The more the heart is filled with anxiety, the more it will be used.

He noticed the changes in himself and discovered the mystery of this treasure land.

Cui Dongshan calmed down instead, not in a hurry at all.

He stood still and concentrated his mind, absorbing the endless fire spirit, and constantly improving the strength and quality of his own fire qi.

In the meridians, the fire qi was constantly running and surging.

Every time it passed through the heart, the fire qi would surge, which meant that it wanted to break through the palace.

But Cui Dongshan held back.

It was not enough. Although the fire qi was full in the normal state, it was not enough to open up the Tushita Palace, far from enough.

This required finding spiritual objects from the volcanic magma to strengthen the fire qi again, and then provide greater power for opening up the Tushita Palace.

As for whether there are spiritual creatures?

Cui Dongshan has no doubt at all.

Such a place of water and fire, where the two poles coexist and restrain each other, is the creation of nature and a wild spiritual place.

There are small fish with kidney essence in the water.

There must be similar spiritual creatures in the fire.

Cui Dongshan is not in a hurry, silently practicing and waiting.

After a long time, Zongheng emerged from the magma and said happily: "Dad, there are fish in the magma, wow, it's amazing, I really learned something."

Cui Dongshan's eyes moved slightly, and he gritted his teeth and decided to give it a try.

The body is protected by the first layer of Vajra Qi, the second layer of Taibai Jin Qi, and the third layer of Black Water Qi.

At this time, put your hand deep into the magma.

It's okay.

After about five or six seconds, there will be a trace of burning infiltrating the body.

But at this time, the fire Qi is running, and the trace of burning is immediately swallowed by the fire Qi, which is not only harmless to the body, but also somewhat beneficial.

Cui Dongshan's eyes lit up, and without hesitation, he plunged directly into the magma, holding the Fengming gun, and dived all the way down.

Zongheng led the way in front.

Soon, several other adults were seen.

They had long discovered that Cui Dongshan could devour the kidney essence fish to strengthen himself.

As Cui Dongshan became stronger, they would also become stronger.

So they seemed very enthusiastic about Cui Dongshan's practice, and were now making noises in the magma to attract those magma fish.

At the bottom of the magma, you can only rely on perception.

Fortunately, the restrictions are not great. Cui Dongshan's black water true qi is now formed again, and the Yuanshen seed has grown a little bit. The perception of the mind is also farther. Even in the magma, it can sense the surrounding ten meters.

Not long after, Cui Dongshan found the magma fish that Zongheng said.

It is similar to the kidney essence fish, both are the size of a little finger.

The kidney essence fish is black.

The magma fish is red.

Both of them were as pure as white paper. They were not afraid of the noise made by the big boys, but rushed up fearlessly to check the situation.

It can be seen that this place has really been without any living creatures for eternity. The spiritual creatures born here are even more innocent and do not know the evil of human hearts.

Unfortunately, I have the responsibility of the rise of the human race and need to strengthen my own strength, otherwise I really can't bear to harm you rare spiritual creatures.

Cui Dongshan silently chanted Amitabha several times, then quickly approached and began to catch those magma fish.

Even if they were in Cui Dongshan's hands, they were not afraid, but rolled around, and seemed very happy.

Cui Dongshan caught more than a dozen, rushed out of the magma, and then swallowed a handful of small fish in one gulp.

First it was hot and scalding, and then a warm current flowed into the body.

Cui Dongshan was indifferent and continued to stand.

The fire element Qi was originally growing slowly, but suddenly, as if it had taken a ten-full tonic pill, it began to expand instantly, repeating the old path of the water element Qi.

Cui Dongshan had experience, and he operated quickly and brewed silently.

When the fire element Qi grew more than twice, Cui Dongshan felt that he could no longer control it.

He immediately let go of the control of the fire element Qi.

For a moment, the fire element Qi was like a group of wild bulls with their tails on fire, rushing madly, and after a period of accumulation, it plunged into the heart.

With a loud bang, it was like a door that had been closed for a long time, and it was smashed. Suddenly, the cattle rushed in, rushing in all directions in the most brutal way, and the places where the cattle hooves trampled were ignited by flames.

Slowly, the fire spread all over the field, and the sparks spread all over the prairie.

Seeing this, Cui Dongshan's eyes were hot.

It's done.

The heart's Tushita Palace is broken.

The Five Elements Dao Palace has been obtained.

However, the newly opened Tushita Palace was not very hot, and the heart fire was not strong.

Cui Dongshan jumped into the molten lava again without saying a word.

A few minutes later, Cui Dongshan came up again and swallowed seven

Eight molten fish.

Waves of hot power poured into the Tushita Palace, adding fuel to the spark, letting the flames slowly rise and turn into a real sea of ​​fire.

