I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1344: But who is on the bridge

"Let's go in and take a look."

Lin Hong first used the system to make sure that there was no one inside before taking the lead and walked in.

Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help but said, "Husband, be careful."


Lin Hong nodded gently.

Walking into the cave, a huge formation came into view.

In addition, there are a lot of treasures, and the scattered ones add up to a lot of value.

"Wow." Gu Zhu, as a poor man, looked at the treasures, very excited.

"If you want, go and put it away."

Lin Hong waved his hand when he saw this, and then went to the formation.

He frowned: "This is a broken formation."

As for what it is used for, it is still unknown.

"Thank you Master!"

Gu Zhu ran over, took the treasures into his own pocket, and calculated it in his heart.

So many treasures are enough to buy a big house, right?

Just thinking about it, Gu Zhu has some excitement.

He frowned quickly: "What is this... the key?"

Among the many treasures, there is an iron key with a skull engraved on it.

"It should be something baby too."

After Gu Zhu hesitated a little, he put away the key.

"Let's go, there is no value here." Lin Hong exhaled and shook his head gently.

"Here is it."

After Gu Zhu finished taking the treasure, he hurried over.

Lin Hong said: "According to my guess, this should be a place abandoned by the God of Destiny."

The cave was full of dust, and obviously no one had been in it for a long time.

"Then if she is not there, where shall we find her?"

Fu Jiaojiao was puzzled.

Finally got some clues, but the result was disappointing.

Lin Hong chuckled: "Don't worry, there are still many places that have not been searched before, let's set off."

Following his order, the flying saucer was released, and everyone continued on their way.

"It's still comfortable inside..."

Being in the flying saucer, Ove took a deep breath, feeling a kind of quiet time.

He sat down on the chair beside him: "With you young people, I feel young too."

The flying saucer came to the second place analyzed by the inner demon.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a big sea in the undead world."

Fu Jiaojiao looked down through the window, a little surprised.

I saw that it was a desolate sea with some old boats on it. It seemed that no one had been here for a long time.

"Is this Wangchuan River?" Lin Hong whispered, looking away, and found that there was another bridge. I thought it would be the Naihe Bridge.

"The legendary Wangchuan River? I thought it was just made up, but I didn't expect it to be there."

Fu Jiaojiao covered her mouth in surprise.

Auf lifted his shoulders: "This place has been abandoned since the first Lord of the Undead took office."

"Why? Obviously so beautiful."

Fu Jiaojiao was puzzled.

"Aren't you stupid, forget it... I'm too lazy to explain." Ofe shook his head.

"Tell me..."

Fu Jiaojiao pretended to be pathetic.

Ove hesitated again and again: "This used to be a place for rebirth. The big reason for discarding it is to change the place for rebirth."

"Cut, eh meaning."

Fu Jiaojiao thought there was something Xin Mi.

"Wangchuan River can only take a special boat. If the undead goes down, there will be no more place to turn over." Off said.


Fu Jiaojiao was a little curious.

She suddenly found a figure on the Naihe Bridge: "Look, someone!"

"Could it be the legendary Meng Po?"

Lin Hong swallowed and spat. At this moment, he was too curious and controlled the flying saucer to fly over.

"I haven't been here for a long time." The voice suddenly came.

"Is it really Meng Po?"

Lin Hong stopped the spaceship involuntarily, looked at the people on the Naihe Bridge, his eyes narrowed slightly.

I can't see my face, as if there is a layer of mist.

Off's face paled: "Go, this person gives me a very dangerous feeling."

It's as if the ant saw the elephant, desperate.

"Why bother, it's all here, why don't you try the soup I cooked?"

The voice came faintly.

Lin Hong was a little hairy behind, and hurried away in a flying saucer.

"Uninteresting..." The man on the Naihe bridge shook his head.

"Husband, you just said that that person is Po Meng? Who is Po Meng?"

Fu Jiaojiao's face was pale, obviously affected by their emotions.

Lin Hong briefly explained.

Fu Jiaojiao suddenly said, "Doesn't it mean that that person has lived for countless years?"

