
Lin Hong nodded lightly, and decided not to tell Fu Jiaojiao about it.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door: "Husband, are you there?"


Lin Hong responded and walked out quickly, his expression a little stiff.

"I thought you ran away secretly. Really, can you tell me before you disappear next time?" Fu Jiaojiao pouted, very unhappy.

"Be sure next time."

Lin Hong said with a smile.

It seemed that Fu Jiaojiao hadn't heard the conversation between the two of them before.

Go back to the room.

As husband and wife, the two of them naturally live in the same room.

Although Lin Hong was a little reluctant, he said, "I'll go to bed first."

"Husband, I'm thinking about having a child lately."

Fu Jiaojiao did not agree at all, raising her hand and grabbing his arm.

"If you want it, you need one." Lin Hong shrugged.

In the undead world, the only way to have children is through the purchase channel. After all, as undead, it is impossible for them to have children.

"Why are you so indifferent?"

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip, a little angry.

Lin Hong saw this: "Then what do you want? Rest early. I will continue on my way in a few hours."


Fu Jiaojiao snorted coldly, and then extinguished the candles in the room.

Lin Hong didn't notice that at the moment it went out, a tear fell on her face.

The next morning,

When everyone got in the car, they had to continue on their way.

"Has anyone successfully resurrected?" Lin Hong asked as he drove.

"If you don't have it... there are still some, but at that time it was still called hell."

Off said after hesitating a little.

In fact, he knew in his heart that if he wanted to be resurrected, there were only two ways, one was to find the God of Destiny, and the other was to seek the last Lord of the Undead, and nothing else.

Even if it does, I don't know how many years it will take.

Lin Hong rubbed his painful eyebrows: "How did the people leave at that time?"

"It's very simple. Just hit all the senior leaders in this world and let them compromise."

Off replied.

"So simple and rude?" Lin Hong was stunned, then frowned, "Does the high-level have the right to bring people back to life?"

"At that time, Lord Yan had the right to control everything, and of course he could bring people back to life. Now things are a little worse..."

Ofe shrugged, clearly speaking of the Lord of the Undead.

Lin Hong pondered a little: "Whose right does this right go to?"

"No one knows it, and it may disappear forever."

Off answered again.

"I know some." The dead woman said embarrassedly at this moment.

"what do you know?"

Lin Hong looked over curiously and asked quickly.

This is very important to myself.

The lady of death saw everyone watching: "The power is spread all over the world, and there is always someone who can integrate it and become the next Lord Yan."

"What do you mean by this?"

Off could feel that he was agitated.

Is it possible that if you have the opportunity, you can become a Yan Wangye?

"It is rumored that Lord Yan spread his power when he died... divided into three parts. The specific effect is unknown. It turned out to be the right to control the undead world?" There was disbelief in the bones of Zhu Zhu's eyebrows.

This is a fatal temptation for any undead.

"As you think, if you get it, you can become Lord Yan, but I think those powers have already been taken away by the Lord of the Undead and sealed up."

The woman of death said again.

Off was surprised: "Why should it be sealed up, wouldn't it be good to absorb it?"

"I don't know that."

The woman of death shook her head, knowing only so much.

"That feeling is coming again." Lin Hong suddenly showed solemnity and looked towards the sky.

It's as if something is calling oneself, but the point is that there is no way to give any response.

"Shall we go to the God of Destiny?"

Fu Jiaojiao said after hesitating for a moment.

As long as he obtains the corresponding method from him, Lin Hong can be brought back to life.

At present, this is the safest way.

But the key is, I don't know if this feeling can continue to find the **** of destiny.

"Hurry up and act." Ofe motioned for him to drive.


Lin Hong stomped on the accelerator and ran away.

The **** of destiny may appear anywhere. Since she already knows that she and others are looking for her, she can appear at any time as long as she wants. Now it depends on how she decides.

Time passed by one minute after another, and half a day passed in a blink of an eye.

Gu Zhu frowned: "Master, there seems to be more and more monsters."

Obviously, Heitian has not yet arrived, but the monster at this time is no different from Heitian.

"I'm afraid there will be more in the dark. We'd better find a hiding place in advance."

Off gave advice.

Although the overall strength of himself and others is very strong, there is no need to waste it on these monsters.

"About half a day away, there is a city." Lin Hong took out the map and looked at it.

"Just go there."

Everyone discussed, and then decided.

Lin Hong drove straight to the other side, and just halfway through the drive, his face became gloomy: "We don't need to go there."


Fu Jiaojiao was puzzled.

"That city is already occupied by monsters, and half of the undead is gone." Lin Hong's voice was filled with heaviness.

"how so?"

Fu Jiaojiao was a little hard to understand.

Lin Hong shrugged: "Who else can it be?"

"Husband, you mean...Bo Anzhi?"

Fu Jiaojiao suddenly realized.

"Eight or nine are not far from ten. In short, we can't go to that city." After Lin Hong finished speaking, he took out the map and continued to search for places suitable for the night, but there were desolate places everywhere.

"Some of the remaining villages and small towns may have been poisoned."

Ove couldn't help saying that everyone seemed to be in a deadlock.

Lin Hong turned the car around: "Get away from that city first."

If Bo Anzhi is provoked, the consequences will be disastrous, and I am afraid I will not be able to deal with it by myself and others.

"Why don't you just find a cave?"

Fu Jiaojiao pointed to the nearest mountain range on the map.

"It can only be this way." Lin Hong nodded.

He drove the car over there, and looked along the way, there were more and more monsters.

"Could it be that he knew he was being targeted, so he started to release the monsters on a large scale?"

Ove rubbed his chin and thought.

When the fight really started, although these monsters would not have any substantial effect, they could at least delay the time.

Lin Hong nodded: "It's probably a dead end."

He knew very well in his heart that this time Bo Anzhi might be too bad.

Don't forget, there is not only one Undead Lord, there is also an Undead Lord who takes office, a strong alliance!

This is two-on-one of justice!

The mountains soon arrived at ~www.readwn.com~ and there were no caves, so everyone shot one out at random.

Night fell gradually.

Lin Hong randomly found a big rock to block the entrance.

"We must stay away from here tomorrow."

Off said to him, another meaning permeated the words.

If you can't leave thousands of kilometers away, you will probably be affected. This time I really didn't expect to hit someone in the face.

"Hmm..." Lin Hong nodded gently.


Suddenly the roar of the earth shaking and the shaking of the mountains came.

Everyone looked at the gap between the stones and found that the outside was already occupied by monsters.

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