"Hey...nothing to say, bad luck."

The shopkeeper sighed.

He turned to leave, his brows filled with helplessness.

Off could not help but said, "He doesn't want us to interfere, so just leave it alone."

The identity of myself and others is wanted.

The less trouble, the better.

"But he looks pitiful."

Fu Jiaojiao held her hands together and lowered her head slightly.

"I sleep in the innermost room." Lin Hong said suddenly, taking the opposite key and going straight upstairs.

"Hey! I want to live with you."

Fu Jiaojiao was a little angry and hurried to chase after her.

Off looked at Gu Zhu: "Let's go up too."


Gu Zhu nodded.

In this way, a group of four people lived in the inn.

"In this era of official protection, is there really only a dead end for non-compliance?"

The shop owner was sad in his room.

"Interesting." Lin Hong moved into the innermost room on the second floor. After that, he closed the door and locked the door without forgetting to backhand.

With the system, he can know what the store owner is saying.

No wonder I don't intend to say more.

It turns out that the other party is a background person.

"Does the officials take care of..."

Lin Hong murmured quietly, then sat on the bed, closing his eyes and resting.

He is not going to be nosy.

As long as those people with so-called background don't provoke themselves, everything is easy to say.

Fu Jiaojiao stood outside the door: "Hurry up and let me in, you are too much!"

She shut herself out.

"It's rare to have a good rest."

Lin Hong was in the house and had been cultivating all these days. He finally got some free time and needed to deal with things.

Finally able to sleep well...

Ask the inner demon to observe the surroundings, in case of accidents, and then he fell asleep on the bed.

"I'm so angry!" Fu Jiaojiao pouted outside the door.

She lives next door and decides that action must be taken.

Can't go on like this!

Two days passed in a flash.

The wanted order for everyone gradually subsided.

Although the bounty is high, there is no one at all, and it is not taken so seriously.

But what everyone did not expect was.

The Palace of the Dead does not stop, and the bounty order has been increased.

So everyone gathered together.

"I really want to fight directly and move his entire city to the ground." Ofe clenched his fists.

"Can't beat it."

Gu Zhu rubbed his nose, this is reality.

Lin Hong looked out the window: "Be careful these days, I heard that the city will also be searched."

In fact, it is not heard, but fact.

He used the system to get the news early.

"If that's the case, why not leave now? Anyway, there is nothing to miss."

Ove couldn't help but said, frowning slightly.

There is no purpose in coming to Dacheng. If you continue to stay, it will be bad if you reveal your identity.

"How nice the city is, it's fun everywhere." Fu Jiaojiao shook her head.

She was so depressed, she hadn't talked to Lin Hong for the past few days.

It's irritating.

Lin Hong didn't even care about himself!

"Now is not the time to play."

Ove said, frowning slightly, and then suddenly thinking of something, he let out a long sigh.

Suddenly there was a loud noise downstairs.

Lin Hong and the others looked at each other.

Gu Zhu frowned: "Could it be that the search is here? I'll go down and have a look first."

"No, it's the deputy city lord of this city. I can go down by myself. You stay on it."

Lin Hong rubbed his nose and went downstairs after walking out of the room.

"Have you decided yet? You should give me an answer today." A man looked at the store owner, holding his shoulder.

"This is the land left by my ancestors. I can't give it to you."

The shop owner was convinced.

That man is the deputy lord of the city.

At this time, he sneered when he heard the words: "Then you know, what is the end of rejecting me?"

"If you want to take my ancestral house, you can only step over on my corpse."

The shop owner clenched his fists and did not back down.

In fact, he received an order three days ago that the city lieutenant will requisition his house.

In fact, to put it plainly.

It is to deprive yourself of this house and make profit for them.

"Very well, then you are ready to become a cold corpse." The man waved his hand, and the city guards he had brought rushed over.

"Death will not let you pass."

The shop owner picked up the dagger on the side and his eyes were red.

However, the difference is too great.

He was quickly defeated by the city guards.

The man sneered upon seeing this: "Get out of him."

"What day is today? Why is it so lively."

One person walked down from upstairs, it was Lin Hong.

"No wonder you didn't want to give it to me, because I took some guests...Hey, what are you that dare to defy my will?" The man looked over with disdain.

He has already said that if he dares to live here, he is his enemy.

It seems that there are still people who are not behaved.

"What did you say?"

Lin Hong looked over lightly.

The man sneered: "What are you."


Lin Hong drew out the Shadow Sword in an instant.

As the sword light flashed, the city guards who had come were divided into two and cut off.

"Who are you?" The man realized that something was wrong.

But as the deputy city lord, he did not appear flustered at this moment, but forcibly calmed down.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you provoke me."

Lin Hong casually put the Yingying Sword around his neck.

The man swallowed and spit: "This is what the city lord meant. Do you want to forcibly protect this shop?"

"I said, but you provoke me."

Lin Hong looked at him lightly, his expression unchanged.

"Then, can I apologize to you?" the man asked after hesitating a little.

"I'll kill you, and I will apologize to you, can I?"

Lin Hong's voice is a bit playful.

The man heard the words: "You obviously want to get ahead forcibly!"

"Guests, please take your companions quickly. Later, you may not be able to leave. I will refund all the rent for staying in."

The shop owner said at this moment, the brows were filled with helplessness.

"I haven't had enough accommodation for this one-day inn with undead coins. As for the money, take it as soon as you give it to you."

Lin Hong put away the Shadow Sword after finishing speaking.

He stared at the man, lifting his leg to kick: "Go back, I'm covering this place!"

"You wait for me!"

After leaving a harsh word, the man turned and ran away without looking back.

He knows that if he continues to flow, there is probably only a dead end.

"Didn't you say that you want to hide your identity? Why did you fight all of a sudden?"

The demons were puzzled.

Lin Hong chuckled and replied in his heart: "To make trouble, sometimes is the best cover."

"I think you just want to help this shop owner."

Seeing him say this, the inner demon was a little speechless.

"Guest, thank you very much, but this will hurt you." The shop owner said at this time.

"It's ok."

Lin Hong shrugged, not caring about it.

The shop owner hesitated a little: "You'd better go, the lord is not easy to mess with, it will definitely bring a lot of masters."

"Soldiers will come to block, and water will come and soil will be flooded. What if they come with more people?"

Lin Hong disagrees.

He turned upstairs, went all the way back to his room, and talked with everyone.

"Will continue to live? We are wanted!" After learning what he wanted to do, Off felt outrageous.

"I don't care."

Fu Jiaojiao hugged her shoulders and murmured in a low voice.

Regarding her secrets, Lin Hong has not been idle for these two days, but he has not made any substantial progress.

Gu Zhu stated: "I listen to the master in everything."

To put it bluntly, he is still a servant, and he only needs to obey the order.

"I can't help you."

Upon seeing this, Off knew that his words would not be heard by them.

"When the trouble comes later, you continue to stay on it and I can go down by myself." Lin Hong said.

He wants to pretend to be a faceless master~www.readwn.com~ This may be able to completely get rid of the suspicion of wanted criminals.


Fu Jiaojiao snorted.

"Although it's a bit out of date, I still want to ask, have you two quarreled?" Off asked suddenly.

"No, isn't this the same as before?"

Lin Hong looked at it in surprise, and didn't think there was anything.

These days, besides cultivating, he was discovering the secrets of Fu Jiaojiao. He was not idle at all, but he didn't pay much attention to other things.

Fu Jiaojiao suddenly said, "I'm back to my room! Call me if I have something to do!"

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