I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1356: The prestige of the great saint

"These despicable wanted criminals are really together."

On the other side, the person stalking them frowned.

He found that Lin Hong was separated from everyone, and immediately decided to follow the crowd, which benefited the most.

But it hasn't been followed for long.

The situation happened suddenly.

A voice came from behind: "What are you doing?"

"Track the wanted criminal, get out of the way, don't get in the way of me!"

The stalker turned around to look, and the expression on his face gradually changed to horror.

"Forgive me for my life." Lin Hong stared at him with a calm expression, raised his hand, and took his life.

"Killing him will not help, you have been thoroughly followed."

The demon couldn't help but speak.

Lin Hong heard the words: "Then kill them all."

Two hours later.

"Why hasn't your husband come here yet."

Fu Jiaojiao looked around, extremely nervous.

"Just wait?" Lin Hong walked out of the city with a smile on his face.


Fu Jiaojiao threw directly into his arms, her eyes flushed.

This made Lin Hong a little at a loss: "What's the matter with you?"

"I thought you were caught!"

Fu Jiaojiao pursed her lips, feeling extremely aggrieved.

"Sorry, I worry about you." Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry, "I just solved stalking our tails."

If you don't know it, you will be shocked when you go, and the guys who are following him and others are thousands of them.

In a few days.

Maybe the whole city is full of guys who are watching him and others.

"It's safe now?"

Fu Jiaojiao looked dazed.

I've never heard of it. When being tracked and monitored, I don't throw it away, but solve it directly.

Lin Hong nodded: "No matter where you go, you will not be found out, and it can be regarded as a warning to them."

After he finished speaking, he took them to an empty place and released the flying saucer.

"How long should I stay in the central area?"

Gu Zhu asked suddenly.

"Why, want to go out and have a look?" Lin Hong turned to look over, smiling.

As far as he knows, Gu Zhu has been in the central area a long time ago, and it makes sense if you want to go out and have a look.

"It's a little bit."

Gu Zhu smiled, a little honest.

Lin Hong nodded: "There will be a chance in the future."

At least it is not the time yet.

"When the time comes, shall we go together?"

After Gu Zhu hesitated a little, he asked solemnly, already wanting to ask this sentence.

"Husband, do you... want to be resurrected?" Fu Jiaojiao lowered her head and asked.


Lin Hong did not hesitate and nodded directly.

Everyone didn't say anything yet, but Off was the first to say: "Don't you think this is a dream?"

To die is to die, to live is to live, Yin and Yang reincarnate, it is impossible to reverse Yin and Yang.

"For me, nothing is impossible."

There was determination in Lin Hong's eyebrows.

"You..." Off was speechless for a while.

"Husband, I think it's time to go back."

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip.

Lin Hong saw this: "The three of you, is this a collusion to persuade me?"

"No, absolutely not."

Gu Zhulian shook his head again and again, absolutely not telling lies.

"You guys, don't worry, I won't leave you." Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry.


There were many surprises in Fu Jiaojiao's eyes.

Lin Hong nodded: "When did I lie to you?"

"many times……"

It's okay for Fu Jiaojiao not to listen to this, and she hugged her shoulders immediately.

"Cough, absolutely not in the future." Lin Hong raised his hand to rub her head and coughed lightly.

"Will you continue to wait for news from the God of Destiny next?"

Off couldn't help asking.

Lin Hong nodded: "There must be a beginning and an end in doing things, and this matter is not only about me, but also about the **** of destiny."

"Say, what is your relationship with the God of Destiny?"

Suddenly, Fu Jiaojiao pinched his waist, her eyes flushed, and her brows filled with sadness.

"It doesn't matter, it's her friend's friend at most." Lin Hong spread his hands.

"Okay, you mentioned the daughter of death again, don't you know I hate her?"

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip.

Lin Hong helpless: "What or what, the friend I said is named the Great Sage, I don't know if you have heard of it."

