"Vengeful, relaxed."

On the road, Ove, who was sitting in the car, stretched.

Lin Hong who drove was a little helpless: "City Lord Off, come in and sit down."

What's wrong with this, I have to sit on the ceiling.

"It's pretty good here."

Off didn't intend to go in, here, he could better investigate the surrounding area.

This made Lin Hong a little speechless.

He then asked: "City Lord Ofe, how far is it from the central area?"


Off answered casually.

After that, three days passed, still on the way.

Okay soon? !

Lin Hong, who was driving, was about to fall asleep: "Let’s find a place to rest first."

Because of Ove's presence, I drove endlessly for three days, not afraid of encountering any danger at night.

But the body can no longer bear it.


Fu Jiaojiao nodded vigorously.

Although she often rests, it is not uncomfortable to sit in her seat all the time.

"It just happens to be getting dark..." Lin Hong looked up and muttered softly.

"There is a mountain ahead, go over."

Ofe looked ahead. It was a bare mountain with no vegetation.

Lin Hong nodded: "Okay."

Soon, the car drove to the side of the mountain.

Off jumped down, took out the thunder hammer, and smashed it down hard.


Along with the shaking of the mountain, a cave came into view.

"A cave was directly smashed out?" Fu Jiaojiao secretly smacked her tongue.

"Just rest here tonight."

After Ove finished speaking, he went to get in the car.

Upon seeing this, Lin Hong whispered: "What habit is this..."

"I'll watch the night."

Off said like this.

"No need, City Master Ofe has been tired for three days, so it's time to rest." Lin Hong said quickly.

"If you don't watch the night, the monster..."

Ofe frowned, thinking he was a little naive.

Lin Hong chuckled, "Go to the cave."

Ofe hesitated a little before agreeing.

Soon, a group of people walked into the cave, and the car was taken into the small world by Lin Hong.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Off was puzzled.

Lin Hong snapped his fingers, and some rocks appeared, directly blocking the entrance of the cave.

"It's a good way." Ofe couldn't help nodding.

"Go to sleep, it should be safe."

Lin Hong stretched, took out several sets of quilts and put them down, and went to sleep on one of them.

Fu Jiaojiao glanced at Off: "Hey..."

There is an outsider, it's not good to stick to Lin Hong, but it doesn't happen that he can't drive away this guy.

"Don't you two sleep together?"

But I heard Ove suddenly said.

"we do not……"

"Yes, I want to sleep together."

Lin Hong wanted to explain, but Fu Jiaojiao quickly said, getting into his bedding, a burst of joy.

Off laughed without saying a word.



at night.

Two uninvited guests arrived.

It was Zhu Wenkang and the demon's clones, they came quietly, without making any movement, let alone being noticed.

"Be careful, that guy will emit light, it's terrible." Zhu Wenkang whispered.


The demon answered softly.

Speaking of it, the three of my own brothers were all planted on this bastard!

Zhu Wenkang said in a low voice: "I'll solve Oufu, you'll solve the bastard."

"it is good."

The demon nodded.

But when I saw it, the world suddenly lit up.

Lin Hong took out the flashlight and looked for it, with a calm expression: "Wake up, there are guests."

"Huh? Why are there guests?"

Fu Jiaojiao looked dazed, and she woke up still lying in his arms.




The demon and Zhu Wenkang were panicked, but found that they were not dead.

Lin Hong saw this: "This is just the light from a flashlight, and it won't kill dead spirits."

"You dare to catch up?"

Ove looked at them and took out the thunder hammer.

"We... just come over and take a look!"

"No, no, I want to reconcile with you!"


The Demon and Zhu Wenkang said separately.

"Reconciliation? Do you have the qualifications?" Lin Hong handed the flashlight to Fu Jiaojiao, feeling ridiculous.

"How not?"

Zhu Wenkang is no bigger than a tadpole, flying in the air.

Lin Hong chuckled: "I know the purpose of your coming, to kill us, right?"

"No, no... It's really here to reconcile."

Zhu Wenkang said quickly.

"City Lord Off, trouble you." Lin Hong said lightly.


Off threw the thunder hammer down.

In this way, the demon head and Zhu Wenkang each lost a clone.

Fu Jiaojiao was puzzled: "Will they really come to reconcile?"

"Impossible, I was still conspiring loudly to kill whom just now."

Ofe shook his head.

"Senior has already noticed it?" Lin Hong chuckled.

"It's early than you noticed."

Off replied, and then looked outside. It was still dark, and there were many monsters wandering.

Lin Hong looked at Fu Jiaojiao: "Let's go to bed, I have to hurry tomorrow morning."

"Speaking of which, why does the monster come out at night?"

Fu Jiaojiao hesitated a little and asked.

"When many monsters reach a certain level of strength, they will feel uncomfortable during the day, so they come out at night." Ove said.

"It turned out to be so."

Fu Jiaojiao was stunned.

Lin Hong chuckled: "How come you don't even know this little thing, the daughter of the dignified city lord?"

"I... I never asked this again."

Fu Jiaojiao made a red face.

"City Lord Off, do you seem to know the true identity of her father?" Lin Hong suddenly gave up.

"Don't call me City Lord, just call Senior."

Off felt a little upset.

Lin Hong suddenly said, "Then... Senior Ove."

Calling him the city lord by himself is tantamount to sprinkling salt on the wound. It is good for him not to be angry.

"Her father and she are both special. I can't talk nonsense. You just need to know and treat her well."

Off gave such a piece of advice.

"Have you heard? Treat me better!" Fu Jiaojiao said with a smile.


Lin Hong shrugged, changed the bedding and went to sleep.

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip: "If you don't sleep with me, you won't sleep with me, who is rare, bah!"

Lin Hong was silent, and soon passed away.



Early the next morning.

The monster dispersed, Lin Hong and others left the cave and continued on their way in the car.

"This is technology? It's great. I thought I had never seen such a thing when I was alive."

Ofe sitting on the ceiling exhaled a long breath.

"If seniors like it, I'll give you a few." Lin Hong drove the car.

"No, although this thing is good, it's a little flawed."

Ofe shook his head.

Lin Hong was a little puzzled upon hearing this: "Where is the flaw?"

"Not fast enough, too slow."

Off said so.

"Simple and fast means of transportation will be created soon." Lin Hong chuckled.

Now that he has sufficient funds, part of it is used for cultivation, and part of it is used to build flying saucers. I believe it will be built soon.


Ofe nodded slightly, somewhat anticipating.

"Second brother, what should I do?" When Lin Hong and others left, another demon clone came, and Zhu Wenkang's other clone merged.

"How do I know that these guys really don't get in ~ www.readwn.com~ and don't give a chance at all."

Zhu Wenkang was indignant.

Last night, he thought about relying on a sneak attack, but he didn't believe his words at all.

The devil gritted his teeth: "Why don't we go and help Big Brother recover his body first?"

"Come on, help him recover, it won't work in a few years, they won't know where it is by then."

Zhu Wenkang felt it was impossible, and shook his head again and again.

"But, you are a big tadpole, I am a big slap, and no one is the same as a head, how can you deal with them?"

The demon was puzzled and helpless.

"I have a way..." Zhu Wenkang sneered.

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