The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Three hundred miles outside the Qingtian Mountains.

A mighty group of more than fifty seventeenth-level warriors came together.

Before the momentum arrived, the ancient golden eagle got the news.

Seeing that so many strong men were coming for them, they naturally came out to greet them and see what was going on.

Then, at first glance, they saw the ancient golden eagle, Jinfeng, who was the first to lead.

To be honest, at first glance, all the golden eagles of the ancient golden eagle clan were blank-eyed.

If it goes as expected, the entire wild world will only have the ancient golden eagle inheritance of the Qingtian Mountains.

This one in front of me is very unfamiliar.

More importantly, the aura is not concealed at all, and it is also seventeenth-level!

This is amazing.

Where did this fellow tribesman come from?

And among the group of ancient golden eagles, there was a golden eagle whose eyes were dull for a moment, and he looked at the approaching Jin Feng with disbelief!

He was Jin Feng's elder brother, Jin He.

The strongest among the contemporary ancient golden eagles, the Son of God, with a cultivation level of 15th level, was also well-known among the entire high-level tribes in the wilderness.

"Jin Feng? Impossible, how could it be possible? He, he is at the 17th level!"

Jin He exclaimed in his heart, his body trembling a little.

You know, before the Suzaku tribe passed by as a guest, the little Suzaku Yue Ling of the same generation also told him that he had met his lost brother who still had one wing, could not fly, and was still unruly, but at that time, he was only at the 12th level at most.

Among his peers, such a cultivation level is not bad.

And it was still in the state of one wing.

But cultivation becomes more and more difficult as time goes by. A leap to a higher level does not take hundreds or thousands of years.

So, at that time, Jin He just sneered and did not comment.

After all, his brother was still alive tenaciously.

But his life set off his own excellence, which was a good thing.

Now, how could this happen?

Soon, the huge 17th-level team approached the ancient golden eagle clan.

At this time, Jin Feng, who was the leader, had a burning look in his eyes, his blood was boiling, and his whole body could not help but tremble.

What the hell is called returning home in glory?

What the hell is called looking at someone with new eyes?

What the hell is called, if you ignore me today, I will make you unable to reach me tomorrow.

"Brother, calm down. You are the protagonist today. After today, your name will resound throughout the Savage Divine Domain, and you will become the most outstanding one among the same generation of fierce beasts and descendants of divine beasts."

Jin Feng took a deep breath and nodded, "Don't worry, I have waited for this day for too long."

After speaking, he fluttered his wings, increased his speed, and then flew in front of the group of ancient golden eagles.

Looking around.

The old patriarch of the ancient golden eagle clan, the patriarch, the elders, and a group of elites of the ancient golden eagle clan.

Jin Feng's eyes paused on the patriarch.

Beside the patriarch there was a slightly shorter ancient golden eagle.

The two, one is at the seventeenth level and the other is at the sixteenth level.

They are also Jin Feng's biological parents.

This is the first time he has seen them since his wings were broken.

Although it has been hundreds of years, Jin Feng remembers their appearance and breath clearly.

I remember more.

At that time, I and my brother were born in a nest on the cliff.

But the ancient golden eagle clan has always been single-born, and each time there is only one. Generally, a pair of ancient golden eagles can give birth to one to three in a lifetime, but it may only be less, not more.

So the number of the ancient golden eagle clan has always been small.

But in this case, the ancient golden eagle clan has a strange legend.

Golden eagle twins will inevitably be in trouble.

So, if twins appear.

Then, only one can be kept.

But this one depends on God's will.

The two brothers compete, whoever wins will be raised, and the other will be abandoned.

Jin Feng recalled the past in his mind, and there was anger and bitterness in his heart.

Because, since birth, he was actually abandoned.

Because he is the younger brother, he absorbs less spiritual energy than his brother and is naturally weaker.

So, when his parents were pregnant, they took more care of his brother.

That’s why the elder brother was born first. When he broke out of the shell, his elder brother Jinhe had already completed the baptism after breaking out of the shell and began to develop his body.

