The sky was dark, and the sky was dark.

"Huh! Fresh air!"

After climbing out of a lifeless crater.

Breathing the air with the rich fragrance of grass and trees, Cui Dongshan couldn't help squinting his eyes.

He practiced in the underground magma for three days.

He couldn't bear it anymore.

After all, he was still a flesh and blood body and needed to eat.

It was impossible to practice with an empty stomach.

So Cui Dongshan could only follow the flow of the magma, found this crater, and returned to the surface world.

After taking a few breaths of air, Cui Dongshan looked greedily at the dense forest in the distance.

Now he felt that he could eat a cow.

Too hungry.

But to ensure safety.

Cui Dongshan did not run around, but released the four good children to go in all directions to explore the situation.

With the experience of Black Water City.

Cui Dongshan is now much more cautious.

After all, it is the wild divine domain. Any powerful divine beast or descendant of a fierce beast can kill him.

Don't be reckless!

More than ten minutes later.

The four good children came back and reported the situation.

There are no powerful fierce beasts within 30 kilometers in the southeast, northwest, and four directions. There are only some ordinary small fierce birds and fierce beasts that have not opened their spiritual intelligence.

These are also at the bottom of the food chain in the wild world. Even if they are of the same kind, they will eat without scruples.

Cui Dongshan combined the information and ran in one direction.

Half an hour later.

By a stream.

Cui Dongshan made a fire and roasted a fierce bird about the size of an ostrich.

The four good children were placed around to guard the four directions. Once they found danger, they could run away in time.

Fortunately, there was no danger.

After eating and drinking, Cui Dongshan continued on his way.

After that, he walked and stopped, and whenever he felt there was a risk, Cui Dongshan would avoid it and never take risks.

When he rested, he took out the rock crack rest method and the buried rest method from the human middle school.

This way, more than three months passed.

Cui Dongshan completely became like a savage, with disheveled hair and clothes that had long been torn and discarded. Now he used a very tough but soft grass to weave a big pair of pants, and other places were exposed.

Anyway, there was no one in this wild world, so there was no need to worry about the spread of the news that Wu Zu was an exhibitionist.

This day.

Cui Dongshan was suddenly attracted by a strange cry.

Those sounds seemed to be... human voices?

Cui Dongshan's eyes moved slightly, and he first sent four good children to explore the way and report the situation.

There really were people.

But they were barbarians.

There is a valley about seven or eight kilometers away.

A group of fifty or sixty barbarians are hunting.

After learning about it, Cui Dongshan took the initiative to approach and secretly spy.

I have heard about the existence of barbarians for a long time.

I have never seen them, so I am quite curious.

Now I see them.

Cui Dongshan can't help but praise that the barbarians have good genes.

As far as the eye can see, all the barbarians are tall, none are less than two and a half meters, and some are even four meters tall!

But they are different in fatness and thinness.

The strong ones are like a big iron gate.

And the thin ones are also strong and enviable.

Among them, there are both men and women.

The female barbarians are obviously shorter and thinner, but they are also warriors with firm eyes.

I just didn't see a few good-looking ones, they all look very rough.

And these barbarians, as I heard, wear animal skins, have loose hair, rough skin, and various patterns on their faces.

Most of the weapons they held were similar to javelins, and a few were long-handled axes and hammers, almost all of which were heavy weapons.

In the valley, a group of wildebeests were surrounded and had no way to escape, and they were panicked.

The barbarians were not in a hurry, and they approached inch by inch, roaring and threatening.

They looked like savages, but they were obviously very smart. They formed an encirclement, but left a way for the wildebeests to break through, but this was exactly where their trap was.

In less than an hour.

More than 30 wildebeests, which were different from those in the wild and wild areas, were hunted and captured.

Most of them were captured alive, and a few died.

The barbarians were in high spirits and sorted out their harvest.

Cui Dongshan was watching with great interest, and Zongheng came over and whispered: "Dad, you have been discovered, and two barbarians are coming over."

Cui Dongshan seemed to have noticed that two barbarians, a man and a woman, were coming over to him, cautiously, obviously old hands.

After a slight hesitation.

Cui Dongshan pretended not to notice and waited


Compared to those fierce beasts and divine beasts, they are truly aliens.

Although the barbarians do not look like the same race, their identical appearance will allow him to receive better treatment from the barbarians.

