"Why is this Nizi inexplicable today?"

Lin Hong frowned.

Off could not help saying: "I said, did you leave others in the cold?"

"No, it's almost the same as before, or it's always been like this."

Lin Hong shook his head, not feeling it.

"Then I don't know." Ofe shrugged.

"Go back to your room and rest."

After Lin Hong finished speaking, they left soon, and only themselves were left in the house.

There was a knock on the door suddenly: "Guest?"

"Come in."

Lin Hong knew he was the owner of the shop.

"This is the top edible meat I just got a few days ago." The shopkeeper held a basket full of meat.

"You are..."

Lin Hong was a little puzzled.

The shop owner smiled awkwardly: "Actually, this is what I was going to eat with my family, but since I was eyed by the lord, my wife and children have run away."

When he said these things, he was very helpless, but he tried to hide it.

"If you don't eat and waste, I just want to send it over."

The shop owner said instead.

"Let's go together, so much, enough for five or six people." Lin Hong smiled and nodded.

"Okay... Then I'll prepare."

The shop owner responded, not long, until the evening.

A hearty supper is on the table.

In the undead world, such a meal is so rare that Fu Jiaojiao and others have already moved their index fingers.

Everyone took their seats.

The eating place was on the first floor, and everyone was happy.

Just halfway through the meal, Lin Hong put down his chopsticks, picked up the handkerchief on the side and wiped his mouth.

The shop owner saw this: "Doesn't you agree with your appetite?"

"No, it's just a visitor here, so I have to entertain you first."

With a smile on Lin Hong's face, after finishing speaking, he cast his eyes to the distance, took out a stone and threw it over.


In addition, the reading app I am using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\read\\app\\\\] has a lot of sources, complete books, and fast updates!

"good eyesight!"

The shop owner couldn't help exclaiming.

Lin Hong chuckled: "The broken things are counted on our heads."

"No, no, no, how embarrassing this is."

The shop owner shook his head again and again, and it didn't make sense to say that he helped himself and collected the money.

"Let the storm come more violently." Lin Hong smiled lightly and opened his arms, "Do it..."

"I'll take care of the upstairs."

Off said nothing, and rushed to the second floor.

Fu Jiaojiao and Gu Zhu immediately got up and looked around, the battle was on the verge of breaking out.

The door was kicked open again.

The deputy city lord walked in and raised his hands to applaud: "It's really a keen observation, but it's useless. This time I invited a rare assassination team in the central area, and the leader personally dispatched it."

"So you are here to explain it specifically?"

Lin Hong glanced at it and couldn't understand this person's brain circuit.

"Haha, I'm just watching how you guys died... I dared to put a sword on my neck!" The deputy city master looked grim.


The shop owner suddenly thought of something.

He swallowed and spit: "Guest, the commander of the nearby assassination team, very powerful, known as the Thousand Faces Killer, I heard that he is on par with the three major demon kings."

If this is not the case, it is impossible to successfully do this kind of activity in the central area.

"Oh? Sounds pretty awesome?"

Lin Hong responded casually, disapproving.

Demon Lord is indeed quite powerful.

But on my own side, it's not bad, no matter what kind of killer he is, he will know which one is strong and weak after he has fought.

"Guests, listen to me, so hurry up, otherwise it will be too late." The shop owner hurriedly.

"I said you guy, what's so nervous? The big deal is death."

Fu Jiaojiao looked over silently.

She suddenly disappeared in place, appeared ten meters away, and punched the face of the assassin who came out suddenly.

The shop owner was taken aback: "It's amazing..."

"Although I don't want to admit it, this Nizi is the most powerful one among us."

Lin Hong rubbed his nose.

Even I am ashamed of myself, the difference is still a lot.

"Hmph." Fu Jiaojiao curled her lips, seeming very proud.

"Master, I have a sense of anxiety, it seems that there are assassins everywhere."

Gu Zhu suddenly said at this moment.

Lin Hong took the lead: "Don't feel it, this is a fact, we are already surrounded."

In the next moment, dozens of assassins violently attacked him.

"Be careful!"

