body.

Then, Zhou Qingyuan placed the original native of the inner world temporarily stored in the sky at the center of everything, and manually used the law of gravity to adjust everything.

This action, which was equivalent to the creation of the world, brought Zhou Qingyuan unlimited gains, allowing his realm and breath to increase by dozens of times.

If he meets the group of people from the Tianshu Empire again, he may not need to flee in embarrassment anymore.

However, Zhou Qingyuan has not yet realized what is special about the creation level. If he really fights, the result may still be unknown.

But he had traveled through the starry sky for forty years, and Zhou Qingyuan instinctively felt unfamiliar and tired of the Tianshu Empire.

He was unwilling to go back in a short time.

Even if he controlled the entire Tianshu Empire, there would be no improvement in his realm.

This lonely and long journey was destined to continue.

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