I can add one every day

Chapter 279 Great Terror

Luo Sheng's family conditions are not ideal.

As soon as he came here, he faced the debt left by his gambling-addicted father and a sick sister.

Fortunately, just when Luo Sheng was having a headache, a panel also appeared in front of him.

However, his panel was different from Zhou Qingyuan's simple and rough daily point addition, but a proficiency panel.

With the help of the proficiency panel, although he failed to pass the talent test of the best school, he continued to lurk in the low-level school, and finally made a splash in the college entrance examination.

'He is a traverser of the Gou Dao Liu. '

Zhou Qingyuan made a silent evaluation.

Later, he witnessed Luo Sheng's rise and understood Luo Sheng's strength.

The proficiency panel is different from the daily point addition system. Although it is not so rough, it is much easier to break through the upper limit.

After Luo Sheng understood the law of time, he continued to study and improve himself. Every day, he continued to brush his proficiency in exponential acceleration. Gradually, he surpassed a group of veteran strongmen and aspired to the real world.

Even with the help of the proficiency system, he mastered the time fruit in advance and predicted the demise of this world.

After a series of experiences, Luo Sheng's mentality has long changed.

Under the call of some kind of destiny, he decisively came to the center of the universe and found the golden gate behind the black cloud that destroyed everything.

The highlight is coming.

Zhou Qingyuan raised his eyebrows slightly, realizing that the matter here has come to the most critical point.

In just three years, he quickly browsed through the process of Luo Sheng's rise under the acceleration of time.

Strangely enough, all of Luo Sheng's insights seemed to be born in Zhou Qingyuan's own heart. Whenever the other party made a breakthrough, Zhou Qingyuan also followed with some insights.

But these are incidental, and the next is the most important.

Zhou Qingyuan is already the strongest person in the real world today. Except for the law of time, other experiences can only be said to be a supplement to him.

After witnessing Luo Sheng's rise, he became more and more curious about this person's ending.

How did such a strong man fall? Is his crossing a coincidence or a necessity?

Is this golden finger really a bug in some world?

Or is it man-made?

Zhou Qingyuan felt his scalp tingling for the thought in his mind, and finally followed Luo Sheng into the golden gate and into the corridor.

Sure enough, there was no statue at the entrance of the corridor.

In other words, the statue did appear later.

After Luo Sheng's death? Or was the statue transformed by Luo Sheng?

Who did he offend?

Zhou Qingyuan followed Luo Sheng all the way forward and saw the Tianshui Abyss and the floating books before that.

What surprised Zhou Qingyuan was that Luo Sheng seemed unable to resist the temptation of the clear light on the book.

Almost at the moment of seeing the book, Luo Sheng's breathing became rapid, and his eyes suddenly widened, as if he saw something extremely rare.

He took the book into his arms as quickly as possible, and eagerly understood all the contents of the book.

"Hahahahahaha! Becoming a saint by killing three corpses, this is the realm after the creation level?

Okay, I am indeed a man of destiny!"

Zhou Qingyuan stood aside and looked at the madness on Luo Sheng's face, frowning fiercely, like a coiled centipede, unable to relax for a long time.

He didn't say how much he knew Luo Sheng after watching all this time, but he still had a general impression of this person's character.

This person's character is calm and almost timid, how could he have such a bohemian behavior?

Zhou Qingyuan had never seen the madness on his face.

He was affected by the book?

How could it be. If he was affected, I should not be able to escape it?

Zhou Qingyuan frowned and watched Luo Sheng use the proficiency panel to quickly complete the method of killing three corpses.

Afterwards, the other party traveled all over the country, transformed into ninety-nine identities, and cut off a delusion every time he experienced thirty-three lives of mortals.

The first thing Luo Sheng cut off was greed.

At this point, Zhou Qingyuan has seriously realized that something is wrong.

What does beheading the three corpses have to do with the three thoughts of greed, anger and ignorance? Isn't this what Buddhism says?

What on earth did they behead!

Just by beheading the first thought, Luo Sheng's aura increased three times in just a quarter of an hour. Between his gestures, the rhyme of Taoism was everywhere, and there was a faint taste that could not be suppressed.

This was just the first thought, and it could increase the aura of the peak of the Creation Realm by three times again.

If the next two thoughts were cut off, what realm would this person reach?

Is it possible that this immortal realm can't be broken through?

But Zhou Qingyuan looked at Luo Sheng, whose expression was cold and his smile was crazy under the surge of aura, and not only did he not think that this method was really a heavenly method, but he just felt creepy.

This book actually affected Luo Sheng, who had mastered the time fruit, and made him ignore all the weirdness?

The proficiency panel clearly allowed him to see the real name of the book?

No matter how Zhou Qingyuan thought, this was just a past, a past that had already happened.

Finally, after Luo Sheng killed the three thoughts, his aura was twenty times stronger than before.

But despite this, he still failed to enter the immortal path.

Zhou Qingyuan felt it clearly standing by, and realized at this time that if he wanted to enter the immortal realm, it was not enough to just rely on the accumulation of energy.

What exactly is immortality?

Looking at Luo Sheng, whose expression was as stiff as a dead man after killing the three corpses, Zhou Qingyuan suddenly felt a great sense of terror in his heart.

A traverser like him, a traverser like him with a golden finger, and Luo Sheng, whose accumulated strength is even higher than his, what is going on now?

The scene changes, and Luo Sheng has appeared in front of the golden light gate again, and came to the Tianshui Abyss.

Luo Sheng looked at the terrifying Tianshui Abyss, still expressionless.

Now he can already resist the scouring of the Tianshui.

Luo Sheng slowly returned the method of [Beheading the Three Corpses] to its original place, and walked onto the ropeway with a pious expression.

The ropeway looked only two fingers thick, and Luo Sheng was sealed with divine power the moment he stepped on the ropeway, but he walked very steadily.

This is not his ability, but the characteristics of the ropeway itself.

Countless Tianshui poured back from the sky, washing Luo Sheng's body and soul.

His clothes naturally faded in the Tianshui, followed by the hair on his body - hair, armpit hair, chest hair, root hair, leg hair, all hair was washed away in the Tianshui.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Sheng had turned into a hairless, salted egg.

The once powerful man who dominated the universe has now become like this. If anyone saw him, they would probably laugh.

But Zhou Qingyuan, as the only bystander from beginning to end, felt a chill all over his body and couldn't laugh at all.

What the hell is he doing?

What is waiting for them after this Tianshui Abyss?

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