"Why haven't it arrived..."

Sitting in the co-pilot, Fu Jiaojiao looked at the endless desert ahead, feeling helpless.

Off said to himself: "Some people can't get to the central area, they will live forever and be trapped in one place forever."

"You mean, we are trapped?"

Lin Hong's heart moved slightly.

"That's right, or rather, keep going around in circles." Ofe nodded slightly.

"How can I get out?"

Fu Jiaojiao asked quickly, but she didn't want to be trapped in this ghost place.

After hesitated a little, Ove shook his head: "I don't know, but if I go back, maybe it can."

"What are you kidding? We just went to the central area. Go back now?"

Fu Jiaojiao pouted.

"This is no way." Ofe shook his head.

"There must be a way..."

Lin Hong breathed out lightly, his heart heavy.

Suddenly, he stopped the car: "Let's go down and take a look. Maybe it's still on the road and didn't make a circle on the spot."

The three of them got out of the car one after another, and then began to search.

"Guess what I found?"

Off said suddenly, pointing to the distance, where a mountain came into view.

"Isn't that the mountain that was smashed out of the cave before?" Fu Jiaojiao's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, so now do you believe that we have been circling all the time?"

Ove nodded and lifted his shoulders.

Fu Jiaojiao lowered her head: "I believe it, I'm sorry that I was a little excited just now."

"It doesn't matter, what we have to do now is to find a way to enter the central area of ​​the road, otherwise we just go around here."

Ove exhaled a long breath.

"What are these people doing? Why do they keep going around here?"

"The ghost knows..."


The devil and Zhu Wenkang were hiding behind a rock far away.

For so long, they have been watching Lin Hong and others.

"No, they're here, we have to go quickly!" The demon said suddenly.

Lin Hong and others walked over, to be precise, to the mountain. They planned to return to such a safe place first before discussing.


"It will definitely pass."

Lin Hong's eyes narrowed slightly.

After hesitating a little, Off said: "If there is such a place, maybe the central area is very suitable for building a city."

"Speaking of which, City Lord Ofe, do you know what the central area is like?"

Lin Hong suddenly arched his hands, with doubts on his face.

"I was fortunate enough to be there once, but it didn't take long to be kicked out." Offe replied.

"Why were you kicked out?"

Fu Jiaojiao was puzzled.

Off replied: "It was said that it was not the place I should go, so I was kicked out. I was about the same age as you at the time, so I miss it."

Back then, I was still stunned, with little strength, but very courageous.

"How did you get in then?"

Lin Hong couldn't help asking, there is no reason why I can't go in now, right?

Off replied: "I went in in a daze at the time."

Afterwards, the three began to discuss, but they couldn't discuss why.

"It turns out that you want to enter the central area. I can help you!"

The voice came suddenly.

Zhu Wenkang walked in, the clone was still only the size of a tadpole.

"Do you dare to send a clone here?!" Fu Jiaojiao frowned.

"Don't... don't worry, I'm doing business, I can help you!"

Zhu Wenkang said quickly, really afraid that this clone would be destroyed.

There was light in Lin Hong's eyes: "How to help? Say something useful."

"I know how to get into the central area, as long as you follow me."

Zhu Wenkang said.

He saw that everyone was silent: "Really! What I said is true!"

"Do you want to believe him?"

Suspicion filled Fu Jiaojiao's face.

"Of course I don't believe it, where did this guy kindly take us over? What's more, he didn't say why he helped us." Lin Hong hugged his shoulders.

"I, I just recognized the mistakes I made before, and I want to make up for it now!"

Zhu Wenkang gritted his teeth in secret.

I have already said this, so why didn't he get the bait?

Lin Hong hesitated a little: "Well, I agree, you take us over."

Anyway, there is no need to worry about danger or not.

Whether it's the system or Ove, he has an absolute advantage on his side.


Zhu Wenkang turned to lead the way.

