The effect of lightning paralysis is very good.

After a full hour and a half, the leader of the cattle tribe woke up with a blank look in his eyes, and then he saw Cui Dongshan sitting on the side, smiling and very kind.

"Where is this?" The leader of the cattle tribe asked in confusion.

Cui Dongshan smiled; "Have you forgotten? You were just receiving treatment."

The leader of the cattle tribe thought about it, and some memories came up. He was startled at first, and then he got up and checked, and found a surprising scene.

All over the body, those ugly scars crisscrossed, disappeared without a trace.

After moving his body, the eyes of the leader of the cattle tribe were even more ecstatic.

It doesn't hurt anymore, not at all.

It was a long-lost feeling of relief.

It was just that I felt a little weak from the relief, as if I had suffered a serious illness.

But after just thinking about it, He stopped thinking about it.

Compared to recovery, this little problem is not important.

Then, the leader of the Bull Tribe looked at Cui Dongshan eagerly and gratefully: "Thank you, Doctor."

Cui Dongshan waved his hand and smiled: "You also helped me a lot. Our transaction is fair. Oh, by the way, when I treated your injuries, I helped you clear your meridians. When you go back, practice well. In a short period of time, your cultivation may increase dramatically. When the time comes, you can come for a check-up again, and it will be almost done."


The Bull Tribe leader now has no more trust in Cui Dongshan.

Such a powerful method is just like the legendary demon god.

It's amazing.

"Also, can I trouble you with one thing?" Cui Dongshan said again.

The leader of the Niuren tribe patted his chest and said, "Please give me your orders, Doctor."

Cui Dongshan smiled.

Three days later.

The whole territory was in an uproar.

The news that a mysterious doctor had come to the Shinfeng Territory was basically known to everyone.

The story about the doctor and the leader Niu Dali who guarded the gate was also full of ups and downs. After several twists and turns, they finally turned enemies into friends. In addition, the leader Niu Dali won the praise of the doctor with his personal charm, and then took the initiative to treat Niu Dali's injuries and dredge his meridians.

Overnight, the dozens of scars on Niu Dali's body disappeared, and his meridians were dredged, his blood was improved, and his strength was greatly improved. Now his rank is steadily improving every day, and the time to break through the rank is just around the corner.

For a time, Niu Dali became the most famous person in the Shinfeng Territory, and was invited every day by various people, who were all bigwigs from various tribes in the territory.

Many leaders of various tribes have discovered that Niu Dali's situation is real, and his rank progress is so fast that it can be seen with the naked eye.

Almost one change a day.

Such benefits naturally make people jealous, and then greed arises in their hearts.

But when those greedy guys approached Cui Dongshan's residence, they calmed down all of a sudden.

The undisguised breath from the Iron-headed Tiger King.

In the territory, the strongest is only level 15, and the rest are only level 13 or 14.

Sensing the breath, you know the horror.

So, there is no disturbance.

And Niu Dali received more welcome. Every day he was invited to eat and drink, and there were beautiful women to accompany him, and then he asked indirectly how to get the help of the doctor?

Niu Dali was still implicit at the beginning, just eating and drinking, just playing with girls, and after a few days, Niu Dali finally expressed his attitude.

The doctor's treatment will pay a certain price.

So, if you want the doctor to treat you, you must also pay a certain amount of compensation.

If you want to dredge the meridians and improve the blood, you need to pay a greater price.

At the same time, you can only go in person. When treating, you must follow the instructions and not move around, otherwise you will interrupt the treatment process and bear the consequences.

After hearing this, several clan leaders immediately signed up overnight.

In this world that has been invaded by the power of the Gui clan and the sun and the moon have become evil, negative emotions are crazy. A little quarrel can turn into a life-and-death battle.

Fights between two races, two tribes, and two regions are even more commonplace.

Therefore, it is abnormal for anyone who is alive to not have some injuries on his body.

Even most of them will have some limbs missing.

Therefore, Cui Dongshan's identity as a doctor is like a god descending to the earth to save the suffering and the distressed.

Cui Dongshan naturally accepts all comers.

And these clan leaders of various tribes are also very sincere.

