I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1345: Deceived thoroughly

"very scary……"

Fu Jiaojiao was chilled.

And soon, everyone came to the vicinity of Naihe Bridge, and a figure was standing on it, holding a bowl of soup medicine in his hand.

Lin Hong groaned for a while and walked over: "I have seen Po Meng!"

"Meng Po? No, I am not that name. There is no such thing as Meng Po in this world."

The figure put down the soup medicine bowl and shook his head gently.

"Senior joked, I'm here this time to give you a gift." Lin Hong coughed lightly.

Fu Jiaojiao and the others understood, and quickly stepped forward and gave out the prepared gifts.

"Such a big gift, take it back."

Po Meng lightly glanced at it and shook her head.

Lin Hong secretly said that he was not satisfied. He hesitated a little and asked, "I don't know what the seniors like, maybe the juniors just want to have one here."

"I like other people to drink the soup I cook."

Po Meng said directly.

"Senior... Some strong people are difficult." Lin Hong's mouth twitched.

"If you can't be satisfied, don't hold on, let's go, I will not hurt you."

Po Meng waved indifferently.

Lin Hong heard: "I have a way, as long as I drink it?"


Po Meng nodded.

Lin Hong raised his hand and summoned a simulated robot. The difference from the real robot was that it had no life.

"Who are you?" Po Meng said as she looked at the robot.

"Give him the soup medicine."

Lin Hong rubbed his nose.

When Fu Jiaojiao heard the words, she stabbed him with her elbow: "Who is that?"

"Shhh... leave it alone."

Lin Hong made a booing motion.

Soon, Po Meng gave the soup medicine out, and the robot drank it directly.

"For many years, no one has come here to drink my soup, thank you." Meng Po smiled.

"I have something to ask."

Lin Hong coughed slightly and said.

Po Meng looked over: "If you have anything you want to ask, just ask."

"Have you ever seen a woman here? She is the **** of fate and can control fate."

Lin Hong said directly.

"I don't know how many years ago, I met a weird person. She said that it is my destiny to stay here forever." Meng Po said after hesitating a little.

Because it was so strange, she still remembers it to this day.

"It should be, do you know where she is now?"

Lin Hong asked quickly.

Po Meng shook her head: "She left after seeing me here. She hasn't seen me since."

Yes, come here again for nothing!


Lin Hong sighed for a long time, somewhat helpless.

"Strange, why is this person motionless?" Fu Jiaojiao looked at the robot.

"Ah, Senior Meng, this person will leave this for you, and you can feed him soup anytime."

Lin Hong coughed lightly and said.

Po Meng looked at the robot and nodded: "Okay..."

She hesitated again and again before taking out a bowl of Meng Po soup and walking towards Lin Hong.

"What do you want to do?"

Fu Jiaojiao quickly blocked her with her body.

"Don't get me wrong, my old lady has no abilities. This bowl of soup will be given to you." Po Meng handed the bowl out.

"Can Mengpo Tang be given to anyone casually?"

Lin Hong was a little puzzled.

Po Meng said: "According to the rules, it's not allowed, but...who is this rule for?"

The Yin Cao Jifu is no longer there, and some are just the undead world.

"Thank you."

Lin Hong bowed his hand, took the Meng Po Tang, and carefully collected it into the small world, knowing that this was a good thing, and maybe it could come in handy later.

"Let's go." Po Meng said suddenly.

She disappeared directly with the robot, and Lin Hong and others were teleported out of that area.

"what happened?"

Fu Jiaojiao and others looked at each other.

It's so strange that it should be like this, just come out.

Lin Hong exhaled, "Do you still have to ask? Of course, Po Meng's strength is unfathomable, and she directly sent us out."

"How powerful is this?"

Fu Jiajia frowned.

"Of, you are the eldest here, and you take the liberty to ask, after the Lord of the Dead took office, didn't you liquidate the remnant party?" Lin Hong rubbed his chin.

"Of course there were three fires when the new official took office. It is said that the old ministry was killed at that time!"

Ovriso said of course, and nodded.