"There must be a ghost..." Lin Hong whispered.

This attitude is too abnormal, it's definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"What should I do, or I can get rid of him directly."

Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help but said.

Lin Hong shook his head: "It's not necessary for the time being, let's see what tricks he is playing."

Then, the group of three began to follow Zhu Wenkang.

"Isn't there yet?"

When she was two children, Fu Jiaojiao was a little impatient.

"What's the hurry, it takes a lot of time to hurry." Zhu Wenkang looked back.

"Come and get in the car."

Lin Hong rubbed his chin and took out the car that had been stored in the small world with a smile on his face.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Wenkang said, "No way, no way, do you know why you can't get in? It's because of this unlucky thing!"


Lin Hong nodded and put the car away.

Inexplicably, it sounds so reasonable.

"Is that right, follow me, there is absolutely no problem!" Zhu Wenkang felt that his strategy was about to succeed, and laughed wildly in his heart.

He had secretly heard that Lin Hong and others were going to the central area before, thinking of the previous circle, and he understood it all.

That being the case.

Why don't you just borrow this thing to make trouble!

Attached is a Jedi who has never survived. Bring in these people. When that happens, you don't even need to do it yourself!


I am afraid that my clone will not survive.

But it's okay, just a clone, compared with their lives, it's worth it!

Get to the place soon.

"Why doesn't it look like a good place here? You didn't mean to lead us over, did you?"

Fu Jiaojiao was suspicious.

There was a stench everywhere, and there was a strong smell of rotting corpses.

Looking around, this is a swamp, but a few swamp pits have not been completely formed.

"I have heard that the road to the central area does have a swamp." Off rubbed his chin at this time.

He is also a little confused, what is going on?

"Right right, follow my footsteps, trust me!"

Zhu Wenkang couldn't help speeding up.

He knew that these people had already had suspicions and had to fight quickly.

"Stop!" Lin Hong said suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

Zhu Wenkang involuntarily stopped, feeling extremely helpless.

But when I saw it, Lin Hong suddenly rushed over.

This made him unbelievable: "You...what are you going to do?!"

Lin Hong drew out the Shadow Sword and swung it down directly.

The blood spattered, it turned out that a monster came over and attacked and almost ate Zhu Wenkang.

"Good risk, good risk..."

Fu Jiaojiao patted her chest, breathing out.

"Thanks, thank you..." Zhu Wenkang swallowed and spit.

"You're welcome, hurry up and continue to lead the way. If you really find the way to the central area, my personal grievances will be wiped out by you."

Lin Hong was a little impatient and put away the Yingying Sword.

Upon seeing this, Ove: "Forget about my grievances."

He knew that Zhu Wenkang was just Feng Da's dog in the final analysis, not worthy of anger.


When Zhu Wenkang saw them say this, he was a little moved, so he stopped thinking about it.

No, no, absolutely no!

These guys are the chief culprit who killed the lord.

I must avenge the city lord!

time flies.

Everyone gradually came to the center of the swamp.

Lin Hong frowned: "There are more and more monsters, why haven't they arrived yet?"

"Don't worry, we will be here soon, the central area."

When Zhu Wenkang said this sentence, his words were heavy.

"You bastard, what we are going to is the central area of ​​the undead world, not this marsh-broken one!" Fu Jiaojiao gritted her teeth.

"Heh~www.readwn.com~ Did you finally react? I didn't expect it, I brought you to this place."

Zhu Wenkang sneered.

Lin Hong glanced around: "Is there anything special here?"

"At first glance, there are indeed no problems, but don't forget, it is called a Jedi!"

Zhu Wenkang's voice was cold.

"Jedi?" Ofe's heart murmured.

"City Lord Ofe, do you know this place? What does Jedi mean?"

Lin Hong turned his head and looked over, puzzled.

Off sighed: "I don't know what the Jedi means... it's an area where absolutely no one can survive."

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