They brought treasures from their respective tribes.

Some of them are even ancient divine objects.

For example, the scales, bones, and fur left by the demon gods.

There are also strange metals and unique magical herbs.

For Cui Dongshan, these are not important, he doesn't need them.

But for Daxia, these are all excellent things.

After taking them back, let the scientific research leaders in the institute think about them, or refine or forge them, and they can make good things to cultivate strong people of the human race.

The stronger the human race is, the easier it is to lead them.

But the patriarchs of each tribe are very useful to Cui Dongshan.

In order, they were stunned one by one, and then began to go deep into their souls and explore the secrets of their blood.

Every tribe has a unique secret and an amazing treasure.

From the bull tribe, Cui Dongshan got the secret of armor breaking.

From the cat tribe, Cui Dongshan got the secret of swiftness.

From the elephant tribe, Cui Dongshan got the secret of strength.

Each secret is a gift and enhancement to the Yuanshen.

Even through this secret, the subsequent path of the Yuanshen can be evolved.

After accumulating a lot, Cui Dongshan integrated these top secrets from the ancient demon god heritage into himself, and gradually developed a Yuanshen way that belonged to him.

The Yuanshen realm secret technique is the law of heaven and earth.

Having reached this step, Cui Dongshan can completely call himself a high-level creature.

And the law of heaven and earth in the conception is definitely not weaker than the magical powers in the myths and legends of the previous life, and may even be stronger, because this law of heaven and earth integrates too many secrets and has all kinds of incredible powers.

Cui Dongshan, full of expectations, silently accumulated.

In a blink of an eye, he lived in the Shenfeng territory for half a year.

The entire Shenfeng territory, from the clan leader and the lord of the territory to the ordinary people of each tribe, whether injured or not, was plundered by Cui Dongshan.

After being treated by Cui Dongshan, and after plundering the blood inheritance, he directly defeated the blood and integrated it into the bodies of various tribes.

This is the reason why the cultivation of various tribes can advance by leaps and bounds and improve their ranks after being treated.

After all, after Cui Dongshan's examination, they completely lost the possibility of activating the blood inheritance.

In this case, then break them up and let them absorb some power of the blood inheritance to make them stronger, which can be regarded as Cui Dongshan's kindness.

Of course, after they completely integrate and absorb the power of the blood, they will be re-examined, and Cui Dongshan can use them to make a statistical analysis of the impact of the blood again.

Cultivation is like research, which requires meticulousness, distinguishing good from bad, and refining the essence, so as to move forward all the way and be unstoppable.

Half a year later.

In the entire Shenfeng territory, Cui Dongshan became the most respected person.

Even the lord of the Shenfeng territory, the patriarch of the human race, the only fifteenth level in the territory.

He also highly praised Cui Dongshan and often invited him to banquets.

Unfortunately, the various 300-jin elephant-people girls he prepared were completely beyond Cui Dongshan's aesthetic concept, and he could not compliment them.

But when Cui Dongshan asked these girls to study, he also accepted them all.

The Yuanshen skill he was deducing, the Law of Heaven and Earth.

The most lacking was the secret of power.

The more secrets of power he got, the more perfect the power of the Law of Heaven and Earth.

Unfortunately, there were not many elephant-people in the Divine Wind Territory, only more than 3,000, and the help they provided was far from enough.

Cui Dongshan asked tentatively and got a surprising answer.

The elephant-people were still a strong tribe in Dashang, inherited from the White Elephant King, one of the three ancient demon gods.

Together with the lion-people who inherited from the Blue Lion King and the wing-people of the Golden Wing King, they once dominated an era for thousands of years.

Although it is not as strong as before, there are royal courts and tribes belonging to the elephant people in various places in Dashang, and there are even seventeen-level elephant people who are strong in the tribe.

In Cui Dongshan's eyes, these are all the secrets of power!

So, Cui Dongshan set a small goal.

Before leaving, the secret of power obtained must allow the law of heaven and earth, have a body of ten thousand feet, and truly be able to stand up to the sky and overlook the world.


I have been busy at home these days, and the update is unstable. I will continue to write later today, and resume normal starting tomorrow.

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