The night is coming.


Kamikaze Territory, Lord's Mansion.

This is another feast.

However, the Lord, the Elephant Tribe Chief, was distressed and helpless.

Because Cui Dongshan proposed to leave.

The entire territory was almost taken away by Cui Dongshan.

Moreover, when asking the various tribes in the territory to help find out about the one-winged ancient golden eagle and the Moon Goddess Falling Star, there was no news.

It was meaningless to stay here.

So, Cui Dongshan planned to leave.

While searching for the secrets of the blood inheritance of various higher creatures, he was looking for the Moon Goddess Falling Stars.

As for Cui Dongshan's departure.

The Elephant Tribe Chief was naturally powerless to refuse.

The opponent was too strong. There were more than a dozen terrifying beasts that could easily crush him.

So, apart from blessing, he had no other tricks.

However, the chief of the elephant tribe had also made a decision. If he could not stop Cui Dongshan from leaving, he would tie him up separately.

He took out a white jade tablet and handed it to Cui Dongshan, saying seriously, "This is the royal jade elephant tablet of my elephant tribe, which represents the identity of the prince. I give it to you, which represents the friendship of our elephant tribe. In the future, if the doctor can meet our elephant tribe, he can give some care."

Cui Dongshan thought about it, took it, and smiled, "During this period of time, I have felt the hospitality of the elephant tribe. Don't worry, I will definitely help other elephant tribes when I meet them in the future."

The chief of the elephant tribe breathed a sigh of relief.

Such an ending is already very good.

After that, they ate and drank enthusiastically.

The next day.

Cui Dongshan set off early in the morning.

When they came, Cui Dongshan was alone with nineteen beasts as guards.

When they left, there was a group of camels and horses.

This is a giant horse that is more than one-third larger than an ordinary horse, and it has two humps like a camel.

This horse is also a species with mixed bloodlines from ancient times. It has great endurance, runs fast, and carries a lot of things.

At this moment, there are thirty camels and horses with things attached.

These are all Cui Dongshan's medical gains.

These are all divine objects that cannot be found in the general world, and they are all ancient inheritances.

I have to say.

This Great Shang world is definitely very close to the Taichu Ancient Land, and it is not inferior to the Savage World.

There are too many ancient relics here.

Each one is priceless.

Cui Dongshan was reluctant to discard even one.

With the reluctant farewell of the various tribes in many Shenfeng territories.

Cui Dongshan and his party set off on the journey to the next territory.

Going far away.

The Kamikaze Territory gradually disappeared.

In the devastated wilderness, Cui Dongshan and his party walked alone.

In the wild, Cui Dongshan sensed with his mind and found that there were many large and small beasts lurking in the dark places.

After they arrived, they either fled in fear or hid in the same place, trembling.

This is also normal.

In this world, the breath of beasts is very obvious, and the deterrence of the superior to the inferior is real, just like the feeling of having a gun pointed at your head in modern society.

Going forward.

Half a day later.

Cui Dongshan and his party were stopped by a woman.

After a closer look, Cui Dongshan smiled.

The one who stopped him was one of the two fighting parties he encountered when he first descended, and the tall woman with an iron tail who had communicated with him.

When Cui Dongshan saw the tailed woman, he smiled and approached, saying, "What a coincidence, we meet again."

The tailed woman had a complicated look in her eyes, but more of it was expectation. She seemed not good at this kind of communication, so she said directly, "You are the doctor, right?"

Cui Dongshan said, "Yes, I am a doctor."

The tailed woman said, "I would like to invite you to visit our territory."

Cui Dongshan smiled, "I remember you didn't welcome me before."

The tailed woman said, "Now we welcome you, and we also understand your rules and will definitely cooperate."

Cui Dongshan laughed, "Don't be nervous, it's just a joke, but my principle is fair trade. As long as your territory does not violate my rules, I will not easily refuse."

The tailed woman breathed a sigh of relief, and her tone became much calmer: "Doctor, please come this way."

Cui Dongshan nodded and followed her.

Two months later.

Cui Dongshan left again.

Twenty more camels and horses were loaded, and at the same time, the secret of swiftness was strengthened, and he got

A new secret of dexterity.

Cui Dongshan's soul, with the blessing of various secrets, has new changes every day.

Just like this, walking and stopping.