Besides, he really needs a better way to get in touch with this wild divine world.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to run around like this all the time.

Pretend to continue peeping.

After a moment, a sharp iron spear head was placed across his neck, which made Cui Dongshan freeze up all of a sudden, with fear on his face and his body trembling slightly.

He dared not move.

Then a barbarian stepped forward and pulled Cui Dongshan out of the bushes. Seeing Cui Dongshan's appearance carefully, the barbarian was stunned.

This barbarian was just over three meters tall.

Cui Dongshan was actually not short. He had achieved success in martial arts and his body had grown several times. Now he was just over one meter nine.

On the human side, he was considered a towering height.

However, in front of the barbarians, he was like a child.

He showed a frightened and fierce expression.

In just this short time, Cui Dongshan set a new identity for himself.

A barbarian child raised by a divine beast, who can speak beast language and has some fierce habits of fierce beasts.

As for why he is so short and doesn't look like a barbarian.

It must be because he didn't grow tall because he didn't have milk to nourish him when he was young.

At this time, the barbarian and the female barbarian who discovered Cui Dongshan's true appearance immediately started chatting, and some of the chattering words could actually be understood.

This made Cui Dongshan secretly happy, it seems that there are actually some commonalities between beast language and barbarian language.

This is not surprising.

On the human side, various languages ​​also have some similarities.

The few words that the two barbarians occasionally said that could be understood made Cui Dongshan feel more at ease.

They also recognized Cui Dongshan's identity as a barbarian, and seemed to be discussing what to do?

At this time, the female barbarian looked at Cui Dongshan, showed a gentle expression, and began to speak.

Cui Dongshan didn't understand and ignored her.

The female barbarian showed a puzzled expression and said something more. Seeing that Cui Dongshan still ignored her, she even began to roll her eyes, as if she was planning to break through and run away.

Suddenly the female barbarian spoke in animal language.

"Child, what's your name?"

Cui Dongshan was stunned, looked at the female barbarian suspiciously, and then said: "My name is Shan."

The female barbarian looked at Cui Dongshan in surprise. He actually spoke mainly in animal language. This was not a child who grew up in the barbarian tribe.

However, it seemed that she also knew the existence of such situations. The female barbarian showed some pity in her eyes and continued to ask: "Where are your family and tribe?"

Cui Dongshan shook his head and said nothing.

The female barbarian understood more and more, and then spoke to the male barbarian again.

After a while, the male barbarian took back his spear.

Cui Dongshan pretended to run.

The female barbarian said quickly: "Child, you are with us."

Cui Dongshan stared at the female barbarian, made an offensive gesture, and looked fierce.

The female barbarian continued to say gently: "Come with us, you need to accept the baptism of the tribe, you are of the same race as us, those fierce beasts and divine beasts are all foreign races, they are not good."

Cui Dongshan ignored it.

At this time, the male barbarian suddenly stepped forward and slapped Cui Dongshan on the back of his head, and Cui Dongshan almost cursed in pain.

Fuck, if you don't have the means to knock someone out, don't hit him randomly, what's the point of pretending!

But Cui Dongshan also rolled his eyes and fainted.

The female barbarian hugged the soft Cui Dongshan, and didn't say anything, just a face full of anger and pity.

Fierce beasts, divine beasts, and natural enemies of barbarians can never be reconciled. Only when one side is exterminated can the anger of the race be calmed.

Afterwards, Cui Dongshan was carried back to the barbarian group.

After the female barbarian explained the situation, Cui Dongshan received gentle looks from all the barbarians.

However, many barbarians looked at the Fengming gun in Cui Dongshan's hand curiously, and seemed to take it over, but found that Cui Dongshan held it very tightly, and could not untie or pull it off.

This immediately caused the other barbarians to laugh, and some barbarians praised that this was a real warrior seedling, and after being trained well, he would definitely be the best warrior and could hunt divine beasts and fierce beasts.

Soon after, the barbarian team began to leave.

Cui Dongshan was still held by the female barbarian, and she patted him gently with her hands, as if coaxing a child.

This made Cui Dongshan very helpless.

This treatment was not considered, but it was not easy to struggle now, so he could only let her hold him.

Fortunately, this female barbarian did not smell bad and her movements were gentle, allowing Cui Dongshan to take the rare opportunity to close his eyes and rest in peace.

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