Lin Hong said: "Strange, then why is Po Meng still on the Nai River Bridge?"

"This...is it possible that it is because the Lord of the Undead can't do anything to Meng Po?"

Off first hesitated, then frowned.

"It's very likely." Lin Hong nodded, then exhaled, "There are still three locations left, and they will definitely be found."

There are traces of the **** of fate in the two places that have been passed, which shows that the conjecture made by the inner demon is correct.

That being the case, there is nothing left to say.

Certainly, the God of Destiny can be found in the remaining three locations!


The words of the Demon Lord, are entangled in his heart, really can't find it?



The third location.

This is a famous forest in the undead world.

Flowers, plants and trees are almost extinct in the undead world, but here, there is the only forest, but the trunk and leaves of the tree are all black.

"I heard that this place is called the Death Forest, and the undead who enter it will definitely die."

Everyone was in the flying saucer, and Gu Zhu looked at the forest below, involuntarily swallowing and spitting.

Fu Jiaojiao heard the words: "Jedi? It doesn't matter. With our strength, we can definitely come out of it safely!"

"I only plan to do a high-altitude survey this time. There should be no problem."

Lin Hong controlled the flying saucer, hovering above the death forest, far away, just for fear of accidents.


When everyone thought there would be no clues, the situation suddenly happened.

The figure of a woman vanished in a flash.

Lin Hong frowned: "Have you seen it?"

"I see, that person... won't he be the **** of fate? So fast!"

Fu Jiaojiao nodded, her brows filled with disbelief.

"So fast, few people in the world can do it, maybe it really is the **** of destiny."

Gu Zhu was surprised, and proposed to go down to investigate.

Lin Hong frowned: "But... the following is too dangerous."

"It's okay, that person can be below, why can't we?"

Fu Jiaojiao asked back.

Lin Hong hesitated and reluctantly agreed when she saw her becoming impatient.

He took the takeoff disc and landed on the ground with everyone.

"If you read it right, the woman just ran over there." Ofe looked ahead.


Lin Hong took the lead.

The rest followed.

In this forest called death, they shuttled fast, ignoring the danger that might be hidden in the dark.

Suddenly, Lin Hongdun stopped: "There are footprints on the ground..."

The weird thing is.

The system could not detect anyone else in the forest at all.

It's as if the woman I just saw is not a real one.

"Hurry up, I will find it soon."

Fu Jiaojiao was a little impatient.

"Something's wrong, we were deceived, and we have fallen into a trap." Lin Hong's face was straight, and suddenly found that the state of Fu Jiaojiao and others was not right.

"What are you talking about? If you don't go, then I will go!"

Fu Jiaojiao will continue to chase after she finishes.

Lin Hong raised his hand, grabbed her arm, and roared with Huxiaoshanhe, "All are sober and sober!!"

"Just... what happened?"

Fu Jiaojiao's eyes gradually filled with confusion, and she didn't understand what was going on.

"It seems to be affected by the mind, **** it, knowing that this forest is not that simple." Ove frowned.

"We actually got off the flying saucer."

The Guzhu is a little hard to understand. Obviously, when they were on the flying saucer, their minds were affected.

Lin Hong exhaled: "Good guy... if you are deceived thoroughly, be careful of your surroundings."


"it is good."


The four formed a phalanx, and the situation was so stalemate.

After half an hour.

Nothing happened.

Fu Jiaojiao frowned, "What's the matter, can it be said that this place is safe?"

"Don't daydream~www.readwn.com~ The Jedi is the Jedi. No one is called the Jedi if you go out alive. There must be danger here."

Off looked impatient.

"What do you mean?" Fu Jiaojiao widened her eyes, "Want to fight, don't you? I'll accompany you!"

"Are all sober."

Lin Hong frowned and scolded aloud.

Only then did Fu Jiaojiao and Ove shake their minds.

Lin Hong sighed and exclaimed: "It seems that this forest's problem can manipulate our emotions and let us kill each other."

"This is terrible..."

Fu Jiaojiao held both fists, but didn't know that this was just the tip of the desperate iceberg in the Death Forest.

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