"That's right, I have also heard many legends about her."

Off said at this moment.

"It seems very interesting..." Fu Jiaojiao murmured softly.

"This is not fun at all. If you drink the soup she gave you, you will forget everything that belongs to you and you can only reincarnate."

Off was cautious.

Fu Jiaojiao heard the words: "In other words, Meng Po's soup can make people forget all their troubles?"

"Forget it, you are right to say that."

Off was speechless, but he said.

"Husband, if you leave me one day, then I will drink Mengpo soup." Fu Jiaojiao was decisive.


Lin Hong couldn't help but look over.

Fu Jiaojiao put her hands behind her back: "Because I feel that I can't live without you."

"Silly girl."

Lin Hong didn't know what to say, and shook his head.

"Just be stupid." Fu Jiaojiao said with a smile.

"If you want to explore this area, you must not be disturbed by Po Meng, how is it possible?"

Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows. To be honest, he felt that the God of Destiny might not hide in such a place.

But what if?

The more dangerous the place is, the safer it is, and the chance of the God of Destiny here is not without it.

He hesitated again and again: "When you get to the front, you go down."

"what are you going to do?"

Off couldn't help but wonder.

"Husband?" Fu Jiaojiao directly guessed seven or eight.

"I'm going to talk to Po Meng, don't worry, I will be fine."

Lin Hong smiled confidently.

Fu Jiaojiao shook her head: "No, I absolutely disagree, that would be too dangerous."

Everyone can only flee in disgrace. What's the difference between him and death by himself?

"Po Meng might not do anything to me, don't worry."

Lin Hong smiled bitterly and said.

Po Meng is not a murderous demon, there is no reason to kill herself.

"But..." Fu Jiaojiao lowered her head.

"Master, I want to go with you!"

Gu Zhu said suddenly at this moment.

Lin Hong heard: "No, you have to fight for them."

He felt that the place was almost there, so he lowered the flying saucer, and after falling to the ground, he put the flying saucer away.

"Husband, I want to go with you."

There was determination in Fu Jiaojiao's eyes.

"Silly girl, this is not for fun, don't make a fool of yourself." Lin Hong was a little speechless.

"I know it's not going to play, but one more person will give you more power."

At this moment, Fu Jiaojiao was unexpectedly stubborn.

Off heard: "Yes, I agree with that, take me one."

"Master, I don't need to stay here by myself?"

Gu Zhu also intends to follow.

"If you don't agree, we will follow behind." Fu Jiaojiao was a little unhappy seeing Lin Hong not speaking.

"Well, I'm really scared of you guys, I agree."

Lin Hong exhaled and said.

He turned his back with his hands behind his back: "Go on foot, it looks more solemn."

"Master, do you need to prepare some gifts? I have collected a lot of treasures before."

Gu Zhu said.

This posture is like going to a relative.

"No need?" Fu Jiaojiao turned to look over.

"It doesn't matter if you prepare something, there is nothing to lose anyway, maybe Meng Po will be happy because of it."

Lin Hong rubbed his chin thinking.

"Master is wise." Gu Zhu said, taking out some treasures.

"When the time comes, I ask you to do whatever you want, otherwise, don't act rashly, you know?"

Lin Hong turned and said.

Fu Jiaojiao nodded: "Don't worry, husband, I will listen to you."

Off and Gu Zhu nodded their heads in agreement.

"I'm afraid... it's not that simple this time."

Lin Hong whispered ~www.readwn.com~Meng Po, giving him a feeling of inability to see through.

In fact, it is exactly the same.

Even using the system, there is no way to detect the true appearance of Meng Po, which is mysterious and mysterious.


Lin Hong and others came to Wangchuan River again, and wailing faintly came from the river.

"This is?!" Fu Jiaojiao's face was pale.

She was so close that she could see that the river was full of undead, their desperate wailing.

"Don't get too close, be careful that they pull you down, you will be one of them then."

Off turned his head to look over, and couldn't help but say, what he said made everyone chilling.

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