In a blink of an eye, more than five years have passed.

At this time, Cui Dongshan, no matter how much he expected to enhance the secret of the soul, felt like vomiting from the exploration.

Over the past five years, tens of millions of human races have been explored. Every time he arrives at a place, in addition to regular social activities, he is basically exploring in various ways.

Even in order to speed up, dozens or hundreds of people are stunned at once, and then forced to explore has become commonplace.

The soul is also growing rapidly in this state.

Originally seven or eight years old, now, he has become in his early twenties, looking much younger than Cui Dongshan now.

This day.

Cui Dongshan and his party continued on the road.

But the team was so large that it was several miles long, with as many as six thousand camels and horses, and hundreds of even larger beasts of burden.

If the things were not really good, Cui Dongshan would not have been willing to take them, which seriously slowed down his progress.

In the morning.

Cui Dongshan was lying on the soft back of a giant beast more than ten meters long, resting his mind.

He had just left a small territory, and the consumption was a bit large. He needed to rest for a few days to slow down.

Just as he closed his eyes, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Tsk tsk, without us, you actually live a more comfortable life."

"Well, brother has become stronger."

"Sure enough, all men are pigs."

"Brother is not, brother is the best brother."

"Hehe, we just met and started tea. It's a pity that your brother never takes it seriously."


Cui Dongshan opened his eyes and felt that there was a woman lying on each shoulder. It was the long-lost Moon Goddess and Falling Star.

His face was full of joy, but when he heard what they said, Cui Dongshan's mouth twitched, and he said unhappily: "I came all the way from the wild world to find you, what? Is this not enough?"

"How could it be? I know my husband is the best, Trojan." Luo Xing smiled and blew a kiss.

The Moon Goddess smiled, as calm as a chrysanthemum.

Cui Dongshan snorted, and then said: "By the way, where is my senior brother?"

"He is running here, who let him only have one wing, an eagle that can't fly is worse than a chicken." Luo Xing gloated.

Cui Dongshan was speechless.

But as long as nothing happens, it's fine.

Cui Dongshan continued: "You were sent here, didn't you ever think about going back?"

"How to go back? The rules here have been polluted by the Gui clan and are undergoing transformation. It is very likely that a new Gui clan will be born. I'm still wondering, why are you here too? You didn't teleport with us at that time." Luo Xing asked curiously.

Cui Dongshan said: "I came here on my own initiative. It was the ancient god of the Gui clan who abducted you here who told me."

"Ancient god? You said that the one underground is the ancient god?" Luo Xing's face changed.

Cui Dongshan said: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"What else? Do you know what the ancient god represents? It is the oldest and purest first generation of the Gui clan. They have existed for a long time, and each of them can be considered the most beautiful and powerful. They are truly the existence of the highest level among billions of creatures."

"We have offended the ancient god, and the consequences are unpredictable." Luo Xing looked distressed.

If they were not in the same world, it would be fine.

The key is that His original body is now also in the wilderness. This is the case that the monk can escape but the temple cannot.

Even the Moon God looked solemn.

Cui Dongshan said with a smile: "Why are you panicking? That ancient god is now a cooperative partner of mine, just like you. We are all family. It was just a misunderstanding before. As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. In the future, we must understand and tolerate each other."

Luoxing: ? ? ?

Yueshen: ? ? ?

Cui Dongshan smiled meaningfully.

At this time, he suddenly discovered something.

The Eye of All Things is the Weird Clan.

Luoxing and Yueshen are considered to be higher beings of the same type.

There is definitely a water-fire relationship between them.

Well, now the heavy punch to check and balance these two women is coming.

"Junior brother, wuwuwu, junior brother, I finally found you, wuwuwuwu... Junior brother, why did you come just now? Do you know how I have been here these years? I..."

"Huh? Senior brother, why are you fatter? No, you have advanced? This is, the sixteenth level?"

Cui Dongshan originally wanted to cooperate, but suddenly felt something was wrong and looked at the ancient golden eagle with a shocked face.

The ancient golden eagle braked suddenly, flapped its wings, and a whirlwind surrounded its body in an instant, making it look like a demon god descending to the earth.

"Hey, you found me. I wanted to hide and give you a surprise, but I didn't expect that.

I can't hide it. That's right, I'm at level 16, haha ​​...

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