In this way, Cui Dongshan repeatedly went in and out of the molten lava.

The fifth time, it took more than half an hour for Cui Dongshan to come out, and he only had two molten fish in his hands.

After swallowing, the heat flow was directly digested by the Tushita Palace.

Licking his mouth, Cui Dongshan gave up the search.

First, the Taoist Palace was successfully opened up, and the foundation of the Tushita Palace was large enough. The follow-up is to nurture it day and night and slowly strengthen it.

Second, it is not easy for the spiritual creatures of heaven and earth to be born. I have obtained most of them, and I can't exhaust the pond and catch them all. I must always leave some seeds and leave some opportunities for future generations.

Put away other true qi to protect my body.

Just operate the flame of the Tushita Palace.

With the opening of the Taoist Palace, many mysterious insights emerged in my mind.

This makes Cui Dongshan kneel down to worship the true name of the fire of the power of the Tushita Palace next year.

Innate true fire!

This flame is against the innate, powerful, and it can burn even the black iron and divine steel, and it will turn into golden liquid in an instant.

But the wonderful use of the innate true fire is not just that.

Its greatest function is to temper the body.

Not just the innate true fire.

There is also the black water of the Black Water Palace, whose real name is the origin of the true water, which can nourish the body.

The Taibai gold energy of the Taibai Palace can cut bones and wash marrow.

It can be seen from this that the most fundamental purpose of the opening of the Five Elements Palace is to continue to enhance and strengthen itself so that it can continue to grow to the next level.

The power of the five forces of the Five Elements Palace is second.

This is the correct practice.

First cultivate the fundamentals of martial arts, and then practice the means of protecting the law.

However, now the Five Elements Palace, there are still the Yujing Palace of the Liver and the Zhenyuan Palace of the Spleen that have not been opened.

The path of strengthening the body by rotating the five elements cannot be opened at all.

For the time being, only a single path can be used, and the effect of using water and fire to cleanse is not a little worse than the five elements rotating.

Well, the next small goal is to find the spiritual land related to the wood spirit and the earth spirit first.

Otherwise, if the five elements are not perfect and the soul cannot be condensed, it will never be possible to break through the supernatural realm and become a Yuanshen boss.

Feel the breakthrough of the new cultivation for a moment.

At this moment, I have become stronger.

With the blessing of the two Taoist palaces of water and fire, and the method of combined attack, perhaps, I can fight against the twelfth-level beast?

Well, I haven't tried it yet, so it's unknown for the time being.

After all, the gap between each level of the beast is very large, and some are even very different.

But Cui Dongshan can be sure that now facing the eleventh-level beast, he doesn't need to sneak attack. Even if he confronts it head-on, he can easily kill an ordinary eleventh-level beast.

This makes Cui Dongshan very satisfied.

Martial arts martial arts

You need to seek the Dao, but you also need to keep up with the martial arts. Otherwise, you can't protect the Dao, how can you last long?

Continue to practice for a while, the fire spirit here is still useful and can't be wasted.

Cui Dongshan began to stand again, absorbing the vast spirit, tempering himself, and perfecting and strengthening the foundation of the Tushita Palace.

Just when Cui Dongshan was practicing hard in this underground magma space.

In Black Water City, the whole courtyard collapsed. The dusty Princess Gu Ling, her face was as black as ink, and her eyes were fierce as she looked at a group of Moon Wolf guards digging.

It kept spinning in circles, and it was so angry that it burst out with power and collapsed this area.

Although it now has helpers to dig, it also knows that it has completely lost hope of chasing Cui Dongshan.

"Are you satisfied now? Later, both of us will enjoy the taste of that old immortal's disgusting tongue licking our bodies." Gu Ling sneered.

"It's okay. You decide this body. She's just my sister. If you're not afraid, why should I be afraid?" A playful and cute voice came out of Gu Ling's mouth again.

Gu Ling couldn't help but clenched his fist and slapped Gu Dong, who was standing next to him, in the face. Gu Dong staggered and was confused. He didn't know why he was suddenly hit.

But Gu Dong didn't dare to ask. Everyone in the Moon Wolf Clan knew that Princess Gu Ling was cruel, vicious, and black-hearted.

At the same time, it remembered a rumor that made it feel aggrieved. People outside said that it liked Princess Gu Ling and liked her madly. Any male who dared to approach Princess Gu Ling would be hunted down by it.

There have even been many victims.

But Gu Dong wanted to roar. I didn't know I had so many powerful subordinates. Why blame me?

I don't like the princess either. I never liked her!

But it dared not say it, because it had to follow Gu Ling and pretend to be like this. This was the princess's private request. If it didn't follow, or didn't obey, it would die.

First update, please give good reviews, continue writing. . .

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