Fu Jiaojiao's pupils shrank.

"The sword light flashed." Lin Hong whispered softly, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

Countless sword lights were fleeting, and the assassins were directly chopped into pieces, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Who are you? This strength, why have I never heard of you?!"

The Deputy City Lord's eyes widened, a little unbelievable.

Lin Hong smiled and looked at the past: "Nah He is just the apprentice of that person on the bridge."


The deputy city master couldn't help being surprised.

Lin Hong shook his sword. Of course, what he said just now was nonsense, but this was a more deterrent to him.

Anyway, there are very few people who have met Po Meng.

With this identity, it is impossible for her to rush over from the Naihe Bridge to beat herself.

"Don't lie to me, those remnants have already been killed by the great undead lord!" The deputy city lord gritted his teeth and said conclusively.


Lin Hong chuckled involuntarily.

The deputy city master frowned: "This..."

He really couldn't be sure, after all, no one had seen definitive evidence of these terrible existences.

"What about the leader?"

Lin Hong asked instead.

But when I heard, with a ‘bang’, Off fell from the second floor and was seriously injured.

"Someone is looking for me?" A man walked slowly down the stairs, carrying a huge mace on his shoulder.

"Doesn't his shoulder hurt?"

Fu Jiaojiao narrowed her eyes and involuntarily entered a state of guard.

She could feel that this person was very strong, even outrageously strong.

Lin Hong gave a wink, and Gu Zhu hurried forward and dragged Auf back to ensure his safety.

Off's words were already unsatisfactory: "This man is very strong."

"I am the commander of the assassination team, the commander in the death, are you the targets of this assassination?"

The head of the assassination regiment sneered.

"The assassination is good, why are you so upright?" Lin Hong hugged his shoulders.

"Kill you all, I said it was an assassination, it was an assassination, no one found out anyway."

The head of the group said like this, and rushed forward violently.

The deputy city master couldn't help but said: "He is the apprentice of the man on the Naihe Bridge, capture him alive!"

"Go away, whoever he is, I will kill him!"

The head of the regiment looked at him coldly, this was his own professional ethics.

"Then try..." Lin Hong twisted his neck.

Just before the battle, Fu Jiaojiao suddenly pushed in a bar, stopped the captain, and threw a punch.


The captain blocked it with a mace.

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip and backed away involuntarily, her hand blurred.

Lin Hong felt distressed and furious: "Leave this guy to me."

"Husband...Although you don't want to say that, you are not his opponent~www.readwn.com~Fu Jiaojiao smiled bitterly and seemed a little helpless.

"Silly girl, don't underestimate me." Lin Hong rubbed her head and rushed out instantly.


Fu Jiaojiao wanted to stop, but she didn't have time.

The head of the group sneered holding a mace: "I don't know how to live or die, today you will pay for your arrogance."

"I will return it to you intact."

As Lin Hong said, after using Taxue Wuhen, he appeared behind him in an instant, and the sword flashed like a dragon and the sword light flashed.


Lin Hong leaned close to the head of the group, stabs countless powerful swords.

However, the head of the regiment did not move, and only suffered some minor injuries: "That's it?"

The kung fu he practiced is that others can't touch him, and the damage is high.

"Aren't you the **** who bites people?"

Lin Hong backed away half a step.

"What are you talking about?!" The commander's eyes widened, his eyebrows filled with disbelief, and it was the first time someone scolded himself like this.


Lin Hong gently stroked the Shadow Sword in his hand.

After all, this is a product of the living world, and if used here, the effect is minimal.

If you are not the owner of it, you can't even use it at all.

The group leader rushed and swung the mace down vigorously: "Go to death!"

Lin Hong took a few steps back in an instant.

He looked at the timing, and when the mace hit the ground, there was a fierce light in his eyes.

One sword seals the throat.

Time seems to stand still.

The head of the regiment was directly injured, and back again and again: "How do you know my weakness?!"

His whole body is already very hard, only this neck is no different from ordinary people.


Lin Hong chuckled and kicked the mace flying with his foot.

The group leader knelt down: "It's now, kill him!!"

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