I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1422: Disguised tracking


There was tension in Ove's eyebrows.

Could it be that the whereabouts of the others were discovered?

Lin Hong said: "Don't go out, see the situation first."

After that, everyone waited, and there was stillness in the air.

ten minutes later.

"It doesn't seem to have been found?"

Fu Jiaojiao hesitated, finished speaking very quietly, and looked outside through the cracks in the stone.

She was shocked: "A lot...Is this going to be a decisive battle?"

"should be."

Lin Hong nodded gently.

Outside, there are monsters all over the mountains, and others have been trapped here.

"What should I do now?" Off gritted his teeth, "how about rushing out?"

"It's not too late for us to leave after the decisive battle."

Fu Jiaojiao was puzzled and asked.

For a moment, Lin Hong and Offe looked at each other, both of them understood each other's meaning from each other's eyes.

You must not stay here for a long time!

Lin Hong muttered a little and let out the car: "Wait for a while to see the situation, if it doesn't work, just kill it."

"it is good!"

Of course he was the first to agree.

Others looked at each other and had to follow along and agree, and in this way, everyone reached a unity.



Time passed by every minute and every second.

It was dark, and the monsters began to appear frantically, and they were almost too crowded.

Lin Hong couldn't help but said, "Can't wait any longer."

If you continue, I'm afraid there will be more and more monsters. I and others are probably in the center of the battlefield.


Off got in the car.

Upon seeing this, Lin Hong greeted the others. When he was ready, he sat in the position of the co-pilot and slammed on the accelerator.

The roar of the engine is endless.

Soon, the car rushed out and smashed the boulder directly.

"Ready to fight!" Off shouted.


Others responded one after another, took out their weapons, and hurried along while killing.

Fortunately, the car made of undead coins was strong enough, and many monsters were killed on the road, but it was a little broken.

However, the change came.

A baboon-like monster appeared and knocked the car over with just one punch.

Fu Jiaojiao shouted: "Husband!!!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine..."

Lin Hong raised his hand to put the scrapped car into the small world, and glanced around.

The monsters have surrounded them, and many of them are huge and fierce-looking.

"What should I do now?" Ofe was completely unable to think.

Now it seems that no matter how you do it, it is a dead end, and there is no hope of life.


"I have a way."

Lin Hong said suddenly.

Everyone looked over.

Upon seeing this, Lin Hong smiled lightly: "Have you forgotten the fastest means of transportation?"

"Husband, you mean... flying saucer?"

Fu Jiaojiao's eyes gradually showed light.

Lin Hong nodded.

In this situation, if you take a flying saucer, you can easily leave.

Just before that...

This area has to be emptied.

He informed this, everyone nodded and rushed towards the monsters, preparing to kill them.

After a while.

There was blood everywhere on the ground.

The stumps and arms of countless monsters were scattered on the ground, and everyone in Lin Hong was already stained with blood.

Ove said, "It's almost there, right?"


Lin Hong nodded slightly, and his murderous aura burst out.

The corpse on the ground disappeared instantly.

Then, he released the flying saucer and walked in with everyone. At this moment, a figure was coming from afar.

At the top, it turned out to be that Bo Anzhi!

Everyone felt nervous because of this.

Lin Hong didn't panic, controlled the flying saucer to take off, and then rushed away.

Bo Anzhi was left far behind.

Fu Jiaojiao breathed out, "I was scared to death just now."

If you really run into Bo Anzhi, you and others may end up miserably.

"By the way, daughter of death, you never seem to have exerted your true strength?"

Off said suddenly at this moment.

"Huh?" Seeing everyone looking over, the dead girl was a little puzzled.

"How powerful is your real strength?"

Gu Zhu couldn't help asking, and he was also very curious about it.

He could see that the Lady of Death was very powerful, but she had never shown her true strength, and more often she had been dull.

Lin Hong pondered a little: "Okay, she doesn't want to say, there is no need to continue to ask."

At this point, all the talents gave up one after another.

"I can say!"

The woman of death suddenly bit her lower lip, her face solemn, as if she had made some decision.

"Let's talk." Lin Hong nodded.

"Actually... I'm very good."

The daughter of death said so.

For a time, everyone was speechless.

Off tried to ask: "How powerful is it, can you describe it?"

"Should be a little weaker than Bo Anzhi."

The woman of death replied that it was not very clear.

"Let's do this, you... punch Lin Hong." Offe gave an idea.

"Why hit me?"

Lin Hong was speechless for a while.

Off replied: "Because you are the strongest among us, who do you not beat?"

"Something makes sense...Come on."

Lin Hong whispered a few words, then took off his clothes.

"What do I need to do?" The dead woman tried to ask.

"Just hit him as hard as you can."

There was a smile on Ove's face, giving the impression that he was on purpose.

"it is good!"

The dead woman nodded vigorously.

Then, she exhaled, a burst of energy slowly condensed in her hand, and then punched hard.

"Huh!!" The huge sound of breaking through the sky dispersed in all directions.

"Sure enough."

Off couldn't help but marvel.

With this punch, I'm afraid that I can beat myself up.

Just when his fist was about to get closer, Lin Hong raised his hand, and the Eastern Emperor Bell dropped from the sky, shutting the dead woman in.


The bells echoed.

The dead woman in the Eastern Emperor's Bell looked dumbfounded: "Am I not harmed?"

At that time, the situation of dealing with Bo Anzhi was still vivid, and it was because of Donghuangzhong that he drove him away.

But now...

I was in it, but I was not affected by the bell.

"I can control who the Donghuang Bell causes harm."

Lin Hong said with a slight smile.

He turned around: "I already understand that your strength is very strong, and you are a lot stronger than me. Is there any concern for not using it in combat?"

"Hmm... In fact, when I was in the City of the Dead, the city lord taught me some things, including not being able to abuse my power."

The woman of death nodded gently.

"If your strength is really used indiscriminately, it is indeed easy to cause chaos in the world." Lin Hong raised his hand and touched the Donghuang Bell.

He found that the Eastern Emperor's Bell was still trembling slightly, which was enough to prove how powerful the punch of the dead woman was.

"I have a piece of bad news to tell you."

The voice of the porridge dragon suddenly came.

Everyone walked over ~www.readwn.com~ and looked outside along his line of sight, their complexions changed.

I saw that the monster was rushing out of the ground in the direction of the flying saucer.

Off could not help saying: "Is this Boanzhi tracking us in disguise?"

"This bastard..."

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip.

"I'm afraid it's because of me." Lin Hong rubbed his nose.

To be precise, it wasn't because of me, but because of the East Emperor Bell.

"If it weren't for me, I would really do that."

Lin Hong raised his hand and put away the East Emperor Bell, and said with a slight smile.

The decisive battle is imminent, this guy is nothing more than afraid that he will take the Eastern Bell to help him deal with him, so that he will be defeated.

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