The old man was very happy.

Jin Feng smiled and said, "Look, the old patriarch is sensible, but I can't take advantage of your enthusiasm."

"So, this time when I come back, I will pay for the food and drink out of my own pocket. No matter how much you ask, it's all mine."

As soon as these words came out, the old patriarch's eyelids drooped.

The other members of the ancient golden eagle clan glared at Jin Feng even more angrily.

What a self-paid person.

What do you think of the Qingtian Mountains and the ancient golden eagle clan?

Even if you are level 17, so what?

Even if you bring a group of level 17, so what?

Our ancient golden eagle clan has been based in the Qingtian Mountains for hundreds of millions of years. We have experienced many ups and downs, haven't we survived?

"That's not necessary, right? We are family, and we need to trade for food and drink? It's ridiculous." The old patriarch replied.

Jin Feng said: "I just said hello in advance to show that I don't want to eat for free, lest someone say bad things about me behind my back after eating, wouldn't that make me very sad?"

The old patriarch said: "Don't worry, no one will say anything."

"That's good, well, old patriarch, I left in a hurry that year, and I didn't get close to the clan members. I am very happy to see you today. Can you give me more advice?"

The ancestor smiled and said nothing.

I am not afraid of hard ones, but I am afraid of soft ones.

The little bastard in front of me seems to be kind, but in fact he is a soft knife cutting flesh. Every word of his is a knife, stabbing hard into the ancient golden eagle clan.

After all, he is level 17.

Level 17 is the strongest knife.

Crazy stimulation of the ancient golden eagle clan.

Especially Jin He.

Looking at Jin Feng, who was talking eloquently and with great bearing in front of his parents, the old patriarch, and all the elders.

He was going crazy.

After today, he was a joke, a huge joke.

And as long as his brother Jin Feng existed, this joke would last.

Damn it, you should have died, and if you had died, you wouldn't have had this day.

His eyes were crazy, and his aura was changing.

However, Jin Feng didn't even look at him.

The patriarch of the golden eagle clan found that his son's situation was not right, and hurriedly suppressed him with his own aura.

Jin He came back to his senses, his eyes changed drastically, and he hurriedly lowered his head to hide his emotions.

Unfortunately, everything was seen by other golden eagles and fierce beasts.

Although he lowered his head, Jin He still felt that those eyes were like sharp swords, making him uncomfortable.

"Let's go, let's go back first?" The old patriarch continued.

Jin Feng smiled: "It's okay, I'll do whatever you say."

Looking friendly, but in fact, it's just politeness.

Only polite people can be guests.

Jin Feng's positioning is very clear.

This time I came back, I came to show off.

Where I fell, I got up there.

Here, you gave up on me.

Today, still here, I want to prove to all the ancient golden eagles and the entire wilderness that I am the strongest twin.

Then, after eating and drinking, I will leave openly.

This is not you driving me away, but I am leaving by myself.

This kind of revenge is silent.

In the future, the entire ancient golden eagle clan will be looked at with strange eyes by all other clans.

As long as I live one day, you are all jokes.

At this moment.

Jin Feng thought so.

And the ancient golden eagle clan was also very anxious, and they all felt that with the return of Jin Feng, the ancient golden eagle clan might not be peaceful in the future.

But they had no way.

This time, Jin Feng did not come alone, but brought dozens of level 17!

I really can't believe you.

It's okay for him to improve himself, but where did he get so many strong people? Looking at the different tribes, I can't understand it at all.

Soon, they arrived at the Golden Eagle's nest in the Qingtian Mountains.

This is a huge valley surrounded by mountains, which are the nests of the ancient golden eagles.

The valley is the largest nest, where the old patriarch lives now.

There are no buildings here. After all, the fierce beasts and divine beasts with a long history like the natural environment and don't do those things that only the barbarians have.

Squat casually in the valley.

Cui Dongshan and his party didn't mind.

Although, now Daxia technology, various buildings, food, and various enjoyable things are rising rapidly in Tiedao Gorge where Dongshan Club is located, many fierce beasts like the layout and lifestyle of the human race.

But at this moment, it is obvious that they are here to help, so they don't care.

The Ancient Golden Eagle Clan

The old patriarch naturally stood with Jinfeng.

He said directly: "Jinfeng? What are these?"

He did not ask about the past.

Asking those questions, isn't it just asking for trouble?

Everyone knows that Jinfeng must have had some adventures to get to where he is today.

But as long as he becomes the seventeenth level, nothing else matters.

So, it is useful for the old patriarch to ask directly.

"Oh? You mean them, these are all my brothers." Jinfeng replied with a smile.

The old patriarch was stunned.

The other ancient golden eagles were stunned.


Even if you are the seventeenth level, you have become brothers with so many seventeenth-level people, and they come to help you? This is too fake, right?

Jinfeng said: "Why? Don't you believe it? What I said is true. Hey, this is my junior brother, and the highest leader of the Dongshan Society, the unit I am currently working in, Cui Dongshan."

"Cui Dongshan? Dongshan Society? This name sounds familiar, I seem to have heard of it somewhere." An old golden eagle said in a low voice.

"I am somewhat familiar with them. They seem to be from the Ten Fierce Territory. But I heard that it was an ordinary beast alliance. I didn't hear that there were seventeen-level tribes joining? There are so many seventeen-level ones? Is this still an ordinary beast alliance?"

A group of golden eagles whispered.

Cui Dongshan smiled and nodded, which was considered as an admission.

Jin Feng continued: "These are the elders of my Dongshan Association, as well as the leaders of the branch. They heard that I was going back to my hometown to visit, and they were very enthusiastic, so they came to play with me. Although it was my first time back, I couldn't refuse my friends, right? So, when I said that I would pay for the food and drinks when entertaining friends, I was not lying. After all, this expense is not small. It's my first time back, how can I have the nerve to eat at the tribe's expense? This is not appropriate."

The old patriarch's face darkened again.

Can we not mention the food and drinks? Even if it is ten times more, what's the problem? Can it make the ancient golden eagle clan bankrupt?

This kid is not tolerant at all!

"It doesn't matter. Food and drink are the clan's business, so you don't have to worry about it. But since you're back, do you have any plans to stay in the clan?" The old clan leader was too lazy to talk and went straight to the point.

Jin Feng was surprised and said, "No, old patriarch, are you going to kill my dear brother?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I am a twin, a taboo in the tribe. Although I was not strangled to death by my own hands, according to the tribe rules, I am left to fend for myself. Before me, many generations of twins have gone through this, leaving only one, without exception."

"You want to keep me now? What about my dear brother?"

The old patriarch was silent for a moment and said, "The tribe rules can be relaxed."

Jin Feng smiled: "Relax? What about the many twins who died in the past? They are also our beloved relatives, brothers and sisters. Their parents and brothers will not resent me? Blame me for breaking the rules?"

"In this case, am I more important, or is the entire tribe more important? Old patriarch, have you thought about it?"

The old patriarch was completely silent.

This kid came prepared.

And the other golden eagles all had strange eyes.

"Jinfeng, let's fight. The survivors will stay in the tribe." Suddenly, Jinhe spoke, looking at Jinfeng fiercely.

"Jinhe, don't." Their mother spoke hurriedly.

However, Jinhe ignored him and just stared at Jinfeng.

For a moment, all eyes were on Jinfeng.

Jinfeng sighed and said, "It seems that the tribe doesn't welcome me. Then I leave?"

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