In the end, the elder brother, who was one step ahead, pushed Jinfeng out of the nest on the cliff before it was nurtured, and fell from the top of the mountain.

He survived the disaster, but one of his wings was broken.

No one dared to believe that

Xin, how old was he at the time? Although he had received the inherited memory and did not have the mind of a child, his body was that of a larva.

At the time, one of his wings was completely broken and torn, with only a small part of the connection left, and it could not be restored.

He endured extreme pain and found a way to tear off this wing, and then ate grass, leaves, and some small insects, and barely survived.

If he had not met Long Zhanye.

Now Jin Feng is still a disabled golden eagle hiding in the dark and living a miserable life.

At this moment, looking at his parents and his tribesmen.

The resentment and anger in his heart, which had awakened him from dreams many times, suddenly faded at this moment.

This is not forgetting.

But when he stood in front of them, he had proved himself.

The one you gave up is the real Tianjiao.

Jin Feng looked at the group of ancient golden eagles and smiled, "How are you, father and mother?"

As soon as these words came out.

There was an uproar.

All the ancient golden eagles looked at Jin Feng in disbelief.

He called the clan leader father!

He was the twin, the one that was abandoned?

Didn't they say that he had broken his wings and was wandering around in the Savage Divine Realm, and who knows where he would die?

How come he is intact now and has become the seventeenth level!

Oh, right, the seventeenth level!

After reaching the seventeenth level, it seems that there was a reconstruction of the body, which was derived from flesh and blood, so the wings were restored.

But this is too incredible!

It's only been a few hundred years?

How did he become the seventeenth level!

Many old ancient golden eagles of the same generation as his parents, or even higher, have practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, but they have stopped at the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth levels!

How did he do it?

"You, you are Feng'er?" the female golden eagle asked excitedly.

Jin Feng said: "I am so ashamed. As my biological son, I am so sorry that you can't recognize me. I am sorry. I look unfamiliar to you, right?"

"Ah, no, no, I..." Jin Feng's mother was incoherent and didn't know how to explain, but her eyes were red.

And Jin Feng's father, the patriarch of the contemporary ancient golden eagle clan, looked extremely ugly.

"So, you came back this time to seek revenge on us?" The golden eagle clan leader asked coldly.

Jin Feng smiled and said, "How could it be? No matter what, this is my blood-related tribe, and you are also my parents. As a child, how dare you rebel against Tian Gang and do such a treasonous act?"

"I came back this time mainly because I was doing well outside. For a while, I felt homesick, so I came back to take a look. Why? As twins, I was tabooed by the tribe's legends and was not raised. I struggled to survive. Now I want to come back to take a look. I don't expect to get the resources of the ancient golden eagle tribe, nor do I rob you of anything. I just want to take a look. Isn't this okay?"

Jin Feng asked loudly with an innocent look.

The chief of the golden eagle tribe could not refute this.

The abandoned children struggled to survive and grew up in the wilderness full of dangers. This shows that God also has mercy on them and they are not destined to die.

Such children survived by chance, did not forget their roots, and went home to take a look. At least in the eyes of other tribes, this is an excellent result.

Such a child, without hatred, just came back to see his ancestral land, but the tribe still rejected him?

The reputation of the ancient golden eagle clan in the wilderness was ruined.

But it was known that Jinfeng's sudden return was not that simple.

But at this moment, Jinfeng had the advantage and the general trend was also with him. The golden eagle clan leader didn't know what to do for a while.

But he knew one thing.

After today, the ancient golden eagle clan would definitely lose face.

A seventeenth-level child was abandoned by them?

How stupid!

Something that even the fierce pig clan couldn't do.

"Haha, why not? We are of the same clan connected by blood, and we are connected by bones and tendons. The Qingtian Mountains will always be your home. Come on, since you are back, it means you don't forget your roots. We will also warmly entertain you. After all, we are a family." At this time, the old clan leader, an old golden eagle who was almost eighteenth level, who had been silent all the time, spoke.

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