I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1424: Fu Jiaojiao's life experience

"Why is there such a suspicion?"

Lin Hong couldn't help asking.

The inner demon replied: "Will the person who overthrew the Lord Yan with his own hands, his children, get the power of the Lord Yan?"

"Could it be that……"

Lin Hong seemed to know the truth.

That is, Fu Jiaojiao was not the city owner's birth, but adopted.

The reason for adoption is because of this one-third of the power!

"It's very likely this." The heart demon couldn't help saying.

"Interesting, really interesting."

Lin Hong whispered softly.

He turned to sort out the situation and buried the matter in his heart.

No matter what, the city lord dealt with Jiaojiao well, and everyone could see it.



Everyone got in the car and continued on their way.

Lin Hong tried to shout: "God of Destiny, are you there?"

No answer was received.

"I knew it, I didn't go so free and easy at that time."

Lin Hong rubbed his aching eyebrows.

You should at least ask something before leaving.

"Husband, if we can't find the God of Destiny, shall we keep looking for it like this?" Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help asking.

"I will."

Lin Hong nodded, then looked at everyone.

Gu Zhu immediately stated: "Master, no matter what you do, I will always follow."

"I just can't stay idle and take a walk with you."

Ofe said with his shoulders up.

Speaking of it, he is already very old, at least he looks like this on the outside.

The rest of the crowd expressed their opinions.

The Death Girl and Rice Porridge Dragon didn't know where to go, so they simply followed.

After a day of driving, I found a city.

As soon as I entered, I heard the sound of a riot, the undead residents here.

Lin Hong raised his hand to hug Fu Jiaojiao: "Let's go and go to a safe place."

The whole street, or the whole city, has already begun riots, and people seem to be crazy.

"what happened?"

Fu Jiaojiao was puzzled.

Soon, everyone came to an alley that could be considered safe for the time being. Some people were hiding here, and they were shocked to see them.

"We are not the rioters. Excuse me, what is going on here?" Off walked over and asked.

Logically speaking, there will be no undead rebellion in the Undead City, but here is the Undead World.

"We don't know either, everyone is just as crazy as..."

"It's the third time this month."


People talked a lot.

Lin Hong nodded, his brows filled with heaviness.

After hesitating a little, Fu Jiaojiao asked, "Could someone try to usurp the throne?"

"Impossible. In every city, the most powerful person is always the city lord. Whoever dares to seek the usurpation of the throne will have a dead end."

Off immediately turned around, as the lord of the city, he knew this.

"These are not things we should be concerned about. When the riot ends later, we will go to inquire about the resurrection and rent a house overnight by the way." Lin Hong said.

Everyone needs to rest, and now is also a good opportunity to inquire about the news.

Soon, the riot ended, and I don't know how many undead died.

"Let's go?"

Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help asking.

Lin Hong nodded, but found something was wrong: "Where is the bone Zhu?"

"He...wasn't he here just now? Where is the man?!"

Ofe looked over, the expression on his face changed rapidly, and it was not a good thing to disappear now.

"I'm going to find it. You act according to the original plan." Lin Hong walked out of the alley after finishing talking.

"I'm looking for it."

The heart demon said that he was using the system to detect it.

Soon, he discovered: "Three kilometers away directly ahead."

"it is good……"

Lin Hong nodded.

As long as you can find it, at least people haven't really lost it.

"Damn oppression, **** City Lord!" Gu Zhu was walking in the middle of the street, with the bodies of many soldiers on either side.

"Are you crazy?"

Lin Hong walked over quickly.

When Gu Zhu saw him, his crazy eyes eased a little, but turned even more crazy: "Damn the city lord!!"


Lin Hong slapped his hand up.

Although Gu Zhu was not awake, he was knocked out.

Lin Hong took him away and quickly disappeared in place. Fortunately, the situation is special now, and no one has noticed the situation here.


Lin Hong rented a few rooms and put down his bones after going in: "Inner Demon, do you understand what's going on?"

"He seems to have controlled his mind."

The demon said.

"Isn't this something obvious?" Lin Hong was speechless, asking if there were other findings.

"The person who controls him is in the city and it will take some time to find."

The demon replied.

Lin Hong nodded softly, tied the bone Zhu, went to the street and informed Fu Jiaojiao and others about the location of the inn, and then started to inquire about the news along the way, asking very vaguely.

After four hours, he returned to no avail.

Even though he was prepared, Lin Hong also had a headache: "It seems that it is useless to ask these ordinary people."

There must be the existence of City Lord and Meng Po to have hope.

"Boom! Bang—"

A loud noise came from the inn.

Lin Hong looked back and hurried over, and found that Gu Zhu had left the room at some point and was messing up on the first floor.

As for the rope?

Has been broken away long ago.

"Come on, come and help, another crazy one!!" The shop owner shouted, looking at the broken things, his heart was like a knife.


Lin Hong gave out a bag of undead coins, turned to Gu Zhu's side, and patted it with a palm.

Same as before.

Gu Zhu fainted on the spot.

Lin Hong made an apologetic gesture to the shop owner, then carried the bone Zhu upstairs, returned to the room, and threw it to the ground.

The heart demon couldn't help but said: "It seems that after being controlled, there will be a strong desire to attack."

Lin Hong nodded, of course he also saw this.

"I found... the man is outside the city, running far away."

The demon said suddenly.

Lin Hong broke through the window upon hearing this.

The best way to save the bones now is to catch the perpetrator.

Following the guidance of the inner demon, he left the city, and soon found something running in front of him.

"It's him!" said the inner demon.


Lin Hong immediately took out a stone and shot it.

An accurate hit hit the figure's leg.

Something shocking happened.

After the thing had only one leg left, it was still running, and it didn't seem to feel any pain.

Lin Hong was surprised: "What's the matter?"

Although puzzled, he threw the second stone.

Hit again, breaking the other leg of the figure, this time, he couldn't afford it directly.

"Let me see what kind of monster you are."

Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief, walked quickly over, and looked closer, frowning.

I saw it.

This turned out to be just two clothes.

"No, you were deceived, you go!" The inner demon noticed something.

Lin Hong was about to leave ~www.readwn.com~ but heard the voice coming.

"Finally caught you!!"

A figure from far to near, with many soldiers, is the city lord of the previous city, Wei Wan.

Lin Hong handed over: "There may be any misunderstandings between us."

"Huh, misunderstanding? I realized that this is the source of the riots in my city. You are the only one here. How could it be a misunderstanding?!"

Wei Wan said this, and sent someone to arrest him.

"There is no need to be like this." Lin Hong frowned, "Do you think I have a motive?"

"Of course it is coveting me as the city lord!"

Wei Wan said categorically.

But soon, he denied this idea, because Lin Hong burst out with a terrifying murderous aura.

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