"The Lord... the Great Sage?!"

"I go!"


Fu Jiaojiao and others were shocked.

"What's the matter?" Lin Hong was a little surprised.

"The Great Sage, an absolutely terrifying existence, once used his own power to open up the two worlds and came here to fight cholera in order to regain a person's soul."

Longing filled Fu Jiaojiao's eyebrows.

Obviously, he likes this type of domineering president.

Off immediately said: ‘This is the first person from ancient times to the present! ’

"My wish was that once I saw him, I would die without regret."

Gu Zhu couldn't help but speak.

"That guy is so powerful?" Lin Hong was a little surprised.

"Of course, you can take the liberty to ask, how is the Great Sage, how is it now?"

Gu Zhu nodded quickly, his brows filled with excitement.

Lin Hong rubbed his nose: "Not too good."

Still being sealed, there is only a low-strength clone left outside, and it doesn't have the style of the past at all.

I just don't know.

If the fairy world is destroyed, will he break the seal?

Fairy world...

What's going on?

Lin Hong's heart is heavy, but he can only hold these in his heart, not telling others.

Everyone left in a flying saucer.

Along the way, Lin Hong was frequently asked questions about the Great Sage.

"Do you worship the Great Sage like that?"

Lin Hong smiled bitterly, puzzled.

Fu Jiaojiao nodded and said, "Well, because he is really a legend."

"Can you call him over? In this case, we don't need to be afraid of anyone in the entire undead world."

Ove couldn't help but said, everyone else thought it was a good idea.

"Come on, now he thinks he can't protect himself." Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows.


Gu Zhu and others looked at each other.

Regarding this, Lin Hong didn't say anything: "Just be honest, I'll go to the next city right away, try not to reveal anything."

"no problem!"

Fu Jiaojiao and others nodded.

"By the way, we have gone so far, can the God of Destiny find us?" Gu Zhu asked suddenly.

"Relax, even if we leave the central area, she will find us easily."

There was a smile on Lin Hong's face.

Everyone looked at each other, although they were puzzled, they all agreed and didn't ask anything.

Soon he arrived at the other of the three cities.

Why not go to the villages and towns?

Because Lin Hong knew that the most dangerous place was the safest.

In fact, the entire central area is being searched for them. The main location is villages and towns, and only one place in the city is censored.

To them.

Which criminal went to the city stupidly?

As everyone knows, cleverness is mistaken by cleverness, and Lin Hong does the opposite.

After changing a disguise, everyone easily entered the city.

The flying saucer has been put away.

Lin Hong subconsciously glanced at Fu Jiaojiao, and didn't know what the secret was in Nizi~www.readwn.com~ Time passed by.

Everyone finally found the empty inn.

The shop owner came out to greet: "Several guest officers, our products are cheap and we only need one undead coin a day."

"It's so cheap, why doesn't anyone live?"

Off looked around, and the guests seemed to have nothing but himself and others.

"This..." The shop owner was embarrassed.

"This is five hundred undead coins, open three rooms."

Fu Jiaojiao stepped forward, gave out five hundred undead coins, and curled his lips.

The shop owner is grateful to Dade: "Thank you girl, thank you girl so much. The keys are here. Please choose the house you like."

After he finished speaking, he gave out all the keys.

"It's so strange that even if the beggars outside sleep on the street, they don't want to come here to stay in an inn with undead coins."

Off looked out the street, and there happened to be a beggar begging.

"Whatever he does, we live with us." Fu Jiaojiao stretched her waist.

Everyone agreed.

"Why only open three rooms?"

Lin Hong has a headache, obviously there are four people.

The shop owner said: "It's okay. You can live in several rooms."

"You are too humble, right? Say, did something happen to this inn?"

Aube couldn't help asking, and he was even more surprised.

"This..." The shop owner lowered his head, with cold sweat on his forehead.

"If you have something to say, maybe we can help you solve the trouble."

Lin Hong couldn't help but said.

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